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Posts posted by Alishkah

  1. For me lately it's Key Quest. The game was working fine and I was actually enjoying it, since I just got into it but then when it came to mini games the screen would freeze or I could see the game and what the other players were doing but I couldn't do anything. Also, every now and then when I rolled the dice it would take for ages rolling then skip my turn.


    Sometimes it would even just cut me out of the game completely.

  2. Definitely, it sounds like a great idea. It's always great to have everything in the one place. It would be awesome if someone would do that for Sydney gigs!


    I was already thinking if the Melbourne one becomes successful to always do the same for other cities such as Sydney. :)

    But that would be a long while away. Haha


    If anyone wants to see what I've come up with so far:



    Suggestions / criticism is welcome since it's the first site I've ever made.

  3. It didn't even have the neofriend drop down.


    But it's all sorted now. Turns out it was just because the popup came up full screen so the 'ok' button was all the way down the bottom of the page.


    Cheers for the help though. :)



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  4. Hey, So i'm trying to transfer a pet but when I click transfer it comes up with a new tab with a small pic of the pet and then 'Whom do you wish to User-to-User Transfer *petname* to?' but then no enter button.


    Any suggestions?

  5. I think that's an awesome idea and one thing you can add later on is Tour Dates.


    Yeah, I was thinking that. And maybe if the site becomes successful making a zine (self made magazine) to hand out on the street full of interviews and such.




    I'm glad that people approve. Thanks guys. :)

  6. So, I'm thinking of making my own website. It will be for Melbourne musicians (I might branch it to other places if it works out) where I'll basically be listing all Melbourne artists so when people are looking for other acts they don't have to ask around or sift through multiple sights (facebook/myspace/reverbnation etc) Maybe, I'll even post updates and stuff for cd / ep release and other news.

    I'll also categorize artists so if you want a certain genre it's easier to find.


    This may sound lame but opinions? Yay or nay?

    Also, If anyone is willing to help, Say with artwork or even coding, That would be super sweet. But yeah, If anyone thinks I should go ahead with this, Do say! Even though it may not be in your area, I just want to know if it may be worth all the time I'll be putting into making it before it goes live even though I'm not that great at css/html I know basic stuff so it won't look that bad.

  7. @Alishkah: Under which category did you submit the ticket? Premium or something else?


    (If you Neomail me the ticket number, I can check on it for you.)


    Hey, It's all good now.

    Turns out that my payment didn't go through because my card expired and I got a new one and didn't update my details.

    Weirdly, Despite the payment not going through I still had the toolbar. Just couldn't access premium forums anymore or get my scratchcard.

  8. I think people are too obsessed with the lives of celebrities and public figures.


    Talking about them like they know them and everything about them, Which scares me and I do have sympathy towards any one in the spotlight who gets slandered for things that others not in the spotlight have gone through. Smoking weed is an activity a lot of young people explore. In my opinion it has kinda become cultural in a way - If that makes sense?. It is part of growing up. Trying new things and to have people slitting their wrists because someone got caught smoking weed once is ridiculous. I'll never understand this incident with the cutting. But, Kids these days need to stop fussing over public figures so much. Magazines don't help, Either do talk shows such as ET and TMZ (I think that's what it's called) These people get stalked almost everyday, Which is bad enough.


    I don't think blame him for taking a puff. If it helps him chill for a moment and forget everything and have fun. go for it. Though, I don't approve of weed overall as I've said in the debate topic on legalizing it. Ah. So much ambivalance.


    Sorry, For ranting if I don't make sense. Just woke up and watched the news, Some messed up stuff on it so I'm kinda angry at the world. Haha.

  9. He says that he can't quit smoking because it makes him happy (i.e. he gets sad when he stops). Is this a withdrawal/side effect, or is it because he has underlying depression and marijuana helps him deal with that? Cause & effect isn't always so clear.


    Depression would possibly have something to do with it. It's like with any drug though, On it you could feel great but coming down can be absolutely horrible and for that reason you go out and get another hit. Well, At least that was my personal experience. When I was coming down I'd get really irritated, Paranoid, depressed and also I'd have a massive craving for the drug. Even when I first started smoking it. I may have an addictive personality. Also, I have mental health issues though so that could contribute greatly to my reactions.


    But everyone is different.

  10. Queen Fyora needs me to bring her a Neopian Times Pencil Case. Thanks in advance. ^^


    Messaged you the links. =)



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  11. In response to your reply to my comment.




    I'll admit I am a bit uneducated with the drug and should open up (Which I am trying to.) to other opinions since it does affect everyone differently. I am well aware of that, Since any drug can do that. But like I said I wrote that from personal experience and also at the time I was worrying about friends, who are young and take other drugs as well. And I know what I wrote came across as if I was putting everyone into one box but I didn't mean it to. =/

    I just suck at writing debate stuff and plus there's so much I'd like to say but don't know how to word.



    A bonus about it being legal would be that kids don't have to meet up with dodgy dealers. - That's one pro I can think of.


    And yeah, I know drugs including pot are know to be a key thing for arty folk and has amazing results. Bob Marely being one example.


    Also, Weed is (supposedly) known to be a gateway drug. Though In saying that I know that not everyone who smokes goes onto taking other drugs and that it is purely a choice to take other drugs. Even though I do think in same cases it is a gateway, I do also think that it is just purely a choice like it is to smoke weed in the first place.


    I must say though that even we have some disagreements (Probably due to my ignorance, Which I am willing to admit) I do enjoy reading your opinion.



  12. Here's a few things I've done lately. There's more, but I didn't want to post all of them.



    I like your style. =)

    I'd actually like to see more of your art.


    Do sigs count?



    Anything counts. If you think it's art, Share it!

    Also, As far as I'm concerned stuff made with html / css IS art. I can't do that stuff so I am in awe.


    Beautiful pic by the way!



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  13. You could always try the item on in the mall then take a screen shot...


    I know a site where you can view the items on any species.

    I'd post it but I dunno if we're allowed to link off site..



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  14. Thanks everyone,

    It's all good now since TNT replied to my ticket.



    For some reason the day of month the birthday is on changed to the same number as the month.

    Oh well, Logged in now!


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  15. The eps of Family Guy I've seen, I enjoy. My family bought me the first 6 seasons and I haven't watched them all yet though.


    The Cleveland show I don't like at all. I may not get the jokes... Or maybe to me it seems to lack jokes.

    American dad, I'm not sure. It has some funny moments but mostly wth? moments.

  16. I recently drew this terrifying monster for my aspiring tchea fruit themed userlookup. I'm a little bit rusty, but I think it turned out okay.






    EDIT: added spoiler tags because of the hugeness.






    I like it.




    Alot better than I can do. Haha

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