So then the real question is... has JS given up on being creative? I feel like that question is rhetorical though. Items look nearly identical to other ones, descriptions are wrong, videos are reused, not to mention Altador Cup and Charity Corner this year were plagued with bugs... How much slack can we cut one company? I know they're transitioning away from Flash, but this has been going on for years. Remember the item that was taken from fanart? That was before Flash announced it was stopping, but during the JS era. I know that's only one instance, but reasons like that make it hard for me to take "they're transitioning to HTML5" as an excuse. I just think JS is bad at running a website like Neopets. Sorry if this post upsets people, but I kinda reached my boiling point and felt like I had to say something about it.
I have to admit, the main reason I stick around nowadays is the community. I've lost basically all interest in the actual Neopets website.