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    Xepha reacted to voteforpedro333 in Pre-Determined Brackets   
    And here are the final three days of the round 4 matches!

  2. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Altador Cup Prize Preview!   
    With the Altador Cup drawing to a close in the next few days, we've got a preview of upcoming prizes!

  3. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Huggy Avatar - Re-aged and Ready to Lend!   
    Great, it's my pet and I didn't even remember about this aging business. Thank you Anime for being there and rocking :P
  4. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Anime in Huggy Avatar - Re-aged and Ready to Lend!   
    Great, it's my pet and I didn't even remember about this aging business. Thank you Anime for being there and rocking :P
  5. Like
    Xepha reacted to Anime in Huggy Avatar - Re-aged and Ready to Lend!   
    You will all be pleased to know that the Huggy attatched to our Krawk will be re-aged on July 11th, and therefore avalible for lending again. The Krawk/Huggy chain will be set up to ensure everyone is able to get both avatars next month, so if you're missing the Huggy avatar, you will be garunteed to get it next month if you are in the chain.
    We apologize for having to take it off the lend schedual for a while, but these things happen. Thank you for your patience. :D
    ALP Pet Chain Coordinator
  6. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from hrtbrk in Altador Cup VII - Disasterous   
    Maraqua floods Altador.
    Lost Desert add some sand in.
    We ask Roo Island to send purple bugs.
    ^We get an awesome beach party plot instead of the AC!
  7. Like
    Xepha reacted to antiaircraft in Pirates and Maraquans Engage in Spectacular Clash   
    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).

