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Neopoint splurges..


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Well, *Hangs head in shame* Today I went on a huge neopoint splurge, I brought a striped paintbrush for KiaraDelilah, a grey petpet paintbrush for her Anubis and I've just brought a snow petpet paintbrush for my kougra's Gruslen. I've never spent so much in one day, and I don't know whats come over me. I had about 300k in the bank, now i'm down to about 77k. Eeek. Anyone else had mega splurges?

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Lol that's not too bad. I one bought a Tyrannian PB and a Camo PB for the same pet, so he'd look like this:




So about 200k for his Tyrannian PB, 200k for his Camo PB, and 150k for his Creepy Cave Background, for a devastating total of 550k!


Actually, come to think of it, I've spent 600k on a Baby PB before, 1 mil on the Lab ray, and 800k on a Halloween PB, so I guess the situation above isn't really a good example...

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Oh I'm the worst splurger. I most recently splurged on a small army of codestones for pet training, and I don't even do the battle dome so why I feel compelled to train them I have no idea. Before that I splurged on custom petpets for all of my pets, and I mean all! Even like dinky pets on side accounts that I won't be doing anything interesting with for years!

Mostly what I splurg on is gifts, avatar items, petpets, and PB's.

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I splurge all the time just randomly.. I'm not very good with saving, not in real life either. :x


If there is an avatar I decide I want to buy for, I just go out and buy whatever I need for it. Yesterday I bought the Squeezy Tombola Guy from the Faerie Tower, even though it's a major money loss, just because I wanted that avvie. *sigh*

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Eeek Izzy! 14 mil!!! I would die with you! Well, since I bought the lab map, my bank account is looking very shabby. I'm trying out a new technique of carrying only 10k in my hand, and every neopoint I earn (Games, random events etc) goes straight in the bank, it's better in there then me buying useless stuff I don't need. I reccomend it, I've gone from 77k to 98k :) I'll be able to afford a baby pb in no time. (Well, a couple months maybe.. lol)

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I don't think i've ever splurged. Not really much to splurge on, when you barely have 250,000 NP. =( I want the baby paintbrush so bad, I'm not allowing myself to buy anything, except the average...20 usukis a day

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Well i have spent about 2 million on books in one day. I am really close to being on the board but that last one is like 4 million so haven't gotten it yet. Pretty much i don't splurge to often most of the things i want are things i have to save for.

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Anybody here have any tips on making NP? I put my question in this topic because it's in NP splurges, so you guys must have a lot of money. I'm not asking for YOUR money, I'm just asking, how did you make so much? I've been playing for 17 months and i only have 200 K!

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Anybody here have any tips on making NP? I put my question in this topic because it's in NP splurges, so you guys must have a lot of money. I'm not asking for YOUR money, I'm just asking, how did you make so much? I've been playing for 17 months and i only have 200 K!

Well although 17 months seems like a long time. I've been playing for like 5 years? Give or take. And I only just broke 1 mil at around Christmas time this year. And even then it was only because a very generous retired user gave me a lot of help. So basically it's really hard, and there is no great way to go about it. When your really struggling jobs are a good idea. Games are tedious, but the do pay off. I haven't had much luck restocking, but a lot of people make buckets that way. My two biggest tips are 1) Hang in there! RE's and good luck happen more often than you think, and it only take one PB, or something the like, to change you luck. 2) Save! Save! Save! I know it's hard, but since I broke a million I realized the more money you have the easier it is to make money. You can afford to sit on HTS items that are worth a lot, you can take advantage of medium price items that make for cooking recipe items that are worth much more, and so on and so forth.


Those are my tips anyway. Good luck rounding up some dough. There is no secret answer though you just gotta buckle down,

find a way to make money that works for you, and then take every point you make, put it in the bank, and sit on it.

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Anybody here have any tips on making NP? I put my question in this topic because it's in NP splurges, so you guys must have a lot of money. I'm not asking for YOUR money, I'm just asking, how did you make so much? I've been playing for 17 months and i only have 200 K!


You can also play Plushie Tycoon. After I got good at that game, I made 100k from that game a month! That's 1.2 mil a year. Plus games, and your NPs really start to build up quick.

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You can also play Plushie Tycoon. After I got good at that game, I made 100k from that game a month! That's 1.2 mil a year. Plus games, and your NPs really start to build up quick.


I've tried playing Plushie Tycoon before, but I never really got good at it.

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*twitch* I may have spent 149k on a petpet for my pet yesterday... But for my defence, it was a fire Niptor and it looks so cool!

Yeah, saving neopoints is a hassle, but after a while, you notice the bank interest starts to shoot up. Keyquest is always a quick neopoint maker, and whil games do get boring after a while, they are still payout pretty well.

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-also hangs head in shame-

I splurged about 80k in the past TWO DAYS on Lost Desert Stamps for the avatar. I have a neofriend who has the Ummagine Stamp (goody god worth 40 million neopoints! :woot: ) who might actually let me borrow it for the avatar. -squeel- I couldn't resist the temptation, however I refuse to go below 700k. :guiltysmiley:

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