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Posts posted by danascullymd

  1. Welcome to TDN forums, kiraush!

    This is a very awesome community of people and I am sure you will make tons of friends. Feel free to send me a nf request on neo!

    Sending my best wishes to you for your Poogle hunt; they are very cute. What is your favorite color of Poogle?

  2. Thank you everyone for this outpouring of support and tips. You have been extremely helpful and it means a lot to me. <3

    loveyouanyhow; That was definitely my experience with contrast dye lol. I was more concerned about the overwhelming feeling that I had wet my pants than the taste.

    Thank you for the prayers, midnight. I appreciate them.

  3. A chap I used to work with had a scan somewhere that had the headphones, and he did fall asleep, so you totally can!


    Thank goodness! I can sleep through just about anything so that would be excellent. Plus, I'm not sure if I'll get any rest the night before (yay painsomnia and sleeping problems) so I will appreciate a good nap!

  4. I've had a long history of migraines with no apparent cause (I've had them for over 20 years now) and I've done a fair number of MRIs (And CAT scans, etc)


    I remember specifically one when they had me bring in my own CD and they played it over speakers that I could hear inside the machine. They also allowed my mom to sit in the room with me and she sat down by my feet and just kept a hand on my leg so I'd know she was there. Those things both helped me, though I wasn't claustrophobic, I was pretty young at the time, so keeping me still and stopping me from freaking out was important. (I was probably about 7-9 at the time)


    My last MRI was when I was 15 and that was a contrast one, as well as having my head immobilized in some sort of setup. By then, I had learned some biofeedback methods to see if that helped with my migraines, so I used those to distract myself. They were mostly mental exercises to keep my mind and body relaxed. My favorite was always picking a favorite place and just focusing on the details, like what you'd see, smell, feel, hear there. The more details I focused on, the more absorbed in that I would get. I used that one for my migraines the most. I still do it now, actually.


    Since I'm an adult I don't think they would let anyone in there with me, but I can definitely see how that is helpful. I have some CDs, but most of my music is on my iPod so I would have to see about that.


    I totally forgot about biofeedback methods (which is weird bc I'm a psych major), so thank you for mentioning that! I also know some calming and grounding exercises like the ones you described, so I could probably utilize those too.

  5. Thanks everyone for the continuing support and advice. I'm not sure about the earplugs or open air scans, but I now know that they are even things that exist and will ask about them. I'm also glad to hear you all have had smooth experiences with the procedure.

    It would be cool if I could bring my own music; it definitely would ease my nerves and make everything go smoothly. The feeling of lying on the floor is not my favorite thing, but hopefully I can distract myself.

    Is it okay to sleep during MRIs? That would definitely be a distraction and laying down during the day usually makes me fall asleep. 

  6. Don't feel bad for floundering, jelly, I have the same type of cognitive problems. Thank you for the hugs, too, I've been through the ringer with this on what is supposed to be a relaxing summer break from college!

    I'm not sure if I am having one on my spine, although I think there should be since I am suffering from a lot of spinal pain and problems. I hope they give me some sort of foam wedge for my legs and some mirrors, that sounds really nice. I also hope I am as good at keeping still as you are lol.


    I believe I've had a contrast injection for CT scan I had done on my stomach; I just remember feeling like I had to pee for the whole thing.

    Thank you for the advice and tips, I really appreciate it!

  7. Hi, everyone


    I just scheduled my first MRI and it is two weeks away. I believe my neurologist is looking for abnormalities like brain lesions, as I am showing some symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). I already have fibromyalgia so I really don't need another disability, but I would like some answers to what has been happening to me for the past few months. I have already had an EEG and an EMG. EMGs are the actual worst tbh I have had a spinal tap and I feel that EMGs are worse.

    If anyone has ever had an MRI, do you have any tips to be comfortable during the experience? I can get anxious in small spaces and I know you can be in that narrow tube for a long time.

  8. I'm not currently listening to anything, but I've been listening to a lot of St. Vincent, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, and Heart lately. Those are some of my favorite artists and I usually listen to them a lot, but I've been on a particular kick.


    Lol, I have the exact opposite problem: there's so much good music, there's too much of it out there to keep up with. :)


    I'm currently listening to the soundtrack of the (weird, but awesome) movie Repo! The Genetic Opera.

    I agree, there is so much good music to discover and listen to! Also I love Repo!

  9. Hi, psmucker3! I often have the same symptoms you have, but due to other illnesses, not PCOS, so I slightly understand how much this can suck.

    alexinwonderland is correct, usually forms of hormonal birth control can help even out hormones and alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing. However, I would wait until you got home and work with your regular doctor or your gynecologist (if you have one. if not, it may be a good idea to start looking if you are able), as these things should be consistently monitored. Depending on your home country, there are usually resources to get discounted birth control. midnight is also right about having a friend that can reassure and possibly motivate you.

    Try not to push yourself beyond your limits and take care of yourself in whatever way you can while abroad. As for the depression and anxiety, social support can help with those symptoms. Coloring, relaxation techniques, meditation, or participating in a favorite hobby can help with these too, but can be more helpful for anxiety. If you ever feel particularly lonely and do not have anyone to talk to, posting here is a good idea or getting in touch with an online crisis line. When you get back home, or even while you are abroad, finding support groups may also be helpful.

    Here are links for depression and anxiety resources that include self-help:



    I hope things start looking up for you! I have more resources if you want to PM me!

  10. I'm still in college, but I'll be starting my junior year next fall. I go to Central Michigan University and I double major in psychology and women and gender studies and minor in religion. I want to be a therapist, so I'll finish up with my BS and then hopefully go to University of Michigan to get an MCSW (masters of clinical social work) and eventually become a DCSW (diplomate of clinical social work). I don't have any work opportunities related to this field yet, but I do a lot of volunteering and jobs at my school that will help me gain skills to be a better therapist.

  11. Devo; I wish I was more into avatar collecting when meowy didn't cost and arm and a leg to get. It would have been so good. The lending process seems a little weird to me, but I feel like I can get the hang of it.


    Midnight; You are so lucky to have those lent to you! Also thank you so much for the help, I very well might take you up on your lending offers :)

  12. So I know Attack of the Slorgs is one of the shockwave games notorious for giving users trouble. The good news is I can play it on FF, bad news is that when I try to send my score, it redirects me to the load the soundtrack option :sad01_anim:

    Has anyone found a fix for this, or should I just give up for a bit? Sadly, I had a high enough score for the avatar and a place on the high score table that did not go through. Still a little bitter.

  13. Thank you midnight and Devo! I'm definitely ready to make my way around here.

    midnight; I would definitely be one to vent about the random avatars :laughingsmiley: although I finally got the TDMBGPOP avatar the other day, so I was feeling pretty good. 


    Devo; My dream avatar is probably the meowclops avatar! The big three are a little out of my reach in regards to np because I'm saving for a maraquan pb for my cybunny, but someday I will get them.

  14. Hi, everyone! I am Carissa and I am new to TDN forums! I have been playing neopets for 10+ years, with my main account (dreamzeppelinarcher) being 95 months old. On Neopets, I really enjoy playing games, chatting on the boards, dice-a-roo, and collecting as many avatars as possible. Irl, I'm into anything to do with music, TV, film, poetry, literature and more. I hope to find a good sense of community here that enjoys neo as much as I do!

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