    Hello again everyone! We're now well and truly in the final stretch for this year's Altador Cup, as the fourth and final round of the season began in earnest yesterday. Teams all over the Colosseum charged into the round's opening matches with a bang, scrambling to get settled in at a decent rank as early as possible.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/mbd_helmet.gif" alt="Finned Maractite Helm" style="float:right;margin:5px;" /> One of the loudest clashes to reverberate across the stadium was that of steel on maractite, as the Krawk Island Pirates took on their old nemeses, both in sport and in war, Team Maraqua. Clashes between overzealous fans are often a concern when these two teams face each other, but fortunately good sportsmanship prevailed on both sides throughout the match, and rioting levels were well within normal limits. Despite their rivalry, and several accidental physical encounters on the field (a few of which bordered on contact fouls), Team Captains Garven Hale and Elon Hughlis traded nothing worse than a few amused smirks, remaining on generally good terms throughout the game. This came as a surprise to many, as rumour had it there was quite a bit of animosity between the two captains, with plenty of colourful language exchanged after the teams' previous match.
    Asked to comment on the matter, Feldon "Dinksy" Collibridge of Krawk Island dismissed those claims, saying, "Colourful language? Hah! Well yeah, if you're talkin' pink and purple coloured, sure. Those two act tough, but they're some of the biggest softies I know. They get along just fine. Heck, I could swear they spent half the off season sippin' drinks and talkin' politics. Insufferable, I tell ya. And have ya heard about the one time they hugged? No? Well, I guess I'm not talkin' about it either then. Maybe another time."
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/head_shots/krawkisland_3.gif" alt="Ealyn Hawkshanks" style="float:left;margin:5px;" /> And good sportsmanship wasn't all this match had to offer: the Yooyuball action out on the field was fast, furious, and hard-hitting, with Krawk Island's relentless midfield pressure slamming into Maraqua's towering defensive line-up time and time again. Goals were few and far between, but the ones that did get through were ones for the history books, as the match was dominated by long range shots, corner strikes, and even a few of Yooyuball's infamously tricky rebound shots. Krawk Island forward Ealyn Hawkshanks may have to get used to being called "Bouncer" in the future - with his talent for pulling off impossible rebounds, and his past experience working tavern security, it's unlikely the Quiggle will be able to shake off his new nickname any time soon.
    When the dust finally settled, the Pirates and the Mermaids were neck-and-neck in both Yooyu sports, with no time left on the clock to play a tie-breaking quarter. Slushie Slinger results for the day were decidedly in the Pirates' favour, while Maraquan fans dominated the stands in Make Some Noise. With two draws and a side game apiece, it looks like this old rivalry will have to be sorted out another time, as the overall result of this match was a technical draw.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2011/teams/darigancitadel_4.gif" alt="Tandrak Shaye" style="float:right;margin:5px;" /> In stark contrast, Teams Darigan Citadel and Kreludor both concluded their round openers with across-the-board sweeps. The Citadel Minions' tireless aggression proved too much for Team Altador to handle on the Yooyuball field, while revamps to the Citadel's slushie stand decor aided them in keeping an iron grip on the side games. Not quite as aggressive as Layton Vickles and the Darigan squad, Kreludor's airtight play nevertheless kept them well ahead, even when faced with the full might of Team Tyrannia. "Ice cold, no mistakes," has become a common slushie toast among Kreludorks, in reference to Team Captain Derlyn Fonnet's unflappable leadership and calm approach to every situation.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/freebies/msnicons/kikolake.gif" alt="Holbie Pinnock" style="float:left;margin:5px;" /> Entering their round four bracket in style, Team Lost Desert soared past Kiko Lake in their match, raising a few eyebrows (and quite a few cheers) from observers and supporters on both sides. Analysts had expected any win by the Lost Desert to be marginal at best, given the unpredictability and tenacity of Team Kiko Lake, but the desert squad and their supporters answered that challenge with a solid day's worth of unwavering play, claiming Yooyuball, Shootout Showdown, and Make Some Noise. The Kikos weren't giving up Slushie Slinger however, adding another notch to their impressive tally of wins even as Leera Heggle and "Poke" Cellers were exchanging the customary post-match handshake.
