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Posts posted by Alishkah

  1. Oh I know, Lacey is perfect. I've only listened to one song with Kristen, and she's pretty good, but she's definitely not Lacey. :P Some people noted that it sounds like she's trying too hard to sound nice, where Lacey didn't care if her voice was rough.


    I like it when girls have rough voices, It annoys me when girls have the flat, high toned, typical voice.

    Lacey had emotion.

    Where can I hear a track with the new singer?

  2. Hey,


    I logged out earlier today and then tried to log in just before but it wouldn't work.

    I had to enter my password and birth date, So I did, but I kept getting told I'd entered the incorrect birthdate.

    I now can't log in until tomorrow according to the message that came up after three times.




    Has anyone else had this happen?

    I've had to enter bd and pw before to login and it worked then, So why not now?


  3. Yeah, it's the last album with Lacey Sturm. She left the group and was replaced by Kristen May. :( Just makes the album all the better though~


    :O Oh no! Buy I love Lacey's voice!

    Never heard of this Kristen May girl before but hopefully she's good.

    I don't the band will be the same without Lacey though.


  4. Last time I gave tips to someone, I ended up applying on jobs again and actually got a job!


    Anyway. Try not to make it too long. 1 page, 2 pages maximum.


    Mine goes like this:


    Work experiences


    Job title Dates



    Major tasks I was doing in that position. (e.g. Receiving service calls by phone, fax and email.)

    I put one task per line, and try to keep it to maximum 3-4 major tasks per job.




    Title of the formation Dates

    Name of the place where I was studying


    Don't go back too far with your education... you don't need to state that you finished elementary school for instance. XD (Yes I have seen that on resumé before!)



    Make sure to understand the job(s) you are applying on. Re-use keywords from their ads! And you will also want to write a letter to go with your resumé that target a specific position and job. Show them why you are awesome, based on what they are looking for. You have to be confident in yourself!!!


    Remember that the objective is to get them to call you and have a chance to meet them in person.

    Depending what you are targetting, don't hesitate to play with fonts and even add a touch of color. Recruiters are likely to receive a fair pile of boring resumés to read. Make sure yours grab their attention in a way or another.


    Also, have someone proofreading it before you send it to recruiters. ;)



    Thanks for all that. Helps a great deal.


  5. Hey Everyone,


    I thought I'd start this topic so people can share their art, Whatever it may be.

    Even if it's drama performances, I'd be interested in seeing that.




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    Per the reason above, this topic has been MOVED from ‘General Chat’ to ‘The Art Gallery’.

  6. Even if it does help fight against cancer, I say no.

    Though, Medically yes. I just don't think it should be available to just anyone.


    I dunno, I'm actually torn between yes and no. Because alcohol and cigarettes are the same to me.

    As a smoker of cigarettes, I actually wish that they'd be banned so I could quit.

    Anyway, Back to pot.

    I can understand smoking it sometimes or for whenever medically required but for all the full time stones, nay.

    That's just a lil pathetic to me.

    I'm just sick of watching friends with so much potential throw it all away just to sit in a smokey basement with friends doing nothing all day.

    Also, I've had bad experiences while on it and have seen friends hospitalized due a psychotic episode being triggered.

  7. Oh wow. Is there a reason as to why or is it just one of those phobias that seem to have no explanation?

    Well, At least you tried to leave. That's better than not trying. :)


    According to my google search, This is the closest to naming your phobia; Kovtapyroergasoiphobia.

    I don't even know how to pronounce that!! Haha

  8. I kinda get what you mean.

    Where your hanging out with them because they're convenient. (if that makes sense)


    I have one guy that seems overly negative and it annoys me, We're good friends but I guess you take the good with the bad because apart from that he's a great guy. I just wish he wasn't so negative and closed minded at times.

  9. Haha, Glad I'm not the only one! :laughingsmiley:

    A lot of my friends were bagging me when I cancelled and saying that it's no way to start a new year.

    But I'd rather be sitting at home e-mailing venues about gigs than getting wasted.


    Issues with fireworks? I'm assuming a phobia?

    Never heard of that one before.

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