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What do you think about these? Sometimes Twilight is changed into 'My Little Pony' on the neoboards.


Eh, it's probably just giving Twilight more attention.

I don't care much for Twilight though, since it's not a particularly good piece of writing as far as I've seen and because most of the fans are high school girls drooling over Edward Cullen.


Oddly enough, I find it more annoying than all the Twilight chatter :shiftyeyes_anim:

There is already enough problems with the haters & lovers. This just adds fuel to the fire.


I quite like this <3 I don't post much, but lurking the boards, it's ridiculously fun to see posts being changed.


Yay new filters!


I'd much rather see topics about My Little Pony than Twilight. I hate Twilight. Yaaay filters.


I really doubt these filters are permanent. TNT's just having a little fun while the Twilight hype is building back up.


I think it's really funny seeing messages that don't make sense.


After lurking around the Neoboards, I found these filters:


Twilight changes to My Little Pony

Breaking Dawn changes to Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (o-o)

New Moon changes to Gone With The Wind

Eclipse changes to Toy Story

Edward changes to Roxton Colchester III

Jacob changes to Jordie

Cullen changes to Smith

Isabella/Bella changes to Clara Chatham

Alice changes to Alyss

Jasper changes to Mr. Magoo

Robert Pattinson changes to Clark Kent

Taylor Lautner changes to Nick Neopia

Kristen Stewart changes to Bela Lugosi

Vampire changes to Xweetok

Werewolf changes to Werelupe


I think that's all of them.


Nice to see TNT have some fun with all this Twilight hype. I got a good laugh out of these.


ny favorite is stephenie meyer turns into krusty the clown. and cullen beciomes smith

krusty the klown wrote the my little pony series starring clara clatham, and roxton colchester III, who is a xweetok. roxton colchestr III last name is smith and has relatives like allys and mr. magoo


Freedom of speech, yadda, yadda, yadda...

I dunno. I can see why these aren't a bad idea, and Neopets is privately owned, so they're allowed to ban whatever they want. But I feel like this is drawing more attention to Twilight rather than getting rid of the influence. In the end, Neopets does have a lot of children around, and they unfortunately need to be babysat a bit.


Before the filters, there were way too many Twilight boards. After the filter was first put in place, there were WAY too many boards about the filter. But now it looks like there are few boards about either topic. So besides being entertaining, I also think it's worked to curb down the Twilight talk.


I kinda pity those whose names are indeed either Alice, Edward, Isabella etc... XD Imagine trying to introduce yourself only to see some other random name/word pop up instead!


But yes, too many Twilight boards ftl. -.- Hopefully it'll die down soon... And please, no more Team Edward or Team Jacob boards @_@.


hehe... I actually like Twilight xD. Love, really. But not in a 'OMGTHISISTHEBESTBOOKINTHEWORLD AND ZOMG THEY R ALL SO HAWT'-kinda way. I just really love it, can't really explain why.


And I think most Twilight haters hate the fanbase more than the books/movies itself. if you don't like a book/movie then move on. I've never really understood why people would take the time to really HATE something and go and and on about it ;p


But anyways, I think the filters are pretty lame. Yes, the twilight topics (both pro and anti) were ANNOYING, but this is really taking away the 'freedom of speech'. Like, why are we allowed to talk about Pokémon, but not Twilight? (Although most changes are pretty funny). So yeah..


Because no one is gonna go 'RAWR POKEMON IS THE BEST CARD GAME EVAR AND ASH IS HOT AND blah blah blah."


I hate the books, I hate the fanbase, I hate the movies. I feel sad for the girls today who have read these books and think that Edward is their boyfriend or whatever.


I am a vampire and werewolf purist. Yes they can go out of their bad guy/good guy norm, but Twilight just turned everything on its ear.


Also, you don't have freedom of speech on an international site. Technically you do if it's situated in the US, but it's also their site and they can do what they want.


You've never seen topics like that? I know I have ;p (maybe not 'Ash is hot' on Neopets, but still....). Pokemon was pretty huge a few years ago (bigger than twilight even).


I just.. dunno. So what if you don't like it (or HATE it even)? (Try to) ignore it. I don't like Lady GaGa or Tokio Hotel, yet the world seems to be determined to slap them in my face, so I ignore it.


Just two more movies and then the twilight-hype will be gone.


Also, I feel really bad for people who are named Bella/Edward/Jacob/Alice..you know.


I guess my main problem is when people look like they're about to do physical harm to me when they ask if I like Twilight and I say no, Meyer's writing is way below my intelligence.


Idk, I was ok with the movies (ok i onliy saw the first one, but i didn't hate it), but afterwards I read through the series and I feel like Meyer didn't really develop a great plot. After book 2, I felt like she was on a deadline and just rushed through the rest of the series to make money faster. That being said, i'm for Team Taylor Lautner. I mean Team Jacob. *shifty eyes*


I happened to have loved the movies, which after watching the first movie around 10 times is when I decided that I was interested. Loving the books so far, beginning the second, read the first and third (3rd I read 1st).


Now saying that I think filters only made it worse, as the filters don't just pick up the word in the middle of a username being said but also anything that had a space in between seemed to do it for a while too.


I think the filters would have been somewhat harmless if they had applied it to the words only not when the word was incorporated in another word.

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