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Posts posted by capgal

  1. oh sweet girl! I know you won't believe this at first, but please, please try.... NONE OF THIS -- NONE --- is on your shoulders. I know it feels that way. I can tell how deeply and how beautifully you care for those around you, and that is to be commended, but NONE of this is on you. People have terrible things happen. People do terrible things. It's a horrible feeling to see things crumbling around and you and feel powerless, but I promise you that you are no powerless. You can do one very important thing: You can report your despicable uncle.


    I know he's threatened you, but I promise you, promise you, promise you- THAT IS WHAT ABUSERS DO. They create fear in their victims so they can keep doing what they want. PLEASE KNOW you are stronger than this! You can make a positive difference for your life, and for the lives of others. The truth WILL come out- and you are not protecting anyone but your abuser. He is a sick man who is no doubt hurting others- PLEASE stop him.


    We're all here for you if you need us. I can get you in touch with an advocate in your area. We will put a stop to this.

  2. My first thought was, "THANK GOD I will have two days of actually being productive at work!" hahahahaha


    I definitely miss neo during the transition, but I feel really positive about the change and am hoping that this final move over to the new servers means that they can start focusing on other site improvements (COUGHIWANTAPLOTSOBADLYCOUGH) instead of working on making sure it's safe to do the transition.

  3. I desperately needed braces and wasn't able to get them until I was a working adult. While it sucks about the studies, I would suggest a couple things-- no need to stick with e $5000 price sticker! Shop around, and let the ortho's you're visiting know that you're shopping around. I got mine 50%! So they're willing to work with you, as long as you're willing to try and make a deal. Second, ask if you can go on a monthly payment plan. It took me almost the length of having braces on to pay them off, but it was A LOT more doable than have the total in cash. Good luck!

  4. For my mythical creature, I chose the most mythological one of them all....... Prince Charming.

    This perfect man has only eyes for you, and is waiting for you (with roses and candy, of course) at your favorite picnic spot where he has chosen your favorite meals. This is a regular occurrence with this perfect man (who also cooks and cleans).


    please click on him to see the moving parts! :)


  5. I'm entering my Cloud Lenny, SIlenses. He's my Tenth Doctor custom, so I figured I couldn't beat that for the theme. ;) Silence(er.. Silenses) in the Library with his trusty sonic wrench(Oh please, TNT, make a screwdriver!" hiding from the shadows. xD


    If you get it, then you're as nerdy as I am. :)


    So many great entries here! I have no idea how I"m going to choose when voting time comes!



  6. Thank you SO much to everyone! I love having a geek community within neopets. :)


    I especially love the Mean Girls reference. heehee, awesome. This custom is actually what got me into NC trading... and into a spiral that will inevitably leave me homeless due to not being able to make rent. xD


    Who else has geeky customs to show off? I've seen some awesome Supernatural ones around the site.

  7. HEY! I know you, too!! :) and thanks! I changed him up a bit since you last saw him- glad you like!


    Heeeeyyy I know you :nerd:

    I love Silenses so much xD


    You're so sweet! Admittedly I love the hair- it's the closest wig i could find to David Tennant's amazing hair, haha, though if you guys come across something I missed that looks better, let me know! I just love talking to people who get what I was going for. :)


    Oh my goodness I absolutely love it. It's amazing! I agree that the hair isn't spot on although it does look like him in the 50 anniversary. The moffit is hilarious! And the background and everything is just so great, he looks fabulous.

  8. You guys are all so awesome! Thanks for the support and kind words. :)


    You're all absolutely correct that I shouldn't have bothered responding. Unfortunately it caught me at just the right (or, wrong) time and I did. Oh well- live and learn. Today is much better so far and I really appreciate everyone taking the time to leave a comment!

  9. I recommend that you hold on to your P3 and watch prices. It seems *too* strange that the price would go down so suddenly. Someone might be trying to scam you (ie someone who is actually REALLY inflating prices wants to buy all of the item and is trying to get yours for cheap).




    ooh, that's a great point! Thanks- I hadn't thought of that. I did check jellyneo later it was listed as 120k So.. I was way off base AND the current TP is off. Or Jellyneo. Who knows. TNT has said more than once that we decide the value of items, so as long as we're not working together to unfairly inflate things, supply and demand are in play.


    I agree that TNT doesn't really care about individual high-priced items- why would they? Unless a user is actively trying to promote their inflated deal as a great buy, a sale, or a limited-time offer, there's no harm done in listing a higher price.

  10. Hey everyone! I'm a consistent lurker on the boards, but something annoyed me so much today I had to post. I had gotten a breebly from the coincidence last week and was totally blown away to realize that it was going for 5 million(based on multiple lots). I posted it for 4.8 as auto, added id go lowest on the TP and to nm me to haggle.

    Then I didn't think about it again. My TP items usually always take forever to sell and I figured that any item going for that price had a limited market.

    So today I get a message from a user saying that they reported me for false inflation! Told me it was a nice try and they'd reported it.

    I was baffled. So I checked the TP and all the previous lots id based it on were gone. The only one wth an active price was 800k, and another lot including a breebly for a total of 1.2 million.

    I replied that it was incredibly rude to report me before actually talking to me first, that I based my asking price based on what others were asking and that I don't deal in P3s so I don't keep track of their rate. And that, if they didn't like my asking price they didn't have to meet it, but it certainly wasn't false inflation. They came back with

    "5 million? Are you kidding me? You obviously didn't do any research. It is frustrating when people are trying to trick others. NO petpetpets arw that much, let alone a rather unpopular one. The price should be around 200k-500k, if someone asks a little more, then whatever, nobody will offer, but 5mil? 1mil would be sketchy, but 5mil?"

    And then they blocked me from messaging them.

    Look, I get that I clearly had a ridiculously high asking price, but is it too much to ask to receive a friendly neomIl informing me of that before just reporting me? Ugh- I feel a little sick about it. I never meant to trick anyone- I was just blown away at my good luck in getting such a high priced item. I never went on the boards promoting it or anything- it just sat there.


    Sorry- it's just been a really stressful day/week and this was just really gross icing on the cake. :/

  11. SO.... what happens now? I'm a little disappointed that completing the 5th level did lead to an option for portal activation. I'm not sure where to go from here. Anyone have thoughts? Or do we just wait for today's news and hope they mention something?

  12. Oh gosh, I definitely wouldn't report that! The user didn't do anything wrong. It sucks that you were the recipient of a rant just because you have a PB for sale, but you have the option to block that user if you don't want to interact with them. Personally I would reply that you don't determine the market price, but your item is priced accordingly and you recommend a, b, and c, and ways to earn NP.


    If you don't want to reply, though, that's fine. Frankly, if a letter like that leads someone to offer it a lower price, that is the sellers perogative, but that doesn't make it scamming.


    Good luck with your sale!

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