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Games Master Challenge 2009

Shane for Wax

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Welp, after numerous tries I was close to getting the second score on pterattack, ran into a different powerup without noticing, and tried to fight on anyway, managing a score of 1690. :evo:


Yay it's Feed Florg~ But the prize is not Florg related. :(

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Yeah, it's not florg related, but I think it's nice. :] Yet another petpet in my sdb. xP


I thought I was going to have trouble with Snot Splatter since I've played it twice in the past and my best score was short of 1200 by like less than 100. But the first two rounds I cleared with one click, which was good to kind of think about it a bit more, since I'm a puzzle person. :] I felt accomplished hitting the score.


I don't like Wicked Wocky Wobble. The one time my score got to 200, my score didn't go through. :\ It made me sad since I kept getting lower than 100. But reading the guide really helped on what things to avoid, so that was a good read. :]


Seems like I like writing novels... xP

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I can't figure out what games are qualifying for veiwing the king skarl high scores, I Have viewed 10 merridel High scores and still no dice

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O.o i beat snot splatter 10 times with a score 16k each time and that was only because i wanted the 10k for it. im shocked to see that game is hard.


and I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE! {sounds like kefka from final fantasy three} wicked wocky wobble! that game is diabolically evil! there is no reason for it to be that difficult the darn thing moves way to *bleeeep* fast. the ONLY reason im going to keep at it is i WANT that 40+ trophy for once im not gonna sit around and not get it this year im gonna get it!

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I did Wocky Wobble on my first try. Yup yup.

I got a bit lucky there, I guess.


must be nice its fighting me every way from sunday that stupid blipping warf showed up SEVEN TIMES in one game which ultimated KILLED me.




FINALLY i managed to JUST barely ever so barely get it

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It's getting really demanding, I had some problems with the 20 games challenge...

Can't imagine how many will be tomorrow!

Anyone knows where can I find the qualifying scores for all the games? To know in which ones I still have a chance and which ones are useless...

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The best I can do is 1800 too. Do the US players get easier games (again)?

If you mean do we still have to do Meepit Juice Break then the answer is no, not easier. If you mean the other thing then...



Help CinnaMon™ in his quest to find Apple™ by sending a score of 60 or greater for this game whose sponsor goes great with milk!

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