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Happy 16th Birthday!

Ladies and gentlemen! I am proud to present to you Rouge_ofthe_Stars, Brittneys birthday present from the staff at TDN, both past and present! Rouge_ofthe_Stars was officially born on June 23rd at 11:08 PM NST. A bunch of staff members, past and present, teamed up and contribuated a whole lot of neopoints to purchase a Draik Egg, which we did and presented to Brittney over MSN and Ustream. :) We have it all recorded on video.


Brittney is currently staff member who has been at TDN the longest (2+ years; excluding Ian). Over the past 2-3 years Brittney has contributed to TDN in many different ways by writing numorous pages of content, and most recently our head (and only) forum moderator.


We don't know what we'd do without her as the rest of us don't like moderating (we don't like it so much, we submit our own reports for her to deal with :D)! We like to stick her with the bad users who like to spam our forums, and she handels them quite nicely.


You can check out Brittney's Neopet Account (note: her draik is on a side account), or her forum profile where you can leave her a comment for her birthday. Oh and if you are wondering what you should send her... have a look over her wishlist. It's full of neat gift ideas!


Also be sure to stay OFF THE ROADS IN TEXAS, as Brittney will soon be getting her drivers license over the next couple of days. :P From what I hear, she hasn't hit anything yet, and we wish her the best of luck. Way-to-go!


YESS! Happy Birthday Brittney. Hope it's one of your best. :) Hope you like your Draik.


Thanks in advance to everyone who posts/sends stuff/comments! I'm trying to get the Lab Scientist challenge so I can swap his gender to female (hopefully).


And actually..... I accidently clipped the mirror on a sign pole during a lesson... And I nearly backed into the mailbox once.


Happy 16th Birthday Brittney!

Remember to have fun, and don't work too hard :P *is glad she lives on the opposite side of the world*



*made a topic bout it first* WINNAH!


Woww, two LE pets for her birthday. (I sent her a hissi a couple days ago along with about 30k.)

Guest Krawk Islander

Happy Birthday Brittney!

(Shenkuu's colors, yay! Pardon orange, sue IPB xD)

Have a great day, and hope you enjoy your Draik! :)

Another danger driver on the streets, huh? Good luck with your lessons. ^_^

(We can only take our driver's license at the age of 18. Ugh, I hate my country.)


Oh, before I forget: *hands you KI's bukkit* Who bukkit has, winnar is. :P


Happy Birthday Brittney!


You're sixteen and whatnot, so be sure to make it sweet.

If you hit anything else during your experience as a driver, can I keep the roadkill? A Metroid has got to eat too, you know.


(Also, I'll discuss the present business over MSN. I DO want to see that video though. XD)


Yup Yup, Happy Birthday Brittney ;p


As a present to you... I'm going to deal with all moderation reports on the forum today! How cool is that? You don't have to work today :)


xDDD Happy Birthday Brittney! I hope you liked my present! :) Have fun today! I'm really glad you got a draik!


V, you have got to show me that video! :P


Wow, thanks V! ^_^


And though I don't have the hard copy yet (they mail it to you) I am now an offically licensed driver, and I'll be taking my brother to baseball camp later today. Don't worry, the high school is just up the road....


Happy birthday Anime!! You've been with us till the beginning and hopefully will be for many more! b)


Happy Birthday Brittney!! I did post it on the other thread, but still can't say it too many times :P


Ohh a Draik for your birthday!!?? You lucky thing!!


*limps* She hit me on her way to the school. I'm in paaaaaaiiiiiinnnnn. xD


Happy birthday, Anime! I'll be sure to stay off the roads when I get back to Texas. ;D

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