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Posts posted by pheddy

  1. You can blow up a balloon, dip yarn in glue, wrap it around the balloon, give it some time to dry, pop it, and make a hanging ornament

    Soak yarn in lighter fluid, wrap it around a wine glass, light the yarn on fire, then dip it in ice to make a wine glass cup (the top part comes off clean)

    You can paint a wine glass for her

    You can make her a personalized calendar or photo book (I work at Walgreens and most will make one in a few hours, and is from 14.99 to 29.99)

    If you want me to elaborate any of these let me know :)

  2. I play solely on a laptop, and I suck at games, I have gotten: advert attack, better than you, bilge dice, blumaroo court jester, capara, cliffhanger, deadly dice, dice escape, dice a roo, eliv thade, fishing, gormball, grarrl keno, hannah and the pirate caves, wheel of extravagance, illusen, apple bobbing, jhudora, kiosk wocky, lenny conundrum, crossword, magax, master vex, wheel of mediocrity, meepit v feepit, mortog, kacheek seek, neoquest II, pick your own, poogle racing, sewage surfer, shapeshifting, skarl moody, wise old king, heads or tails, dubloon disaster, haunted scratch, suteks tomb, snow faerie, cheeseroller, buzzer game, top gamer, ultimate bullseye, tyranu evavu, whack a kass, wheel of excitement/monotony/mediocrity.


    Hope this helps!

  3. Just do something for yourself that makes you happy :)


    I do have a hilarious joke for you: Two muffins are in an oven, the first one says "Man it is really hot in here" The second one says "Holy crap a talking muffin!"


    Also something I found really funny: Go to google translate, and type "....................." from English to Japanese

  4. I think the best thing I have won from key quest is #1 from the lab map (the one worth 500k). I have also won 2 of the other pieces that are worth 100k. I agree with mini games lagging, it sometimes doesn't let me play the spyder one, and the fruit cutting one lags too. I also hate it when someone is losing so they quit right when I'm about to win, is that something I can report them for?

  5. I'm 24 and many times I have felt the same way. Actually, if I didn't know any better it would seem like I posted this myself. What makes you happy? What are you passionate about? The best way to figure that out is to put yourself out there. If you are looking for a job try indeed.com, if you are looking for school try looking at courses/programs. If you want to find someone start asking your friends to set you up with someone. The point is if you are upset with something the best thing to do is make a change, or look at something from a new perspective. I'm sure you have a lot of qualities that make you a great ambitious person, you just have to believe in yourself to make that happen. For me, my passion is making people smile. Right now I am an assistant manager. Is that what I want to do for the rest of my life? No, but while I'm figuring that out I am holding on to the moments that make me happy. If you need someone to talk to you can PM me, I'm more than happy to help.

  6. The problem isn't plastic or recycling, its that a lot of places don't recycle the kind that plastic bags are made of. A lot of retail stores accept plastic bags to recycle. I think that grocery stores shouldn't give out plastic bags at all. I've worked in a few places where they banned plastic and charged 10 cents for paper bags, which is pretty effective but really pisses people off.

  7. Big day today! I finally got around to beating Magax II and getting the avvie, I got the thieves guild avvie/site theme. I have been saving up for the lab map for a while, I had all the petpet maps and today I bought my 8/9. Then, while playing key quest, I got the last piece I needed(the one worth 500k) :)) Now I have access to both maps and am trying for both avatars! Can't wait to get the avatars I'm so happy :)

  8. I found the best way to get jubjubs to appear is to cycle through between scorchios/cybunnies, and when out of power, and when on fire. The guide on TDN shows how many cybunnies there are as well, and I would count them before I finish each level. Also, I would just wait until February 1st to try that way you don't have to have a huge high score.

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