Daily Dare Posted March 7, 2009 Author Posted March 7, 2009 Thanks again for the support! I've been regularly having 1-2 cigarettes a day since I posted this board, and the gum is starting to taste good *GASP!*. I'm coming down with something right now, so that will help with any urge I have. :)
livvy Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 Woo! Nice progress! Sorry you're getting sick, but I'm glad it'll help :P
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 Thanks! Probably won't go into work tomorrow, so will probably spend a lot of time on here. ;)
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Spiffy! ^_^ Oh, um, would you mind answering a question? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I've just been curious about it. Why do people start smoking? I'm just curious, really, I don't mean it in an offensive manner. I just wonder.
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 Well, I can't speak for others so I'll just say why I started. I was in the "partying" phase, so I was told that cigarillos are good to smoke when drinking, so I'd do that whenever I drank, eventually I had to have one a day, then one in the morning and at night, then it was even more than that so I moved onto cigarettes because it was cheaper. Help you any? ^^
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Thanks for answering. It's just always struck me as something I'd never want to do, because of the smell. But I suppose I understand that... Thanks.
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 It catches you off-guard, when you're most vulnerable and not caring about the future... :(
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Ech. *makes mental note to ALWAYS care about the future* It seems like that's when everything happens that you later regret. =\
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 Yup, you do. Hopefully I can quit this before it's too late.
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Of course you can! We won't let you NOT quit. *shakes head stubbornly* We'll nag you and pester you and annoy you until you throw the cigarettes at us, and then you won't have them to smoke. *nods decisively* Or we'll just be here and have your back any time you need support. =]
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 I don't have cigarettes, I bum them off people at work. If I had some, I wouldn't want to quit, so I refuse to let myself buy them. :)
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Then I guess we'll just have to support you and have your back any time you need us. :)
Lia Seeya Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Another fab aspect of quitting smoking? Your teeth look SO much better. :D I've had friends who smoke and quit. It's a lot easier to hang out with them now since I was choking on their cigarette smoke before.
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 I have a group of friends I hang out with at McAlisters after school. Some of their friends aren't the... most moral people, and they smoke and... worse. And there have been many times one of them came in, sat down, and I gagged. Most of them realize how badly it affects me now, and they make sure not to come to the table smelling like smoke when I'm there. They're actually quite nice when I'm not gagging.
̊ ˉˉ ̊ Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 to help with the oral fixation, why don't you get some jolly ranchers, they taste good too :) I'm personally never going to smoke tobacco. It takes a lot of money, the smoke is horrendous, and it's addictive. I already got enough problems, so I don't need to be addicted to nicotine. and has anyone ever seen bodyworks? the thing with all the preserved body's? It had one showing a smokers lungs, they were gray, not a good color for lungs.
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 My neighbor is a nurse and weekly he has to watch people who die from cigarette smoking. He said that cancer is the least of my worries, it'd be the damage that is done to the lungs, in a year I could literally be unable to catch a good breath of air if I continue smoking...
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Sounds like you've got, and know you've got, a lot of reasons to quit. You can do it!
Daily Dare Posted March 8, 2009 Author Posted March 8, 2009 I know. I don't really get any cravings when I want to quit, I just have to continue to be motivated to quit. It's going to be nice to not have to brush my teeth and mouthwash every time I see my girlfriend (well, if I'm with her all day I have to do it after every smoke, that's what I meant, lol).
livvy Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 I think you have plenty of motivation. :yes: And if you ever feel like you're running out... we've got your back. =]
Lia Seeya Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 Want something to record all that time from the moment you quit smoking? (and thus make you feel better) I recommend Quit Meter. It even records how much money you've saved. :D Like your own little cheerleader!
ΩCCΩ Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 We all know that you can quit, you dont even need motivation now that YOU yourself want to quit.
Daily Dare Posted March 9, 2009 Author Posted March 9, 2009 Well, I still feel like crap. Haven't had a smoke since Friday (even then it was just one). I've saved 23.36, and have NOT smoked 73 cigarettes. :) Since I live in Canada I'm even saving more money, as it's generally $7.50 - $9.00 for a pack of cigarettes.
livvy Posted March 9, 2009 Posted March 9, 2009 *looks stubborn* Don't feel like crap! Feel good that you're trying to get over this crap! And it's amazing how much you've saved already :)
Daily Dare Posted March 9, 2009 Author Posted March 9, 2009 Yeah, by "feeling like crap" I'm referring to my illness, which I think may be pneumonia. :(
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