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Anyone here like Anime?


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god, i wanna get new manga so bad!

all the ones i have r like left at cliff hangers @_@

i hate tat!

idk if ill be able to get nethin ne time soon tho...

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omg same here,


not all of htem but fushugi yugi is a cliffhanger even

if it ended!! i wanna see the baby grow up,

i wanna see the celestial warriors reborn again!!



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it aint gonna happen sry

but u can still read the prequil!

which ur farther in than i am

cuz i need to get it

darn my shortage of money!

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i need to read it!!!


i really need to get mor!!!!


i think i have like 80 now or somthin xDDD

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no i meant manga! xD

i have like $40 or somthin

but i think ill save it for xmas shoppin

idk if ill be able to get gifts for my friends T.T

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Ohh i read the chobits manga and kakashi gaiden one SOOOOOO COOLl, i didnt get to see kakashiz real face.. man i wonder if he was born with a mask..

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wat's kakashi gaiden?

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i think she need a new book shelf

she keeps wining bout how her stuffs animals take up too much room xD

i have mor tho i think

they cover the top of my dresser



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im gonnna need a new one too

at least a small one

okay wait no i have an idea to fit them


theres like 32 or 36 ranma out so yea then fruits basket ends at like 21 (T.T)

then saiyuki is still goin xDDD

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how can u have a range of 32-36?

i wouldnt kno which ranma r out

but its funny tho and i read it

wat do u mean u need a smaller bookcase?

tat makes no sense!

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i dont get it

u already have a huge bookcase

and it isnt even half full!

top shelf wit regular books

and the rest wit manga

very seperate

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y not?

its kinda funny u gots stuffed animals burstin from ur closet and bookself


i think i mite go to borders this weekend

i need the new kamikaze kaitou jeanne, fushigi yugi: genbu kaden, mor ccs xD(i need to finish the collection), red river i think tat's it...

and i need to read the rest of Kare First Love

its soooo good!

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I haven't read a manga in a long time. Generally, I prefer anime to manga. For reading I prefer books, although I do read comic books (must be the lack of color in manga that disinterests me to an extent).


The last manga I can remember reading some of was by Osamu Tezuka back in Summer.


Some of the manga I've read:

Magic Knight Rayearth, Sailor Moon, Some Getbackers (this manga is horrendous, watch the anime), Some Inuyasha (until I got into the anime), some Clover, some Dragon Knights, some Harlem Beat (when it was in Mixx Magazine - include anything that was in Mixx), some Yu-gi-oh (Shonen Jump + whatever was in it: One Piece, Shaman King, Yu yu Hakusho, and this interesting story by the guy who made DBZ of title I forget)


I had to have finished something other than Sailor Moon and Rayearth O.o;.. but I can't recall it right now.


Withdraw sometimes makes me want to read more Inuyasha, and Get Backers. I hate withdraw x.x

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I have to say, I dont see what everyone likes about them, personally I've never ever read one or don't even know what it is. It seems rather popular, but from the pictures that I see, it doesn't look to interesting to me. Soooo, if you could please answer me this: What is it that you like about Anime?

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