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yes..that is how i got it

Leave only 1000np out.

Then put just 1 np where is says to place your bet and randomly select 10 eggs.

This is when the refreshing starts.Just refresh till you can't stand it any more.check every 200 np on you avvie list and hopefully the grarrl one will be your last .

Good luck!

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So basically you refresh at the page? It seems like it'll take a long time. *is skeptical*

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Cheaters! I did it the right way so I feel like I should be more proud of my avatar than you all. :P It's not like it's hard to do anyway!

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Cheaters! I did it the right way so I feel like I should be more proud of my avatar than you all. :P It's not like it's hard to do anyway!

I have horrible luck! :laughingsmiley: I tried doing the right way, couldn't get it. Then I heard about the method and was all "Well, MAYBE it'll work. Just to try and debunk it."


To my surprise, it worked! :O

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You are now eligible to use 'Grarrl Keno' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I only lost 6np :) Not that bad :P

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  • 3 years later...

JUST GOT IT! Took me six tries, not too bad :) To get the avatar you have to have 4 correct matches and the notification will show up at the bottom of the page.



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