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Okay, so I think this years GMC was super extra difficult. I think this is TNT's way of getting back at us neopians for saying the latest plot was too easy. Many of the games had gliches which made the games harder, TNT took the longest games (like MJB, GGE, and Spinacles) and made them have the hardest scores so it would take forever to reach the score. And now it seems some of our prizes for the challenges are multiplying, and if we do anything with them before TNT can delete them, we may get frozen. o_O


I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait until this is all over....2 1/2 hours to go!


Thankfully, I managed to get the 40/40, though MJB and Spinacles almost got me. How did everyone else fair?


Eh, I'm fine with a 38/40.

I simply hate hasees or whatever, since they sound like children getting tortured and they're horribly ugly.

Also, spinacles didn't do much to help my nerves.


I thought I was the only one with mutliplying prizes.. makes me nervous.


I cannot solve MJB to save my life.. on the other hand, I was quite pleased to see Spinacles and Kou-Jong show up on their list (however, I was not pleased to realize I had to get to stage 2 *3* times).


I'm at 37/40. Crisis Courier, Magax and MJB.. just not my games.


You get frozen for using the items? I did read a book to 2 of my pets, will it freeze me? :O


Silly TNT, you shouldn't glitch on such a big event.


I don't think you'll get frozen for that since you used them, just DON'T try to sell them or trade them. Either keep them in your inventory or SDB. And the multiplying neocash items you are supposed to put in your SDB. People are just trying to take advantage of the books by hoarding and selling them to people and TNT doesn't want anyone getting ripped off after spending money on the items only for them to disappear.


I will be so glad when this is all over. TNT has really started screwing the pooch with the site.


Ohhh and I thought that my computer was hacking on its own. I read it to 2 of my neopets and put the rest in my SDB. Im stuck on Spinacles.... why isit so hard. My MJB just got beaten. I kept getting 2.6k. Like once I got 2692 .___. . But after a cup of orange juice(YES ORANGE JUICE) I managed to get some 3.2k points! Anyone would like to give tips on Spinacles? I'm having trouble getting past 2k score points. =(


Quick Spinacles tip is that in the lower levels, where it's easy to clear the board, try to purposely not clear the board. You get points slowly, but you can keep working around the very inner part of the circle instead of worrying about it getting too far out like it will in the later levels. It took me kind of forever and I was pretty bored by the time I finished, but I got the score.


Super Hasee Bounce, on the other hand...I think I'm going to give up and get 39/40. It is far more frustrating to me than MJB was, and honestly it's kind of unfun. MJB is at least a game I enjoyed even while getting frustrated.


Super Hasee what I did was, well, I just made myself not frustrated. That's how I got a score of I think 870? I kept saying to myself, I'll win with this no. of life left. And I won with 0 lives left(that means I got 850 with 0 lives) lol. I really hate it when the hasee just makes it to the corner and when you think you caught it, it steps on the other hasee and makes you unable to move.. That nearly made me bang my head on the wall. Oh and don't worry about collecting everything, I had 850 in I think level 12. I guess it's okay to miss a few doughnuts but not ok to lose a life.


Pterattack did me in this time... I'm happy with 39/40 though, seeing that I can hardly even get past 700 for pterattack, let alone 1700 3 times :S.


For Ptera, you should just follow the guide in TDN! Usually I aim for the fire on(or all the time) and ignore the rest. When you get fire lv4, you can just stand there and hold the space bar till the level with yellow birds(lazy spell). Then quickly move to the side and hold your spacebar there and run when the time comes(exmaple a horde of birds suddenly rush to you or some fat monster charge from behind). You should get 1.7k easily.


38. MJB was not having it after many different strategies. And Sinnacles was making me dizzy. @_@ When do we get our trophies? :D Maybe after TNT is done cleaning up all this mess (pleasegetallthestuffoutofmyinventorythx)


I finished my last challenge this morning. It seems you can still work on GMC at this time.

I finished my last challenge this morning. It seems you can still work on GMC at this time.

I noticed this too - tried another round of Meepit Juice Break but couldn't "break" it. Wonder if we'll have it through the day.


I think I'm going to have to give up at 36/40. I can't get 1700 in pteerattack once...MJB has always flumaxed me, hasee bounce is driving me insane and I don't seem to be able to get over 400 in the mine one...annoyance! I did nail spinacles this minute though!


I got 40/40!! It did take me a while to get the Spinacles score, until I wen to the boards and saw the advice to make the first levels last as long as possible by shooting at random until you had big clusters of balls (*facepalm*).


I also got the duplication glitch: I can't go to the challenge page without filling my inventory with anti-ssea sick pills, and both books.... And I still don't have the Spinacle prize.


it was incredibly difficult for me! i'm awful at games to begin with. i did finish 25 of the forty which is okay for me, the rest of the games were just impossible for me. spinacles, drove me crazy last night!!


I did 40/40. The last day wasn't too hard for me. Spinacles was annoying a bit, only because it's time consuming but they could have picked a worse game such as Gummy Dice with an insane score.


;~; Grawwwwrrhhhh!

I got the same trophy as the last GMC. And I spent the last few minutes trying to get Spinacles, just when I sent the score, the GMC was over. D'8


I thought spinacles was pretty easy, got enough points on the first try, but thats probably because i played it before and got a trophy. I can't beat Juice so I'm at 39/40.. I didn't even come close, highest i got was like 2.1k...


I could have cleared more challenges but I got tired after doing 31. xP I'm not a game type person, so I get easily annoyed in doing too much. So I finished at 31/40 even though I could have easily gotten more done. I did better than last time since I only got to level 5 and this time to level 7. :]

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