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Innuendo- an indirect intimation about a person or thing, esp. of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.


Kind of like when people say 'It' and then other people are like 'oooh you said IT!" It=well...I can't say it on here. But I think plenty of people know what I mean.

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There is a reason why children should not access certain features on Neopets.I have a son playing Neopet's who uses his correct age and cannot access the chatrooms or send neomail.I prefer it that way.I've seen my fair share of kids online acting out and blowing up over nothing,and a great number of them are "Report Happy."


It would be nice if parents would just keep a closer eye on what their children are doing on the internet.It's sad some parents use Neopets as a virtual babysitter.As far as Neopets goes,I do not agree they should EVER be held accountable for a child creating an account with a fake age.That is the parents fault 100%


My sister (who's under 13) made an under 13 account. Several things with it, like not being to have Neofriends or view avatars, disappointed her. So she made another account, putting her age at 13.

I told her not to go to the Neoboards and I keep track of what she's doing.



I don't think there shouldn't be a reason why someone shouldn't be truthful about their age. It's a reason why under 13 can't see the forums and if they want to, need their parent's signature. There are reasons why there are things minors can't do everything. It is to protect them mostly since I doubt that they actually know best. I mean, I let my cousin's daughter use my account to play games, but I'm always right next to her to actually make sure that she's not doing anything inappropriate for her age since she's exactly 10 years younger than myself. I know she wouldn't do anything inappropriate since I know her, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't be overlooking what she's doing. It feels like a lot of the younger crowd wants to grow up too fast. Like I seriously remember in jr. high where 7th graders were wearing much more makeup than the 8th graders. It just shouldn't be like that. People should appreciate their age and understand that some things are above their age in doing so and not have an itch to lie about their age to appear mature because it is actually showing the opposite in what they are trying to do. It actually shows that they are immature. I started my account at 13 (I feel so old now) and didn't lie that I was that age. If you're limited, then it's only appropriate to be content with that rather than take the time to make another account. Making another account, at least for me, I find it being pointless. It's not like they won't eventually be whatever age they want and tbh, I know I feel like I never want to age more. xP But I think parents should at least familiarize what their child is doing and making sure that they aren't lying about their age.


I said a different age when I first started playing, mostly because I thought it made a difference in neo gameplay. Like other sites... but in 2000 it didn't make a difference at all, it was just a difference of age back then. Though now, they do it so that children under 13 cannot be subjected to the rude, doffing manner of speech we see. It makes it a more pleasant enviroment for them. Though after 13 you see the reckless and tactless behavior of some of those people whom feel anonymous enough on the neoboards to subjugate others to obscenties and unreasonable and disturbingly rude speech. (this is partially a rant at that btw...)


I think it is a positive thing nowadays to be honest about your age, not to hide behind another age so you feel more adult as 'internet' related dialogue is not intended for the younger people, and kids really need to be more careful.


Thats my two cents lol, a lot but a little... probably is a lot alike to what anyone else has said.


I don't like it. Maybe It's because I waited ages to become 13 all of those years ago..

I girl joined my guild the other day, and when she introduced herself she said she was 12.

She hasn't been frozen yet though, loads of people get away with it.

I'm suprised they haven't filtered the words 'I'm 12' or something. D:


I can understand perfectly why children lie about their age on neopets because being under 13 restricts access to such a large amount of the site. I can see why some people get really het up about it, but as I can understand why they do it then I see no reason for me to have an issue with it.

Everyone wonders why people become victims of sexual predators.


Fair point, but we're talking about neopets. You know, neopets, the site that won't even let you write a ' incase its a swear word... When have you ever seen, nay heard of, a sexual predator on neo?



I don't think there shouldn't be a reason why someone shouldn't be truthful about their age. It's a reason why under 13 can't see the forums and if they want to, need their parent's signature.


