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Midnight Team
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Status Updates posted by Duskitty

  1. (Tentatively) back!

  2. I might appear once in a blue moon, but no promises

  3. Not active anymore. Kinda lost interest in Neopets.

  4. Undertale is such a cute game :D

  5. I forgot to check this site for over a month oops

  6. i see you are steven universe fan. i approve

  7. You should get on Steam sometime :o

  8. Everyone is a cutie until proven otherwise!

  9. ah your avatar is so cute

    1. Duskitty


      meanwhile i'm still roxy lalonde and forgot to get into the winter spirit whoops

    2. Wildbreeze
  10. Computer's broken. Using someone else's for now. :c

  11. Return to 392 notifications o-o

  12. How have I been here for 2 years already

    1. Wildbreeze


      ahahah amazing. This is totally something my cat would do.

      Cat: *scratches on door for attention*

      Me: *goes outside*

      Cat: *ignores me and stares at door*

  13. So bored of Neoquest. Freakin' tedious.

  14. everything is good

  15. sometimes you get really weird and awkward looking monsters in neoquest and then there's the temple sentinels

    1. Duskitty


      and the temple watchman guys. I almost feel bad for fighting them since they look so cool :c

    2. Wildbreeze


      I knowwww. I want some of them so much

      and then NQ II has really cute ones. I can't kill cute fluffy things. D:

  16. oh hey awesomenauts is free for this weekend if you want it :o

    1. Wildbreeze


      ooooh. maybe I'll get it.

    2. Duskitty


      ah, it's not actually free to buy, but it's super cheap (75% off) and you can play it and try it out for free

  17. did you see the homestuck upd8

    1. Wildbreeze


      *gasp* no

      but I'm still not caught up anyway so

    2. Duskitty


      it was one page and it was this http://i.imgur.com/UoNYckC.gif but he took it down

    3. Wildbreeze


      hahaha amazing

      welcome back.

  18. The Halloween event has started over at Egg Cave and now I have even less of a life than usual

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