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Posts posted by Alishkah



    shortly after I got two random events, the first one I ignored because I thought it was part of someones shop display at the top and I didnt recognise it like one of the old 'something has happened' things, I think it said I got a stat increase




    Woah, I thought I saw one in a shop with the new RE style but thought the shop owner just made a fake one.... I don't even know what it said! haha


    I know this post is a year old, but this describes my experience withdrawing from Prozac, my anti-depressant. Every time I smoked there was a gap of at least three months so I wasn't addicted by any means.


    My main personal reason for why I would like to see marijuana legalized/decriminalized is the prevalence of synthetics, which are readily available in most gas stations and head shops (though most jurisdictions are starting to crack down on the availability). People get lazy and substitute the real thing for the synthetic when the two are completely completely different. Anyone who has experienced both highs can tell you this, including me. Usually it's explained as good time versus bad time with the synthetic being a bad time. Synthetics gave me generalized anxiety disorder after I had the worst panic attack of my life. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone else. There have also been innumerable reports of seizures and comas due to synthetic "marijuana".


    If the stigma against marijuana was erased and it was at least decriminalized everything would just be a lot better, I think.



    I don't know if when I smoked weed if it was ever synthetic, I have no idea how to tell! All I know is sometimes it felt like I'd smoke something else, or maybe that it'd been laced with something (I don't know if that's possible, I'm quite naive when it comes to drugs). I know of other synthetic drugs and heard of them being mixed with other things and basically making a dangerous cocktail.


    I'm not against it being legalised completely, but with me it was mentally damaging so I worry that others may be effected the way I was, even if it wasn't permanent but lasted a few weeks or months. Still, those few weeks / months were absolute hell! I sympathise with your anxiety and panic attack, wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy.


    I don't know where to stand on this honestly. I guess the only way to find out if it's a good idea is to legalise it, but under moderation.



  3. I was working on stocking my shop when neo started lagging. When the page finally loads it said I don't have a shop :O

    ME TOO! I freaked lol


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  4. I was restocking my shop but when I clicked the button to submit my prices and such, the next page said I don't have a shop and to go to the create / edit section to make one...... What the hell?!?!

    I'm quite shattered since I just restocked a whole heaps of codestones...

    Has anyone else had this happen?


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  5. is that your voice?

    i love it! my personal favorite is Raw Nerve. do you do cover as well?


    my latest drawing.

    did not sketch this one. i draw it straight away.







    haha yeah, it is. :D Thanks.


    Yeah I have some covers on youtube under the username RaisedByWolfies. They aren't great though, I struggle with covers.


    Also, your drawing is amazing! I'm a graphic designer and I can't even draw that well! jeez!


  6. Just went to do my daily battles and got the SSH avatar thingy saying I got this avatar.
    I thought you could only get it if you used the old battle dome? I created my account after the new BD was put up.


    Didn't get the trophy though! haha

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  7. Most of the Sway I've polled on neoboards/reddit/etc are headed to Thieves Guild, so I think I made the right choice. :3


    Aww, I'm glad you'll still be on my team! I don't think we ever talked much on the Sway board, haha, but I liked seeing your icon/posts around.


    Number/participation definitely wins overall versus stats, generally. If it makes you feel better I've been training my pet hardcore for the past month (I'm at 490 HSD now), so I guess I'm a more "serious" battler these days and I'm on Thieves. :P

    This does make me feel better since I just joined the thieves. :D


    Haha. I gave up training, my pets stats are around 145 though so not too bad. Been relying on FQ cookies. :)

  8. I've no idea. I joined the Seekers before the videos came out, and I discovered they're not as altruistic as I originally thought. And some Seekers seemed less committed once they realized there were no puzzles (I felt like Order, Sway, and Thieves were in a close race for 1st, while we weren't really in the running). I liked the Thieves and Order, too... So whom should I switch to? Or should I stay?


    I want a boon! And a faction full of people equally dedicated to getting one, each working as hard as they can. With as few coattail riders as possible (people trying to choose the winning faction and do minimal work themselves -- this has been the bane of every single AC champion the year following its victory).



    A lot of people seem to be picking the thieves but on the neo boards some people said the order is where the serious battlers are going... which is why I'm torn. Could just be talk though. :/ Although, number could beat just a handful of serious battlers.

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