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Posts posted by b_alasdair

  1. So, I've followed the guide verbatim up to the point that I'm supposed to find a bottle of oil. I've clicked each statue several times, but haven't seen it. Will it just randomly appear behind a statue I've already clicked? Am I supposed to somehow click to the back of the statues? Am I late for the boat and unable to complete the plot?

    Mods, feel free to close this. I've found the oil behind a statue I'd clicked several times already, so I suppose it's just placed randomly.

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  2. I sell everything I come across that's worth more than 100 NP, spin the wheels (I'm determined to get a few Paint Brushes out of the Wheel of Monotony), play with the Habitarium, "watch" the ad videos, and do all of the dailies/hourlies/what-have-you-lies. I stress too easily to play any of the games with timers or limits of any kind.

  3. More specifically, walk me through your process. Did you have something specific in mind when you set out, and just pick what was appropriate for that? Did you build your shop around the shopkeeper you like best?

    For me, I figured that since my Aisha has an Ashlander name, I should stick with that theme. I gave my Dark Faerie shopkeeper a Dunmeri name, had her give a Dunmeri greeting, and called it a corner club. Once I learn how HTML and stuff work, I'll edit even more to make it look like something straight out of Morrowind.

  4. Thank you for your help. I don't think I want to spend that many NP on a reward that's really only useful if I'm headed into the Battledome. At least I got my daily reward for showing an interest.

  5. Well, I collect freebies every chance I get, and I spin the wheels religiously. Since I don't plan to use the Battledome, and already have the lower-end "base model" Petpet I want, I figure it'd be nice of me to give them away to people here instead of putting them on the Money Tree (where they'll just be sold by someone else), or trying to sell them in my shop (where they'll be buried among all the other copies of the items I have and clutter up my shop).

  6. I am terrible at games that aren't casual and slow-paced. This rules out most of the Neopets games with which I'm familiar. So, my question is this: What are the most profitable, casual, slow, low-stress games/ways to make Neopoints? I'm not in any big rush to acquire my Neopoints, so I'm open to even the slowest of suggestions.


    (If this has been answered before I couldn't find it and I apologize for asking again)


    This topic has been edited by a member of staff (hrtbrk) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    There is already a topic on How to Make Neopoints. You can see that most answers have already been discussed. In the future, the 'search' function may help you find topics already existing.
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    Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Rune Valentine if you have any questions regarding this action.

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