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I went to my mum's a bit this afternoon, and when I came home, there was a message from TNT waiting in my inbox:



You should now have access to your account. Your new password is *******. Make sure to change your password at <insert address here> as soon as you get back in.



*does happy dance* :thumbsup:


I'm so happy to have my pets back!! I missed them so much. Both Frostgleam and sun_reichardt were famished, but otherwise unharmed. However, Frostgleam was so scared that she's looking a little ghostly now (yes, I finally did paint her...for now, anyway). Neopian Social Services really didn't take very good care of my pets. :(


I did a quick check through my account, and everything else seems to be okay. I'm not missing any neopoints, and I seem to have all of my pricey items. TNT must have frozen my account quickly. I wonder what happened with my account that got it frozen immediately like that...


I guess I'll be laying low on Neopets for the rest of the day. I'd been playing games and doing dailies with my side account today. I don't want to accidentally get myself frozen again for doing something stupid.


So, I guess I learned several lessons from this:


1) Always pay attention to what you're doing on Neopets. People hide malicious code in all sorts of places, like user lookups and shops.

2) Block or ignore Neomail and Neofriend requests from people you don't know.

3) Use EXTREME caution on the Neoboards (apart from the kad timekeeping board, I'll be avoiding them entirely).

4) No matter how careful you try to be, scams can happen to ANYONE!


Thank you, everyone, for all of the hugs and support you gave to me. Losing one's account is a terrible thing, and I empathize with those of you that have also lost accounts (and may not have gotten them back). Once I get my bearings back, I'll be having some giveaways here on the site to thank everyone at TDN for being the most awesome people on the internet! :wub_anim:

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It's so nice to have my main account back. Now, hopefully, I don't lose it again for accidentally making neopoints on two accounts today (I opened a bookmarked group of tabs, and one of them was the Shop of Offers. Stupid Slorg.).


Thanks again for all the support. I missed my pets!

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Congrats! That's really great! A lot of people seem to be getting frozen or suspended lately. I'm sick of all the scammers out there though. Seriously, why would anyone put so much effort into scamming people for gains on a virtual site, where there's no real-world benefit such a monetary gain. Not that I approve of real-life scams lol, but I can understand them more!

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I'm glad to hear that you got your account back! Your pets are super cute, I was under the impression that Frostgleam was a Flotsam. :P

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It's so good to have everything almost back to normal. I feel so much better this evening than I have all week.

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It's so good to be back! I'm still confused on exactly what happened to get my account frozen. I can't believe that someone would steal my account, then not steal any of my stuff. Paintbrushes, morphing potions, expensive plot prizes - they're all still there! I don't get it.


The most amusing thing that I found, though, was this neomail from TNT:


Dear Account Frozen,


Congratulations! You have guessed correctly in the Lenny Conundrum game (round 313). You have won 788 NP!


Yours Sincerely,

The Neopets Team!



Dear Account Frozen!?! I lolled when I read that one.


However, having my Neopets account stolen seemed almost as bad as real-life identity theft. Sure, it isn't really that bad, because it's not like losing anything RL, but I think that it's much harder to get customer support from TNT than it is from, say, a credit card company or a bank. Seriously, though, if anyone here every needs help with trying to get a stolen account back, I'll be here to try to help you. There really aren't many good help guides out there for this one.

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