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Game Master Challenge: Coming Soon


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I have a love-hate relationship with GMC. On one hand, I like prizes, and I don't find most of AAA's scores to be hard to achieve. But, on the other hand, I REALLY suck at the games that I suck at, and I usually don't enjoy playing them enough to get good. But I hate to not get one of the AAA trophies because of one or two games, so the GMC ends up being a huge time sink for me, diverting my attention from my regular games. So, I typically end up earning less neopoints during GMC, but I get nifty prizes that I like to hoard.

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Well it should be fun, I don't have too much trouble beating AAA except maybe 2 or 3 games but I hope it won't do like last time....you know...spending 3 hours trying to get a score and when you finally get it ...it doesn't send..."sorry connection problem"


I think I still got the bump from banging my head on the wall that time hehe ;)

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woohooo! GMC :D although i'm with everyone else, i have issues beating AAA in most games :(


I never played this game master challenge thing.. what is it exactly?


have you played the new game challanges that are currently are on the site? I think the current one is Spellseeker.


http://www.neopets.com/games/new-game-challenge/ (that's the linky if you haven't!)


You have to basically beat a certain score to win a prize, and depending on how many challenges you complete at the end you might get a trophy :)

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That's too bad. I really like the fact that we can send Spellseeker scores 5 times a day ;p


Usually I really really suck at games and I can't ever beat AAA, but Spellseeker was really easy :o


Wonder what the new game'll be..

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Arg! We've all been thinking of the Daily Dare! That's the AAA challenge that's a lot like the New Game Challenge.


The GMC is more like a flash game scavenger hunt. Each day, for seven days, there's a number of small challenges to complete. You're given clues about what you might need to do, and you get a prize for successfully completing your gaming task. Usually, it involves sending a low score at a couple specific games, sending a game challenge to a friend, and sending a whole pile of low scores for random flash games. It's typically very easy, but very time consuming by the end.


Here's a link to TDN's coverage of last year's GMC: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/gmc/day1-08/

Have a look through all the days to see what you can expect.

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I participate for the NP, items, and trophy. I generally can only beat Abby though, mainly cause I don't have the patience to try to beat AAA's.

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Arg! We've all been thinking of the Daily Dare! That's the AAA challenge that's a lot like the New Game Challenge.


The GMC is more like a flash game scavenger hunt. Each day, for seven days, there's a number of small challenges to complete. You're given clues about what you might need to do, and you get a prize for successfully completing your gaming task. Usually, it involves sending a low score at a couple specific games, sending a game challenge to a friend, and sending a whole pile of low scores for random flash games. It's typically very easy, but very time consuming by the end.


Here's a link to TDN's coverage of last year's GMC: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/gmc/day1-08/

Have a look through all the days to see what you can expect.


Oooh. Nope I usually miss that I guess ;p. But it sounds easy enough (as long as the scoring's low ;p). Hope I have enough time..

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Cool they're coming back but I thought they were here already though?

What you are thinking of neotrinston, is the NEW game challenges, which is different than the GMC, Everytime a new game comes out it sometimes includes a challenge where you can win a prize for beatting AAA's score :). I hope this answer helps. I am looking forward to leaving AAA in the dust.

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Arg! We've all been thinking of the Daily Dare! That's the AAA challenge that's a lot like the New Game Challenge.


The GMC is more like a flash game scavenger hunt. Each day, for seven days, there's a number of small challenges to complete. You're given clues about what you might need to do, and you get a prize for successfully completing your gaming task. Usually, it involves sending a low score at a couple specific games, sending a game challenge to a friend, and sending a whole pile of low scores for random flash games. It's typically very easy, but very time consuming by the end.


Here's a link to TDN's coverage of last year's GMC: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/gmc/day1-08/

Have a look through all the days to see what you can expect.


Of course how could I forget!!! Its easy at first but then it really eats up a lot of time...nevertheless a cool trophy is a cool trophy :D

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