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Well, being the insomniac I am, I just spent almost 4 hours this morning trying for a high score with the Eliv Thade game. I wracked up 7,537 points before I finally screwed up and ran out of lives. I tried to send it and, of course, exactly what I was afraid would happen, happened. "Problems processing your score, yadayada..." Which sucks cause, y'know, I spent a lot of time on the darn thingD:.


So, I took a screenshot of the error and saved it to my computer for proof purposes. Now, here's my question: is there any way to get the NP team to retrieve/send the lost points somehow? Or did I just totally waste hours that I could have been trying to actually sleep tonight:P?


Thanks in advance for any suggestions!


Ahhhhh, I know how you feel. Same thing happened with my friend, except he only got up to like 2000 points on it. I experienced it once too, when playing Magax Destroyer for the avatar. Yeah, there's nothing you can do about it. Better luck next time!


i feel your pain, same happened to me on a game i am not good at and really been struggling with and this specific night everything was jsut going well for me, would have had a new personal hight score, got an avi, etc and then got that dreadfull message of doom... tbh i havent had the guts to touch that game again yet


i mailed in the screenshots and complained.... nothing happend


I guess you had opened the game window before midnight NST ? You have to reload the game when the new day starts or your score can't be accepted... imagine the kind of highscore people would getting if that was allowed.

Nope, there is no way to get the score sent

*Wail of horrible anguish and pain* NOOOO-oh well, I'll just try again the next time I get some free time this week:P. I just wanna see how high I can get the score before I lose the game (OCD is a curse, harhar), so I'm not too depressed over itXD.


I guess you had opened the game window before midnight NST ? You have to reload the game when the new day starts or your score can't be accepted... imagine the kind of highscore people would getting if that was allowed.

Naw, it was after midnight NST. Although that's good to know that you can't send scores after the new days starts, I'm sure I've had that happen to me before while playing games around NP midnight.


Thanks, all! It looks like I'm just gonna hafta call it a loss and try again sometime in the future:P.


Mimi had the same thing happen to her. She would've been first. :( Look around on the Anything and Everything Neopet boards, and you'll find it. Luckily, she tried again this month and get the 3rd place trophy. Just try, try, and try again. :D


That seems to happen to me A LOT. :laughingsmiley: It happened when I was playing Meepit vs. Feepit and Advert Attack. I got enough for the avvies and had a send score problem.


So now, I have my score ready to send. I open another Neopets page in another tab to check if it's loading for me. Then send. Just a reassurance that it's THEM and not my internet that is causing the problem. :)

I'm pretty sure they 'refresh' once an hour so you cannot play a game for 10 hours and get an amazing score.

Naw, not on the Eliv Thade game at least. I had the game window open almost all day the other day trying to match the score that hadn't sent the day before, and it went through just fine. I would be curious to know if maybe different games have different reset times, though:P.


So now, I have my score ready to send. I open another Neopets page in another tab to check if it's loading for me. Then send. Just a reassurance that it's THEM and not my internet that is causing the problem.

Yeah, I was suspicious that it was my Internet that had screwed up and lost my score since our connection has been really screwy lately, but I'm sure it's NP's new day reset that've caused my score losses in the past.

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