    "Well, we couldn't let those analysts get too comfortable could we?" remarked Kiko Lake defender Ditan Colb with a chuckle. "Besides, LD played real shiny out there today, I daresay almost as well as us on our best day. They've definitely earned a win for today, and then some."
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/freebies/msnicons/brightvale.gif" alt="Kayn Hireck" style="float:right;margin:5px;" /> While Team Mystery Island dominated their match against the Shenkuu Ninjas, they were stopped just short of a sweep when a sneak attack by the Ninjas' pulled Shootout Showdown out from under them, proving once again that the Ninjas still have plenty of tricks up their sleeves. Elsewhere in the bracket, Brightvale managed to edge out just ahead of the Rooligans, taking Yooyuball to secure themselves the overall victory, even in the face of stiff side game opposition from their opponents. So stiff, in fact, that the Roos managed to counter with a side-sweep, scooting off with Slushie Slinger, Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown before the Brightvale Wizards could organise a response.
    Going head-to-head for the third time this tournament (and the second day in a row), enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in Alabriss Bracket teams Terror Mountain and Meridell. This ended up playing to Meridell's favour, as the Terror Mountain Chillers weren't quite energetic enough to keep up their usual high-octane gameplay, eventually conceding Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown to the Knights. Those victories gave Meridell's supporters just the boost they needed to surge ahead and take both Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise, earning the Knights a solid sweep.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/items/mcf_borovan_blazingstonemug.gif" alt="Blazing Stone Mug of Borovan" style="float:left;margin:5px;" /> Moltaran Team Captain Aldric Beign and his team certainly earned themselves a few blazing rounds of celebratory Borovan with their performance yesterday. Although it was immediately clear that the Haunted Woods would take all three side games by a solid margin, the Moltaran squad adamantly hung on in the face of steadily increasing pressure from the Zombies, holding off legendary striker Zo Junior for long enough to squeeze in a few shots of their own just before the closing whistle, levelling the final Yooyuball score.
    <img src="https://images.neopets.com/altador/altadorcup/2011/teams/virtupets_1.gif" alt="Keetra Deile" style="float:right;margin:5px;" /> Alabriss Bracket's most remarkable outcome, however, came from the match between the Virtupets Robots and Team Faerieland. Rebounding from a recent sweep at the hands of Mystery Island (and a string of many defeats before that), the Faeries not only managed to fend off a sweep with a draw in Slushie Slinger, but also blew right past the Robots in Shootout Showdown, adding one more victory to their overall tally. The Faeries still weren't able to claim the match against Virtupets' dedicated play in Yooyuball and Make Some Noise, but the results boosted morale all around, and raised some hopes that this season might still have an upset or two left in it.
    The clock is steadily ticking down however, and as we proceed into the tournament's fifth-last day it remains to be seen whether the approaching season terminus will inspire a new sense of urgency in tournament contenders. In Alabriss Bracket, Faerieland will certainly be under pressure to perform against the Haunted Woods Zombies, and the Moltarans even more so against top trio contenders Team Meridell. Meanwhile, Terror Mountain and Virtupets are eyeing each other up in anticipation of abruptly switching places in the standings - perhaps more than once, as the adjacently ranked teams vie for placement in today's match.
    It looks like there'll be plenty of close-fought matches to be had in Minitheus Bracket: the Shenkuu Ninjas have been pitted against the Brightvale Wizards, while the energetic Kiko Lakers cross guards with the similarly enthusiastic Roo Islanders, and heavy-hitters Mystery Island and Lost Desert duke it out, both hoping to claim spots at the top of the bracket.
    Vaeolus Bracket has its own share of big name matches, with heavyweights Kreludor and Darigan Citadel facing fellow heavyweights Krawk Island and Tyrannia respectively. Last (but certainly not least) on the match list, the Maraquan squad have been paired against the indomitable Altador Suns - an interesting mix considering Maraqua's well known weakness at the slushie stands.
    Only five days left in the season folks - play well, and good luck! This is AA, reporting from Altador, signing off.

