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Everything posted by granny63020

  1. 1. 2. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's defence has increased!
  2. Jump in time for today is CHANCE AT PRIZES, January 29th: Visit the Symol Hole NOW and jump in for a chance at a prize! Jump in from XX:07:00 to XX:10:59. I jumped in at XX : 09 Stained Glass Symol Window isn't worth a lot but still cool to get something. If anyone wants the window let me know I'm happy to send it to you.
  3. Just got this message . It is 2 part. Just had this pop up when my page loaded. If they scheduled it why didn't we know? The Site is Currently Undergoing Scheduled Maintenance!
  4. 1. For your efforts, Legretta_Abyss's level has increased! 2.
  5. I Had 2 previous RE's posted and then I went to add this one I got an error code 200 and this one wouldn't post so I tried a couple more times before refreshing the page. Now the previous 2 are gone! One of the two was a Faerie quest for the Dark Faerie. 5.
  6. 1. Legretta_Abyss's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!
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