This might be the oldest thing I've ever said, but I decided to be done with neo with this switch because I don't want to deal with the layout change. It would be one thing if it was the mobile layout only, but having the mobile layout for the desktop browser version too is just too much. I was already planning to significantly roll back my usage as I'm having a baby in six weeks, and my RL friends who used to play only come for the AC now. I was already realizing that the flash player and the games thing was changing things, but all the changes told me it was time. I'll see where I am when the AC rolls around.
If some of you are finding it to be a good change once you get the hang of it, that's great. I hope it works, because I'd hate to see neo end. I'm a tech teacher (in normal school years), and I was really starting to see some potential in using it as a safe game and chat site (keeping my students in the newbie board).