  8. Like
    Xepha reacted to idriya in Video on userlookups?   
    I'd imagine you could add .gifs. Not videos, though.
  9. Like
    Xepha reacted to Mouseykins in Pre-Cup Interview with Faerieland's Kakoni Worill and Valtonous Rea   
    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).
    On location in Altador, this is Mouseykins for The Daily Neopets awaiting the start of this year’s Altador Cup. After sneaking past the guards into Faerieland’s locker room by dressing as a player, I saw my chance. I removed my disguise and to my luck I was not thrown out of the locker room. Instead I was granted an interview with Team Captain Kakoni Worill and Goalkeeper Valtonous Rea.


    Kakoni Worill and Valtonous Rea

    Thanks for not throwing me out! I've been waiting to interview both of you all week. All my attempts have been foiled, until now that is. [cackle]
    Kakoni: You know the guards are there to keep nosy people out, right? [snicker]
    Valtonous: Just don’t let them catch you on the way out. Now that you’ve found your way in, what would you like to know?
    What do you think of all the changes being made this year?
    Kakoni: The 24 days of playing in the tournament will be easier than previous years. I don’t think we’ll be as exhausted by the time we’re halfway through. Last year just getting through all the Yooyuball matches was grueling. [sigh] I’m more hopeful this year.
    Valtonous: After 38 days of defending that net last year, I was tuckered right out, and I think I slept for an entire month afterwards. This year I’ll be able to stay on my hooves, rather than falling over from exhaustion.
    [laugh] Hopefully this year will be better for your team. With these new changes, where are you hoping to finish?
    Valtonous: We’ll finish 15th. We’re always at rank 15 at the end of the tournament. We have thousands of loyal fans, but it’s never enough. We’re stuck in a rut. It would be nice if we could defeat a few of the more popular teams this year.
    Kakoni: Well these new changes are going to make things easier by far. I have a good feeling about the tournament this year. I think we’ll do quite well and may even be able to get out of our so called rut. [smile] It’s time we show these Yooyuball fanatics what we’re capable of.
    Valtonous: I second that!
    Both of you have an interesting way of putting things. [giggle] This year looks like it will be a better year for your team. I hear you all had a busy off-season this year.
    Kakoni: I sure hope so, we could sure use the boost to our stats. Yes, we spent our off-season travelling all around Neopia. I thought some adventure and seeing different sights might help inspire us this year. It was a great experience to lift our spirits after last season.
    Valtonous: The trip was a wonderful idea! [smile] After being on the road for a few weeks I noticed quite the change in everyone. All our moods went from depressed and exhausted to refreshed and cheerful. I know for myself getting away from home for a while was exactly what I needed. We spent so much of our time last year training and we still finished in the same spot as the year before. Now if that doesn’t leave you depressed, I don’t know what will.
    Your team has had quite the streak of bad luck these last few years. I’m glad your off-season adventure helped with everyone’s moods. What was the best part of your trip, besides getting away from all that stress?
    Kakoni: For me, the highlight of our trip was the bonding that we all got to do. We spent most of our travels doing trust exercises and confidence building activities. We all came together and grew as a team.
    Valtonous: Those activities were awesome! I really enjoyed them. I have to say the best part of
    our adventure was visiting Shenkuu and taking cooking lessons with Chef Bonju. We got to cook tons of delicious meals.
    That sounds scrumptious! I always liked trust and confidence building exercises. What was your least favourite part of your trip?
    Kakoni: Definitely the massive amount of rain while we were visiting Mystery Island during their Festival of Fruit. Yes, I know we were in a jungle, but did it have to rain so much?
    Valtonous: [laugh] Yes, the dreaded soakings we had to endure. That was definitely the worst part of our travels. I think I didn’t fully dry out until two days after we left Mystery Island. We should have gone straight to the Lost Desert after that, but no, someone arranged for our next stop to be Maraqua. which meant more water and more getting wet. At least we weren’t soaked constantly.
    I have to admit I’m not a huge fan of rainy days, especially when it’s raining for days. It’s so gloomy and depressing. The only thing good from it is diving into a good book. Well I think I’m out of questions. Is there anything else you want to add?
    Kakoni: I had a blast on this trip! After visiting all of our destinations we went back home for a couple of months to get ready for the Altador Cup. We spent a lot of our time on the road training and we didn’t take a break once we got home. The training continued all year in preparation to up our rank this year.
    Valtonous: I was so happy to be home again after spending months away from my cozy abode. I loved visiting all those exciting places, but there’s nothing like sleeping in your own bed after a long trip.
    I get homesick too. If there’s nothing else you wish to comment on, I’d better sneak on outta here and let you get back to your training. Good luck this year! [group hug]
    Valtonous: Thank you! We shall give it all we’ve got and hope for the best.
    Kakoni: Thanks, we have a few tricks up our sleeves that should make for an entertaining tournament.
    After saying goodbye to Kakoni and Valtonous I put my disguise back on and exited the locker room. Being dressed as a player from Faerieland, I was able to successfully sneak past the guards without getting caught.
  10. Like
    Xepha reacted to svenferg in Pre-Cup Interview with RI captain Lilo Blumario   
    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free representation of the parties involved, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. If professional analysis is what tickles your fancy, take a look at our predictions (global/daily).

