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Snow Aisha UFT/UFA


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I just saw this snow aisha while looking through the pound and thought it deserved a good home!


It is also an avatar pet, so if anyone needs the avatar, I'd be happy to pass it along.


Since it's not on the dream pet thread, I thought I'd just set up a new topic...


The pet's name is Ice_Alluy, and my neopets username is chopin_beethoven, so feel free to contact me if you want it! :)


Edit: Forgot to add that it will only be available for transfer in december as I have used up my november transfer. Sry for the inconvenience!

Edit 2: As no one has said they want it, I'm going to zap it and hopefully it'll change into something nicer unless someone wants it!

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Good luck, I am so devastated, I just painted my disco kacheek snow to get the avatar. In hindsight wasn't so smart as the disco paintbrush cost me about 500k. Anyway, good luck with your trade!

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I saw her in the pound yesterday and was going to adopt her!

Hope she finds a good home! I have an extra scarf if anyone wants, too!

I would love to have a Snow Aisha scarf, but you can't trade paint brush items, sadly.


Also, good luck finding a home for Ice_Alluy. I just love Aishas, but I'm not looking for another one right now. (Well, I want an Alien one...)

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I would love to have a Snow Aisha scarf, but you can't trade paint brush items, sadly.


Also, good luck finding a home for Ice_Alluy. I just love Aishas, but I'm not looking for another one right now. (Well, I want an Alien one...)

Trade no, but give yes. If I found another snow aisha in the pound, I'd take her, then send her to you. The scarf will go with... then you can just chuck it back into the pound :D

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  • 1 year later...

I have a Snow Aisha :)



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