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Healthy-looking stray cats. They always cheer me up. And I love it when they scamper about chasing moths and dragonflies.


I currently live outside of the United States, and there's no program to take care of lost animals in this awful third-world country. So stray animals are basically doomed - but not all stray animals: cats, especially the intelligent, active, athletic breeds (and not the foo-foo-fluffy-bun-bun-honey-fuzzy-wuzzy breeds) do rather well; cats from "smart breeds" (instead of "toy breeds doomed to miserable lives of obesity, asthma, and blindness") are among nature's most adaptable and clever animals (like raccoons) and they do rather well when it comes to urban warfare (like raccoons).


Clean sidewalks. I live in a city where it snows a lot, and the sidewalks are basically ice frosted with slush from November/December until March, when all the ice melts and you have to leap over huge puddles to get off the curb. But if the city government would just clear the sidewalks, they'd be less hazardous during the winter and less gross come spring.


Anyway, whenever I'm on a block that isn't too icy, or that hasn't narrowed the sidewalk down to half its pre-winter width because of snow buildup, I'm very happy. And less worried about falling!


C Sections, for without them, my mom, my brother and I would all be dead.



My mom wasn't born from a C-Section, but she would've died trying to give birth to me. Meaning my brother wouldn't have even been thought about.


Pumps. Otherwise my house would be filling with water whenever it rains hard. (large amounts of water collect in the backyard, and we pump them into the storm drain before it reaches the house)




It just rocks. I love to add things up, and I got the quote in my signatue from it. It's a fairly similar one to the one AA mentioned in the Forum Fun/Word Games topic Add or Subtract: "There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't." But it isn't that one. It was at the start of my maths book I got for Christmas. (Via my mother, of course ;))

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