    Last week I asked Lilo Blumario, captain of Roo Island’s Yooyuball team, for an interview. He literally sprang at the opportunity, but asked that we meet in an unconventional place: the Games Room.
    Lilo, thank you so much for this interview.
    Oh, of course! I love talking about the Altador Cup. I can’t believe how close it is!
    I am wondering, though, why did you ask to meet here of all places? It’s a little…chaotic for an interview, don’t you think?
    The last few months have been practice, practice, practice and this is my first day off in weeks! And since I haven’t been able to visit the new Games Room yet, and it’s basically in my own backyard, today seemed like a perfect day to check it out! I hope you don’t mind.
    Oh, not at all. Now, you and the rest of your squad have been pretty busy this offseason.
    That’s right. We’ve had festivals almost every week, along with our interviews, sailing trips, and not to mention our team outing to the new Art Centre. Hearing Gordo’s poem, “A Sunset by Roo Bay,” was priceless!
    Um, I meant more along the lines of your trade with Brightvale…
    Oh, of course! That was fun too!
    Right…So for my readers who don’t already know, Roo Island has traded Right Defender Gordo Gunnels for Brightvale’s “Squeaky” Tressif. Is this an exciting time for Roo Island?
    Oh, of course! I am always amazed by how readily our fans accept new faces. They really get behind our team!
    Now, Lilo, this trade seems unprecedented. You guys have always apeared to be such a close knit squad, where a trade seemed out of the question. Why the change?
    Oh, nothing’s changed. Gordo will always be loved by Roo Island. We simply felt that it was time for us, as a team, to move forward, and it was an incredible opportunity for Gordo.
    Why’s that?
    Roo Island is an offensively minded team, and we always have been. I personally think it’s more exciting that way, but it is tough for a defensive player to thrive in that kind of environment. But they love their defense over in Brightvale, and I really think Gordo will fit in well over there.
    Now with Gunnels, you’re losing a two-time All-Neopian First Team member. How is his absence felt on the team?
    Gordo was a… big presence in the backfield! He’s a good player and he will be missed. But Squeaky has filled in perfectly.
    What sparked your team’s interest in Squeaky? He may be the former Brightvale captain, but the casual fan of the cup probably has never even heard of him.
    We’ve been watching Squeaky for a while now. He’s a tenacious defender, and every time I played him, I was very impressed by his poise under pressure. Sure he’s not an All-Neopian, or a top goal scorer, but his leadership skills are invaluable to a team. We believe, on a higher-profile team like Roo Island, he can finally get the recognition he deserves.
    How is Tressif fitting into the Roo Island environment?
    I’m not going to lie; it was a little awkward at first. There was some tension between Fenny and Squeaky at the beginning. Fenny’s humor seemed to have no effect on the stoic Squeaky, but I was able to rally the troops with some practical jokes. A few exploding jellies and hidden Slorgs later, and it was as if “Squeaky” had been with us for years. We got him to crack a smile, even if he won’t admit it. He even opened up about how he got his nickname.
    I was curious, how did he pick up the name Squeaky?
    Well during that nasty Brightvale cheating scandal of Y8, Tressif was dubbed “Squeaky” for his “squeaky-clean” play in contrast to the rest of his team. He even won the Sportsmanship award in ACI. He wears the name as a badge of honor, I guess.
    What was the process of acquiring Squeaky like?
    Well there were several teams that were interested; us, Tyrannia, Haunted Woods, Altador and Lost Desert. Haunted Woods, Lost Desert and Altador are all teams with rich defensive history, which seemed perfect for Squeaky... And Tyrannia ranked highest out of all of us last season, so we didn’t go into the trade with much hope. Representatives from the five teams met in Brightvale to give a little speech to Squeaky. It was me, Krell, Leera, Trapper and Taggert.
    Wow, so many Yooyuball stars in one place must have caused quite the excitement, right?
    No, it was awful! We were on such a tight schedule that I didn’t even have time to spin the Wheel of Wisdom!
    Right….So you were saying?
    Right! So we’re in the main hall of Brightvale Castle, talking to the Brightvale team, all of us trying to convince them we were the best place for Squeaky. I was just honest with them, saying we really loved Squeaky’s leadership ability, and were willing to trade our All-Neopian defender to get him. And the rest is history!
    Well, Lilo, this may have been one of the most unconventional interviews I’ve had, but I suppose they always are with you.
    Thanks, I try!
  11. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in Unreleased Water Petpets!   
    A water Hasee and Schnelly are soon to be released!

