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Everything posted by TantrumOfDarknees

  1. I also got blocked from posting/responding to any post in the forums because my gallery name was "F U" in symbols that looked similar to the letter so I wouldn't get flag, then one day i got a message that said "I like ur gallery name ", that message felt like it unleashed a chaos bomb in less than 24 hours cus I got banned; I tried sending a request to get it revoked, but their answer vaguely reassembled any type of coherent message that could help me with my case, so I gave up... that was TWO YEARS AGO! and I still CAN'T post/comment on any forum.
  2. Nvm. I passed all the 3 levels and then it say "woo hoo" and then I guess that's it??? Why.
  3. i really hope that you do your best, nail the interview and get the job.
  4. A question for the ppl saying Act I ends on sunday: how do i know the amount of items i "bought" with the void points? or do i have to keep the count on my own?? also, can i buy the same thing and it still counts or???
  5. This is my link; help me with this one guys. https://gleam.io/t6BuI-6woOc2NAIR-4l2ni
  6. I'm writing this again because commenting "I like your composition " is a violatıon of the forυm rules somehow.
  7. I like the composition This post has been edited by a member of staff (Duma) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please keep your posts at 7 words or above. Per the reason above, please review our SPAM rules.
  8. Oooh yeah, now I see why I lost. Its still bubu tho.
  9. Yoh, how did I even lost here? Can someone explain to me what happened??
  10. I fvckıng hate the wheel of misfortune yall.
  11. I sht nvm. I saw your gif on my mailbox . Thnx bro
  12. I want the Starry Wreath Wig then
  13. Oh shoot, really? I want the Ice Cream Scoop Wig pls .
  14. Maybe is it because its 24 and not the 23, but the in the options to select a need out ot the 3 none of them show the grey negg. Should I select any of them or???
  15. Oh man, I wish I could send you friend request if it wasn't because my account got permanently silence like 1 day ago for no reason . Anyways... I hope you get a lot of good friends on this site .
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