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BREAKING: New Neopets Magma Color Coming Soon!


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News has recently broken that Neopets will soon be releasing a new color - Magma! The very reliable source that has never been wrong, Neocolours, has announced they discovered that Magma will in fact be the next Neopets color to be released and that it will be released for approximately 20 different species right off the bat. Wow. TNT, we're impressed!


Unfortunately no image previews have been discovered by anybody yet so we can only wonder what this color is going to look like. Post your thoughts in our comments today on your opinion of the new color, what you think it will look like, or about anything!

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Guest Severus Snape

Are you kidding me? Magma? That's so lame...they already have Fire. Judging by the looks of it, we'll have 5 billion combinations of fire before we actually GET a decent color.


Bleh, where's the Ninja PB? The Altadorian one?


So many ideas...and this.


Wow. <--- like Windows Vista "Wow".

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Wow, either TNT can read directly into my mind, my parents work for Neo, or I can read the future. Just yesterday I was thinking about new paintbrush colors and lava came to mind. I thought that would be pretty cool but too close to Fire. It was like dejavu, but not really... o_O

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I think it's going look kind of like fire, but more brownish so it looks more like magma! It would be cool if your whole pet made of lava though. Both would be awesome in my opinion!


mTs8.gif click pretty please?

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omg thats awseome i didn't think they were going to make a new color i wonder why they did ?

I bet this might be something to help people get over the whole plot idea... maybe.

Heh, I'm one of those peeps who can't stop thinking about plots. xD

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Well, Magma wouldn't be my first hope for a new colour, but it doesn't sound too bad. I just hope it's better than Fire.

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I hope pets can get a whole flame body like this. It sounds pretty nice, though I guess the paintbrush and stuff will be extremely expensive. I hope it will be a lab colour.

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Aw, I thought that said manga, but I guess magma is cool too. D:


So did I. :O An anime/manga paintbrush would be awesome. Imagine all the little pets like that. xD


And the "Fire Fire Your Pants on Fire Paint Brush" sounded right? :P


I hope there's a PB to go with it. An avatar would be nice too...


xD That first sentence you said is WIN.



Oh yes an avatar would be nice. Except then it will inflate quickly even if it's lame...Still new avatars are always the bomb.


Replying to Whacker's last sentence and your's at the same time, I would LOVE an avatar. Inflation is one of those things that can't be helped. D:

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