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Posts posted by Pibbity

  1. I've collected my prizes & trophy:


    You have been awarded a trophy!

    Your Team Lost
    However, as thanks for your effort, you receive:

    Not So Brilliant Sun and Moon Potion
    Well Done!

    As a way of showing her appreciation for your effort, Siyana would like to personally reward you with the following prizes:
    • foo_gmc2013_daynightcake.gif
      Day and Night Cake
    • toy_gmc2013_siylunbobh.gif
      Siyana and Lunara Bobblehead Set
    • bd_gmc2013_sunmoonchak.gif
      Sun and Moon Chakram
    • gif_gmc2013_daynightgar.gif
      Day and Night Garland
    • clo_gmc2013_daynightwig.gif
      Day and Night Wig
    • coi_gmc2013_daynightscar.gif
      Day and Night Scarab
  2. I am getting very annoyed with neopets and these game challenges. This is 2 days in a row that team moon cannot complete thier tasks. All it boils down to is a basic statment depending on thier coding but allong the lines of "if let it slide score <499 and snowroller score <1499 than game prize = true". They obviously have the code correct in other parts so they only need to slightly change it but you would have thought that they would have tested these things already. I tried mailing them yesterday and you dont get any response from them.


    Based on this code you found, does that mean underscoring yields the prize? ^_^?

  3. Stupid glitch. It could have been worse though.


    Rink Runner's bar is insanely high. You have to get into the Top 100 High Score to complete that challenge.


    bear in mind that high scores were reset at 12 AM today. It's trickier but not impossible, just have to read some guides & practice

  4. New glitch today for the first challenge (for both teams) - don't bother trying for the time being.


    Review of Team Sun's Challenges (Day 6)

    Boulder Plan of attack (moderate 3/5): Was able to get destruct-o-match and pter-attack score on first try, though i had just barely cleared the destruct-o-match requirements by a few hundred points. Unfortunately, this challenge is not awarding a prize.

    Quest Quintet (Easy 0/5): no brainer

    Can you stand the heat (Moderate-hard 4/5): took me a couple of retries & refamiliarisation of the game controls, before I got the hang of it One of the funner games to play today.

    SMELT (Easy 1/5): really easy game.

  5. To team-mooners re: petpet rescue:


    Don't worry about it. A similar situation happened in GMC 2012 for team ninja. Neopets extended the time frame to complete all of the days challenges for a golden tick. (this included same day games were not glitched, and was a universal extension for team pirate too)

  6. Nooo..... my computer's internet was busted so I couldn't complete the challenge before the day lapsed.


    Are my chances of getting a trophy for completing the challenges on each day gone?


    No. you'll still get your trophy, but you'll probably miss out on the exclusive prize. not worth that much for GMC though. usually around 300k


    Why is this? That may have been what happened.


    Any idea why my score of 150 in Petpet Rescue wouldn't register even though the score sent and it's above the requirement? (110)


    The lag is horrible in it.


    Kass basser will probably be the worst for me too, if i ever get to it. I'm leaving it last.


    Edit: just seen why my score wouldn't register.. it's not a qualifying game.



    Guys, kass basher is easy. Don't give up. You just need to practice enough to get to unlock the better bats.

  8. Team Sun Review of Challenges:

    Day 1:

    Add qualifying games to favs (Super easy 0/5)

    Bumble beams (Easy 1/5) - Able to get the score during level 2


    Day 2:

    Mop n Bop: (Easy 1/5) - mindless game, just takes a while

    Ready to roll: (Easy 1/5) - able to get the score at the end of level 2


    Day 3:

    Ultimate bullseye + Sutek's Tomb (moderate-hard 4/5) - I required a few retries to get the score. Ultimate Bullseye is hard for me, though 25 was much easier to reach than last year's 80. I also had to retry a couple of times to get Sutek's score

    Nova defender (Easy 2/5) - easy enough, if you know how the scoring works (pick hard, wait for enemies to gather to collect gems all at once)

    Faerie Bubbles (Easy-Moderate 3/5) - score is easy to reach, provided that you don't consistently get ridiculous starting bubbles (earth, dark, air)


    Day 4:

    Extreme herder 2 (Easy-Moderate 3/5) - Relatively straight forward game. Sometimes you're unlucky ans the petpets start out next to balthazaar

    Meerca Chase II & Turmac Roll (Hard 4/5) - I had to retry quite a number of times for both meerca chase & turmac roll.

    Berry Bash (Easy 2/5) - relatively simple game, just time consuming.


    Day 5:

    Cloud Raiders (Easy 2/4) - i don't get this game. I didn't read the instructions and mananged to get the score on the first go though.

    Kass Basher / Hasee Bounce (Easy 2/4) - Kass basher is a daily for most and shouldn't be a problem. As for super hasee bounce, i could get to the score at around level 6-7, picking up minimal bonuses. 5 lives for the score is plenty.

    Cooty Wars (Moderate-hart 4/5) - I'm not sure if it is my mouse,but i found level 3 a struggle and had to try 3 times to get the required score

    Shenkuu Warrior (Easy 2/4) - Could get the required score at level 2. Plus you never actually die, you just keep trying when you fail.