Well, I live in England, and when I was 12 I couldn't fax in a signiture to America... We didn't own a fax machine for a start (who owns a fax machine?!). I talked it over with my mum and she really couldn't seen the problem with it all. There's so much more to being underage than just not being able to go on the boards - you cant even have friends or join guilds - how lonely is that? I think if your old enough to realise why it helps to be older on neo, then it should be fine - espeically since its not really hurting anybody. If you want to keep your record clean because you want to be a doctor or whatever, then don't break the law :P They can't punish you for something you didn't do... You should always been speaking politely anyway, its not just children you can offend with bad lanugage and more often than not its less likely that you'll offend children with bad lanugage than other people. These posts just prove my point - notice all the people who've had to lie about their ages don't see a problem, and all those who probably haven't think its terrible that they do?


As for neopets having to set the age restrictions, thats fine. Its probably all just for legal reasons anyway to cover them anyway (just like it probably says in the T&C's if you die or get burgled while your playing on neopets, its not their fault)...

Fair point, but we're talking about neopets. You know, neopets, the site that won't even let you write a ' incase its a swear word... When have you ever seen, nay heard of, a sexual predator on neo?

Not trying to sound mean,but REALITY CHECK! Where there are children,there are predators waiting to prey on children.I used to see people on the neoboards EVERYDAY back in mid 2006 posting up nasty things regarding 12 & 13 year old LITTLE girls.And guess what these kids did? Do you think they got off the board and ignored these people? No,they wanted to start up conversation with them.Even posted up "Neomail me".


And then there is this point,sometimes kids trick adults....Yes I was in that situation before.Again in 2006, I was chatting with a person who was supposed to be 22,they asked my age.I believe at the time I was 21? Anyway I gave my age and offered my help to them .That's ALL.Next thing I know,I'm being pummeled with neomails from this person saying.I'm reporting you! I'm only 11 and you're an adult! GROSS! Give me "whatever item" or I'm gonna tell you were saying gross things to me..........Lets just say child or not,I gave that girl a neomail full,then reported her and she was frozen :D


We keep forgetting that kids also make false accusations to get what they want especially on neopets.I'm not saying all kids are like that particular kid I was talking about,but I know from first hand experience that it happens a lot.And as far as the filters go,Everyone knows ways around those.The Neopet filters are good for nothing but stopping neomails that doesn't contain anything bad (usually for me) So I agree with EVERYTHING hardblackrock has posted on this subject.

And as far as not having full access to the site.My son is 9 and the only restrictions he has is the neoboards,neomail, guilds and certain games.Where he has no business being in the first place! I will not ever allow my child to associate with full grown adults over the internet.There is to many bad things going on in the world involving underaged children and the internet for me to allow it.But it's just my opinion :)


7 years ago I lied about my age on Neopets. :b

But now I use my real age, 19. I never really got in trouble before, and my parents didn't really monitor my activity on the internet (and still don't to this day... but I'm a big girl now.) I never got into trouble with it.


With the gambling issue, there's Pokemon too that has slot machines.. I mean, children can't be fully protected. It's exposed everywhere. If it's not on Neopets, it's another website. If it's not on the internet, it's on another game, it's on television... you know what I mean?


I think Neopets really does this for legal issues anyway. If it's genuine, good on them.

(who owns a fax machine)


I own a fax machine o.o


I'm all for the age restrictions on the neopets site, and even though thousands of children lie about their ages to access all of the site, neopets is not responsible (as pretty much everyone else has said). Parents should, however, moniter their children, because before i blocked the neopets ads, there would be a bunch of them about gaining loads of muscle without spending an inordinate amount of money, which I dont feel is appropriate for a website that quite alot of kids are addicted to. If I had a child, I certainly would not let it come into contact with photos of buff, shirtless men.


You didn't report those ads? I'm not sure those are the type of ads TNT wants on their site =/

If I had a child, I certainly would not let it come into contact with photos of buff, shirtless men.

Ah, those "get ripped in 4 weeks" ads?

Those are indeed irritating when I turn off my ad-blocker to run a scan.


