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Moltara Worms: New Quest!


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I am on my 3rd day...


same here :crying:



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I found the first eight worms the first day, and I found the rainbow worm yesterday. Now, I'm still looking for the black worm :(



I know it doesn't take away from anyone's frustration, but I'm glad at least that this is somewhat of a common occurrence and there are a few of us having this problem.

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Guest galenhithwen

Just got the rainbow worm at 9:41 NST :) Dunno if that'll help anyone else, maybe try to get it around the 40 minute mark :D Happy hunting!

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I had put my lantern in my safety deposit box and then the rainbow worm appeared and I had no where to put it. Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!


Lol I did the exact same thing. But I took the lantern out and refreshed the page and I got the rainbow worm! ;)


they do. but they're random between them


http://www.jellyneo.net/?go=tangorsworkshop there's the link i used to know where they were


Omg very useful link here. People are selling the Vaggendotra for like 600k on the trading post. That's alot of money. Lol.


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Got all my worms, just looking for lots more gears/scrap metal.


Just wondering, has anyone else ever see 2 worms pop up on the page at the same time? I was refreshing for worms and saw the purple one and the yellow one both in the caves. I already had purple, so I just went for the yellow, but anyone else notice this? And that "you thought you saw something there but didn't" is really annoying (they're NOT in the inventory).


Is scrap metal any easier to find at the pool, or is it everywhere?



Do you have the black one? because the black one looks purple, and im thinking you thought it was purple when it wasnt.


Random question... am I missing a step here? I got my lamp and collected all 10 worms, but when I go to the Dark Caves, it tells me "It's much too dark in here to see! You'd better find an appropriate light source, otherwise you'd be doomed to spend your days stumbling in the dark." Am I missing a step somewhere?


Yeah, you need to fill the lamp with the worms, and go to the place you got the lamp.


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Okay.. I'm still looking for the black worm. Sitting.. clicking.. eyes slowly gazing over, and I noticed this:




He is grinning at my frustration. I'm onto you, neopets. I'm onto you..




noticed what....?


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So now, after having collected the worms and bringing the lantern back to the shop to get the worms nursed back to health, Lampwyck says that I left the lantern open and all the worms escaped and have to be found again.


What new adventure awaits...?

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still can anyone help me with the Black one? :axehead:


Sure, It's the purple outlined ine in the cave beside the petpetoriom in this picture: http://www.jellyneo.net/images/guides/moltaracaves_worms.png


Edi: I think this quest and the tangors workshop may be a way to get into the magma pool by making all the petpets and the big wearable toy I will test this theory but It'll take some time.

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