  9. Anyone noticed after playing turmac roll for a while you get real dizzy?? I got some mad luck and hit a personal high score, but afterwards the room was spinning :P


    Yes i hate turmac roll for that reason. I never understand how it is one of the more popular games in the games room.

  10. My pet was previously a pink uni, with some applied wings (I can't remember the exact name) & tarla's staff. It also had forgotten shore background & teddy bear (the latter 2 remained).


    My pet was zapped to mutant by the ray. The previous wings disappeared, as the uni mutant has wings. However so did tarla's staff.


    Upon checking the closet for both applied, and unapplied items I can no longer find these 2 items.


    Edit: I would like to add that that i definitely can't find the item in the closet itself, not just the page where i get to customize

  11. Try offering 90k on it, but if you want to be "sure" 100k sounds like your best bet. People who have it up on the TP will generally expect at least that UB amount for their item.



    I don't think they're wearable and really serve no function other than being a collectible, 100k is the estimated price on them, so I'd stick with that :)



    The 500k one on the TP is ridiculously priced. It' r89; so not that rare, and plushies in general tend to sell very poorly. If you want to get rid of it right away, put it up for 99k in your shop, or else try selling it for 120-150k on the TP (that's my general rule for selling plushies anyway, go by rarity and popularity)



    I'd honestly go on the Trading Boards and ask around, and see what people offer you. r99-r100 gourmets tend to sell for 2-3mil a piece, depending on how much someone needs it for their pet. Same with rare books. If you're OK with reseller offers, the Trading boards is a good place to start :)


    Cheers, thanks for the tips. By trading boards do you mean the neoboards?


    How sellable do these items tend to be? I am in no rush.

  12. Newsflash! Top stealth player has been frozen! Most likely due to playing too much.


    Based on the user's playing habits, I estimate that she was frozen around 6-12 am NST 6/23/2013


    This has happened with the top 3 KI players last year. Discuss!


    How did you find out about this?


    Judging from the events of AC - in all likelihood, most neopets top players are either cheaters / neo addicts who spend way too much time on neopets :( :(

  13. Also a game of yooyuball doesn't take the full 3 minutes on the timer, as each goal shaves 8 seconds off, even if you skip the animations. (15 goals, 8 seconds off for each, there's 120 seconds off 180 seconds maximum.)


    A bit of an overestimation I reckon.


    Nobody scores 15 goals every game. I think most seem to score an average of 6 - 12.


    The words 'GOOAAAAAL' probably wastes about 1 full second of your time, Celebration + new yooyu image another 1.5 seconds, so you'd only save about 5 seconds per goal. For a 9 goal game (5 x 7 =45s shaved), but you have to wait to send score, and restart the game, choose formation, etc anyways (takes about 5s), so optimistically you'd save 40s per game.



    This post has been edited by a member of staff (hrtbrk) because of a violation of the forum rules.

    Please keep your posts at 7 words or above.

    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.


    I don't think Grandslam was in violation of the forum rules.


    A picture is a 1000 words, 5 pictures = 5000 words.


    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    Please keep your posts on-topic. This board is only for the discussion of the AC TNT Staff Tournament picks. Anything else is off-topic.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
  15. Are the crazy and mindless hours put into Altador Cup worth your time?


    If you were to play 1500 games of yooyuball (3 mins each), that's 4500 minutes = 75 hours



    Prize points = approx 18000 pts = estimated worth 1.5 Million = 20 000 NP per hour.



  16. Since when are we shoving our wins in everyone's faces? Last year they were with MD and I don't remember so much drama about it.


    Yes we might (and I will keep saying might until someone proves that [Removed] is with us) have that team with us, but I'm telling you something else. TY supporters have doubled this year. I've never seen so many people on the boards.


    imagine what would happen if next year they decide to join KD? Would you like to have people saying, yeah I wish they lose, because a team of cheaters is with them. They don't deserve to win.


    We have not choose it, we don't know how much of it is because our playing, and how much is because [Removed] playing.


    Also mentioning that in AC VI we endended 6th, and previous years 8th, which is not like "coming from the bottom to get to the top"



    I'm on team Tyrannia this year as well. I don't usually have a fixed team, I pick whichever interests me that year, team Tyrannia seemed interesting due to the recent war.


    I've previously never heard of stealth / sotac / [Removed], and I can't be bothered with the drama on neoboards. I can understand that people hate Tyrannia cos '[Removed]' is on it though. If I weren't on Tyrannia I would probably be mad about this, but I've been pretty oblivious to Altador Cup drama, prior to reading the stuff on tdnforums. =P


    I still hope for Tyrannia to win though, cos this is the first time I've been playing this hard...



    The item isn't even released yet. That is why there are no stats and we do no know if the item is worth it or not.


    Please REPORT anything that you think does not belong. Simply posting does not alert us to take action.


    aye aye captain! :D it was hard to tell if this was just another troll post though :/ troll posts all abound today, could be awkward if i reported every single one...

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