I don't really care whether or not kids lie about their ages on a site like Neopets. Now, there ARE some places where I get really touchy about wanting to know a person's true age, but it's more to protect myself than to protect the kids.


EDIT: ...This post sounds snitty. It isn't intentional. XD


The plain fact is parents cannot be everywhere at once. Neopets is not responsible for anything that happens to children who lie about their age; the CHILDREN are. People need to take responsibility for their actions. Most children that would understand how to create an account, etc. would also understand that safeguards are in place for a reason and lying can only lead to trouble... If someone can wait until they're 16 to drive, they can wait until 13 for their neopets rights...

  • 2 weeks later...

well... i actually did kinda lie just because i got angry about the parental form thing... but c'mon im only like 2 months under 13!!!! ok fine you got me........


Using other rights isn't a great example, ("If someone can wait until they're 16 to drive, they can wait until 13 for their neopets rights.") because I know people in America really abide by those laws but in some countries they really don't lol. In england many kids start drinking at 13 even though the age is 18. But I do agree its the kids responsiblity, or rather, your own responiblity. If grown ups can lie about their ages (I've heard loads of "I lie because I don't like people knowing my real birthday online"), then why can't kids? If they lie about their ages its their own faults, or those in charge of them if you want to think like that...

  • 2 weeks later...

I might be wrong as it was a while ago but I think you had to be older than 13 to access forums and private mail when I joined Neo. My first account I used my real age and couldn't access forums which I didn't care about I was upset that I couldn't neomail my best friend. We tried to fax in the form loads of times but it never worked so I started my eekabee account with a fake age and besides people lie about ages all the time I recently attended my aunts 4th 38th birthday party. Also, I don't belive Neo cares and if they did how would they go about finding peoples real age.

Also, I don't belive Neo cares and if they did how would they go about finding peoples real age.


I agree with this. Unless you blab about your true age somewhere on the site, they can never possibly find out. While I do agree that there need to be some restrictions, I believe the ones currently in place are too all encompassing, especially regarding games.


I think it's pretty stupid if you're only like 8 but you want to go on the Neopets forums so you have to lie! Even though I'm only ten, and I have a need to go on the forums, I'm nt gonna lie just to get more access to the site!




Um, I did that since I was 11 when I made my account. So I myself had lied and made myself 15(?) But I'm not against people doing that. For one thing, I had to do this to get within a 10 mile radius of the NC Mall. Being 13 now still doesn't effect my choice from years ago.


I don't like the idea that all parents are dumping their responsibility on COPPA, or on the sites that we allow our children to surf, as a parent myself I see this in an entirely different light.


My daughter is 10. I allowed her to make an account on Neopets last year, using her correct age. I LOVE the fact that children under 13 cannot have neofriends or use the mail and boards, as it limits the possibility of being trolled after by predators. I would not send in the fax allowing her more freedoms on the site, so she kept nagging me about making another account with a fake birthday. After awhile, I quit letting her play altogether, because I knew it would be a matter of time before she was tempted to do it on her own without my knowledge.


I'll be the first to say that as parents, we have to make watching out for our kids' safety TOP priority. HOWEVER, it isn't that terribly long ago that I was a teenager myself, and I remember all too well the dumb and dangerous things I did without my parents' knowledge, despite the fact that they were extremely strict. It simply is not possible to watch another human being every second, and NO cyber sitter program is 100% effective. I can check my computer's history, but how will I know the point where my child has figured out how to completely erase any evidence of where they've been, who they've been talking to?


I have gone to the extreme of not allowing my children to use the internet without me sitting right there, i.e. if they need homework help. I think my kids under 10 fit into the category of just not being old enough to make good decisions about their safety, an opinion which has been solidified by posts from children that age on this site being scammed and having other users want to contact them in person on neopets.


I can't make that decision for other parents. Nor can I say at what point IS the proper age to allow children access to internet on their own. So I think we DO need these safeguards, for the general benefit.

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