    Hasee | Schnelly

  12. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in We're Hiring: Altador Cup Team!   
    Everyone who has applied for Altador Cup positions should have received a reply by now. (Unless I missed you, somehow...)
    Looking forward to work with the new staff members. :D
  13. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from nbbug132 in Liking things   
    I'm expecting that a final decision regarding likes will be made once Ian is done with school, at the end of June.
    So far, Staff has been using it without problems. We usually like good news from other staffers, funny posts or posts that clearly answer question asked by the OP.
    And it's always fun to come back to the forums and see that one of your post has been liked. :P
  14. Like
    Xepha reacted to Lydia Trebond in We're Hiring: Altador Cup Team!   
    We are still looking for people! In particular, we are looking for people willing to help with midnight reports!
    http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/forum/112-altador-cup-news/ <This type of stuff!
  15. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in We're Hiring: Altador Cup Team!   
    We're hiring for our dedicated Altador Cup Team! If you like writing predictions and being an Altador Cup reporter, this job is for you!
    If you're interested in being a part of our Altador Cup Team - APPLY NOW!!

    Don't sit around waiting - apply now!

    More the merrier! Don't be shy!
  16. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Game Cookies Returning to NC Mall!   
    Nope, I don't like it either...
    Not a great way to fight inflation around the site. And since it's not that expensive, it might appeal to the people who never cared about NC before. If it's wrong for people to sell Neopoints, it should be wrong for TNT to sell Neopoints.
  17. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Emily in Liking things   
    I'm expecting that a final decision regarding likes will be made once Ian is done with school, at the end of June.
    So far, Staff has been using it without problems. We usually like good news from other staffers, funny posts or posts that clearly answer question asked by the OP.
    And it's always fun to come back to the forums and see that one of your post has been liked. :P
  18. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Mouseykins in Liking things   
    I'm expecting that a final decision regarding likes will be made once Ian is done with school, at the end of June.
    So far, Staff has been using it without problems. We usually like good news from other staffers, funny posts or posts that clearly answer question asked by the OP.
    And it's always fun to come back to the forums and see that one of your post has been liked. :P
  19. Like
    Xepha reacted to Spritzie in Avatar Counter thingy..   
    You can get a counter from TDN's Avatar Checklist.
    If you don't have a myTDN account yet (It's separate from the forums account), create one, and you can follow the instructions to import all the avatars you have. Once you do that, on the top right, you'll see a link that says "Your Counters" Click that, and you can pick which one you want, and it supplies the coding depending on where you'll use it. You'll want the Forums Code to use here.
    To put in your signature you would go to your settings, and it's the 4th little tab on the left.
  20. Like
    Xepha got a reaction from Spritzie in Liking things   
    I'm expecting that a final decision regarding likes will be made once Ian is done with school, at the end of June.
    So far, Staff has been using it without problems. We usually like good news from other staffers, funny posts or posts that clearly answer question asked by the OP.
    And it's always fun to come back to the forums and see that one of your post has been liked. :P
  21. Like
    Xepha reacted to eightbitdimwit in TNT should allow us to send feedback.   
    If you can find your way through the winding labyrinth of the help section, I do believe there's a comments/feedback option on tickets.
  22. Like
    Xepha reacted to hrtbrk in We're Hiring: Many Positions!   
    The Daily Neopets is looking for enthusiastic players who would be interested in joining our Altador Cup, Content, Customization and Battlepedia departments!
    If you think you would be a great addition to our team, apply now!

    Join our team now!

  23. Like
    Xepha reacted to Mireia in Mysterious Negg Journey: Beat the Neggbreaker!   
    O no! We have to fight the ignominious error 404, I'm not prepared for this...
    Now seriously, when will this be available?
  24. Like
    Xepha reacted to keiwo in Ads on Neopets   
    I have premium so I don't see ads I don't think.. but yeah you would think that most of the advertisements on the site would be geared toward children, although they could be targeting individuals based on demographics and statistics
  25. Like
    Xepha reacted to Sweetdang in Ads on Neopets   
    i HAVE ADBLOCKER, SO I'm not so bothered.
    Sorry about the caps at the beginning, didn't realize it was on!
    What curse words?
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