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Everything posted by Duma

  1. Looking to trade: I need red codestones for my training and I'm willing to trade for equal value of normal codestones. Just let me know what kind you need most. I mostly need Kew at the moment.
  2. It's a shame so many of them have a max return. You probably bet the max on all of them (Over 10k) so your end profit will be less. Also, these are the "participants" for yesterday. You can't even bet on these today, Shipwreck doesn't have a Stripey option for today nor has Harpoon a pegleg option. The only valid bet you have is bet 3 with Buck and Crossblades as far as I can see. Hopefully for you they both win and you don't lose all of those NP!
  3. I had all of them at once as well, they are divided into both locations though. First day I had four in Faerieland and only one in the city. Today I had 2 in Faerieland in 3 in the city. I will not get any items with my points that are for sale in the Hidden tower. I'll keep my points for items that are unique like the TCG, the bomb, books and stamp.
  4. Hi and welcome to the forums Melissa! If you have any questions feel free to ask.
  5. Same! I am waiting to activate my faerie quest cookie until I get the refresh boon but so far no luck. Hopefully this round will be different.
  6. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  7. Banned for using the exact same amount of words in your sentence.
  8. Banned for calling me impatient after waiting so long.
  9. Banned for waiting this long to come back.
  10. True! But is it though? TPBM hasn't posted in this thread for a long time.
  11. Yeah, they also haven't won since December but I think the other candidate might be the Awakened. I'll pick sway but make sure to battle the Awakened more.
  12. Duma

    Last to post wins!

    Just don't expect to win Forum games sure have been down for a while, but feel free to restart them if you like, we'll see how long they can survive again.
  13. Welcome back to Neopets and to the forum! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There's a lot of helpful people here that might know how to help.
  14. Hello and welcome back! A lot of things have changed over the years and a lot of stuff seems broken with flash gone. I myself haven't really tried to get around it so I can't help with that.
  15. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  16. I would like the faerie quest boon as well so going to go with Sway myself.
  17. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  18. Which faction are you joining for this round? So, vote! Good luck! You must win in 10 battles each round in order to win the boons. Oxbridge Prediction:
  19. Duma

    Last to post wins!

    It's not very exciting or anything but it's nice because unlike with adding items, that get released at midnight and we would want to add them to the database as quickly as possible, or with events that need updating and such, I can do my TDN job whenever I have time. I usually check it in the morning and after work.
  20. They don't have that bad of boons so I don't get it either. Guess we'll have to wait longer for Order boons and for those who need it, the avatar.
  21. In addition to what Aquamentis said, if you play 1P battles and you know what icon types your opponent can and mostly can NOT defend against, you try to pick weapons that have the most icons of that icon type as to do the most damage possible. For shields the same way, if you know what icon types your opponent will inflict, try to pick shields that defend the most icons of that type. For the moment, if you have Lens flare and Warlocks Rage, there's two turns you don't have to worry about the icon type, you'd just pick the weapons with the most icons as those will do the most damage (and don't bother with a shield for 2 those turns, the opponent can't hit you), at least for as long as the BD abilities work as it is working now, but they have been like this for a very long time already.
  22. You're right! I was thinking of the Freezing Potion for water damage. I'll think it over what I buy. I did see the Moehog Skull and Thundersticks but they are insanely priced. I didn't know the Thundersticks were from the AC, if only I had played more. AC is my least favorite event and I usually only get to rank 1 3 free turns would be great and if they change the abilities I'll see what strategy works out best then. No use speculating over it yet. Who knows what they'll do, if they even change it.
  23. Yes, the Helmet is cheaper but I figured if I use it with my Kelpbeard Trident (which is my main weapon) The marbles have water damage too, so less likely to be blocked. If I use the helmet and my opponent blocks some physical and some water I end up doing more damage with the Marbles/Trident combi. I haven't used a freezer yet so I'm not 100% sure, but I thought the freezer would freeze the opponent for the next turn and not yet the turn that you use it. If it works like a sort of lens flare as in that the freezing is the same turn and they don't get to attack or defend, then it wouldn't matter what icons and the helmet could be an option. But I don't know and without a freezer to test it my gut was telling me to go for the Marbles.
  24. Duma

    Last to post wins!

    Yeah, it's always like that, some people (like me) just look at unread topics and then decide whether to post or not. In this case you were the spark to bring it back to my unread list. too bad. Now if only other people would join in, it could become fun again!
  25. It's all based on luck and on the rarity of the item. The well doesn't give out items above a certain rarity. The rarity is speculated to be r89. So not all items are given through the Wishing well. Aside from the restrictions you are aware of already. There's some more info about it here: https://thedailyneopets.com/articles/wishing-well
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