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Noobs, Scammers and Cookie Grabbers, Oh My!

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Recently there has been an increase in the number of scammers here on the forums. We're doing everything we can about them, but they seem to have taken to PMs and are using a fake Snowy link that leads to a cookie grabber. As such, we must ask that you treat any PM with great caution and check any link, even if it has been posted by a staff member, by hovering over the link and ensuring that you are going to the proper site before you click it. If you see any link that you are unsure of or think is a scam or cookie grabber, report the post or forward the PM to a moderator.



I eat cookie grabbers for breakfast!


When I first joined the forums I got a PM one day from a member offering free codestones. Even though the account looked old I figured it was some kind of scam. I almost reported them, but since I was new I figured discretion was better and just deleted the PM.


Don't worry too much. We'll beat them, just be cautious. As long as you are highly suspect of any PMs about Snowy, you should be fine.


Oh dear...


Yes, please please please keep safe around the forum, as well as anywhere around the internet.

If you see anything that doesn't look right, toss the mods a warning for the culprits and we'll try to get onto it asap! ;)

Of course, if no moderators are around at that time, poke another staff that's online, otherwise stay proactive and cyber safe.


(Psst, noobs aren't nice new members, sorry to scare anyone who may be confused. ;O)

  kalfeer said:
When I first joined the forums I got a PM one day from a member offering free codestones. Even though the account looked old I figured it was some kind of scam. I almost reported them, but since I was new I figured discretion was better and just deleted the PM.
That was me.. Haha XD I'm totally trusty worthy with my giveaways but I don't blame you for deleting the PM :P

Just don't click any suspicious links.

You know when Snowager sleeps and how to wake him up. You know that if you want to get Tarla Alerts, you can download the toolbar or the firefox add-on... And seriously, if there was a new avatar, TDN would post a HUGE news about it.


just use your smarts and you'll be fine, if your not sure of the link use the dailys links on the site. sense we all know there safe and easy to use. i myself hot tabbed it so that i dont have to use links posted by other people.

  itsmem00fin said:
oh my.more hackers???:(

Uh... no offence intended, but please don't use the term 'hacker' like that. It's an insult to all genuine hackers. A hacker is a competent, intelligent, respectable person, somebody who enjoys programming for the sake of programming. They have nothing to do with clueless idiots who do pointless stuff like Neopets scams (these people sometimes call themselves hackers, but a more accurate term for them is 'crackers').


I had one of this PM with the link to the snowager... If you put your mouse over the link without clicking it you can see that the URL does not match to one written on the PM...

But do all this work just to take some NP, that pretty silly!

  Mireia said:
I had one of this PM with the link to the snowager... If you put your mouse over the link without clicking it you can see that the URL does not match to one written on the PM...

But do all this work just to take some NP, that pretty silly!


They are breaking the U.S. law (and my patience) for some pixels, basically.


I dont know really, maybe they made are brotherhood of crackers and want to scam people with pixels, I can just imagine it " YOUR PIXELS ARE MINE CUZ I HAVE NO LIFE........!".




I haven't received any PM's yet, then again, it's not like I'm very active at the morning NST (time zones, it's morning here then) so yeah...


By the way, does anyone know what time these Cookie Grabbers are most likely to attack?

Like, have people seen a pattern of when they normally send these PM's?


I'm so glad that my workload keeps me from stocking my shop or buying a lot of things on Neo using the Shop Wiz. :laughingsmiley:


I'm hesitant of the NoScript Addon. I might block something that I need for a loved site! :O

  Tivsy said:
I'm so glad that my workload keeps me from stocking my shop or buying a lot of things on Neo using the Shop Wiz. :laughingsmiley:


I'm hesitant of the NoScript Addon. I might block something that I need for a loved site! :O



Unfortunately, NoScript won't protect you from onsite CGer's anyway, since they're technically "Neopets.com" scripts and NS can't distinguish between scripts that are actually supposed to be on Neopets pages and scripts that aren't (I don't think I explained it very well...but basically, it's kind of an all or nothing thing, you either have to forbid all Neopets.com scripts or enable them and take your chances with onsite CGers. Problem is you *must* enable Neopets scripts according to an editorial I was pointed to on the boards -- not allowing Neo scripts is a big no-no. :() But despite that, it's still a great tool to have, and it will be tremendously helpful if you ever accidentally click a fake Tarla link or something (since those actually go offsite, the scripts on the page would not be allowed.)


Also, don't worry about blocking something you need -- if a site's not working all you need to do is click on the little NoScript icon in the lower right-hand corner of the browser and select "Allow (some site).com". When you click the icon there'll usually be several different sites on the list that all have script on the page, and you can decide whether or not to allow them on an individual basis; for instance, when I click on it right now, I have tdnforums.com allowed, and Google Analytics and kontera (whatever that is) denied. Typically what I do is choose the "Allow" option only for the actual site I'm on, if it's one I trust; it's quite easy to revoke that permission if you decide you want to. If something *still* doesn't work then I take a look at what other sites want to run scripts on that page -- depending on what else there is, I'll either temporarily allow a specific site's script or just click the "temporarily allow all this page" option, and I'm all set, I just revoke the temporary permissions when I'm done. Anyway, bottom line: NoScript is *really* easy, and totally worth it, in my opinion. :yes:


I'm stuck with IE :hmmph:


but I've always bene careful on Neopets,regardless of the fact I don't have Firefox or it's Noscript. :wink:


The first scammer I see will be lacking a head soon :axehead:

*evil face*


I just got a PM from iceoxoo (some people have a way of reappearing). It's another scam link. If you get this PM please don't click on the link!


iceoxoo has been banned, so if you have a PM from him, just delete it and don't click any links.


I think the best thing for us to do in order for us not to be scared with these so-called "cookie grabber thing" are the following:


1. Never login to your neopets.com account when visiting other neo-related sites. YOu may log-in to your account when other neo-related sites are closeed. If you find it difficult to locate the links for freebies, At first you may copy paste the links of the frequently visited places in neopets and paste it in your notepad, wordpad and the likes and just copy paste the link in the address bar the time you need to visit some daily freebies of the neopets. You don't need to visit other neo-related sites just for the links. I hope my input can help. Golden Rule: Logout your neopets account when visiting other neo-related site. And have altleast 3-5 stock passw@rdz and randomly use it in your account. Never use one paszw@rd/account name in your neopets and use the same paszw@rd/account in other neo-related sites. Never!


2. Read number one.


I've never clicked on any random PM I've gotten, I just delete them all. But my main was still cookie grabbed somehow and has been frozen for two or so weeks now. Fortunately I've been told I'll be getting my account back, I just hope it's in the near future...I have AC points to spend, darnit.

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