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TDN Members - What is your "Dream Pet"?

Izzy ♥

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Any kind of Cybunny... I've wanted a Cybunny ever since I first started playing 8 years ago!


I'll bet I'll be glued to my computer screen come Cybunny Day! :D

I never liked Cybunnies but now I want the Maraquan one, so I'd be glued to make screen too xD

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Pirate Shoryu, as plain as that sounds. The Pirate paintbrush is ten million neopoints at a maximum, I know, I'm such a failure. :]

Upon reaching that, I'll be hopeless, haha.


However, as it turns out, it's been 21 hours and I only have 15,000 invested in the stock market and 10,000 in my bank. I'm waiting to start my own shop.

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I finally achieved two my major dream pets, a Faerie Bori and a Pink Lenny, recently. My Faerie Bori's going on my side account very soon, and she'll be on my main by May! :woot:


As of now, I have two dream pets that will take a little bit of work to obtain. First, a Faerie Lutari; they're sooo pretty and I'd love to draw them. I have to test my luck with the Lab Ray soon. ^^; My second dreamie is a male Baby Ruki, I have a great story for him.. once I save up the NPs for a paintbrush. :wub_anim:

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Definitely a Maractite Lutari, and I used to want a Royalboy Xweetok (love that shade of blue/purple), but I've gotten quite attached to my Magma Xweetok that I'm hesitant to repaint!

I also want a Hissi and Eyrie, but I haven't decided what colors yet. The Robot Eyries are so cool, but it'd probably be a pain to zap for (not to mention I don't have access to the lab [yet]).

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Pirate lupe!! And a halloween uni, but my main dream is to paint my lupe pirate. My old dreamie was a spotted kau, but that was fairly easy to achieve :) now I'm poor again though. What's the likelihood of getting a FFQ when your account is like 1 month old? :P

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Achieved one of my ultimate dreamies today, Tiburonuq the UC Darigan Hissi! :wub_anim:


Now I'm aiming for my last ultimate dreamie: a UC Tyrannian Krawk b)

(Had to pick between that or a UC Darigan Bori, but I can only aim for one as I only have one UC to trade :P)

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I have a new dreamie, really hoping to get a Faerie/Royalgirl Koi one of these days.

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See I have dream pets but I have dream names for all of mine :(.... mind you I only have a few of those names. So if anyone see any of the names in my siggy free that have (Need Name) next to it, could you please tell me. :)


Also when do you think TNT will bring out a fifth pet to the account like in the survey?



Have a good day Dream of Pets


~Purely Angel

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Dream Pet...I already got a couple of mine already, my Darigan Aisha and Pirate Kougra. My Acara is also her final color as well as my little Xweetok on my side. I guess right now, my dream pet is a Desert Gelert (on my side, not my speckled one ;) ), as well as a UC Maraquan Aisha. Yeah, I know that sounds kinda impossible, but...


Also, @Purley Angel, I think it's more of a question of IF rather than when for TNT to release a 5th pet option. We can at least hope they do but there's no guarantees.

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I think my dream pets, at the moment, would be a Darigan draik, a Darigan ixi, and a UC grey zafara or uni (doubt I'll ever achieve that...)


I also want to paint my lutari faerie.


EDIT: My list has totally grown, haha. Heart set on a UC grey zaffie now, still would like a Darigan ixi and draik... I also want a white and a skunk xwee of the same age (have interesting character ideas for them...)


Those are pets that I don't have, as for my dream pets that I'll get by painting the pets I already have: faerie lutari, faerie grundo, and Hallo kougra.

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So yea a lot of them are Royal and the last group looks "evil" since all pets will be playing part in a story I am making.

This are more like "Goal Pets" since they're not ridiculously impossible (except maybe for the UC Grey Kougra lol).


Estimated Cost~ 25+mil (excluding the Draik since I am getting a Pirate Draik this month hurray ♥)

This will definitely keep me busy :)

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