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Posts posted by complicatedwishes

  1. Hmmm, this is weird to crave when I'm hungover, but I fancied some mini chicken kievs, a slice of garlic bread and a greek salad. Just finished eating it and I already feel better! Yay :D

  2. Oh my god you guys have made me SO hungry reading about pizzas you like and toppings.


    Some could say I'm boring but I like just normal margarita pizza :)

    I don't mind pepperoni, salami, tuna or spinach as a topping though.


    Depending on my mood (I know I'm strange) sometimes I prefer cold pizza to hot pizza lol

  3. Ahead of Flotsam Day next week, these Key Quest tokens have been released in the Future Fashions shop at the NC Mall and will be on sale soon!



    Yellow Flotsam | Cloud Flotsam | Starry Flotsam

    The bonus items for these tokens are



    Fence of Flowers Foreground | Mystical Cloud Tree | Flaming Star Globe Wand

  4. I love stuff like this.


    1: What do you think caused the zombie apocalypse? Drugs? Government experiments? Mutations? Mad cow disease? Something else entirely?

    I'm gonna go with drugs and government experiments, especially trying to cover up experiments gone wrong.


    1.5: What type of zombies are we dealing with? The fast-moving Zombieland type ones? The slow-moving stupid ones? The super scary smart ones from that 1 movie I can't remember that learn how to use weapons?

    Slow moving stupid ones, definitely.


    2: What would be your first instinct? Run back inside your house, or perhaps try to dodge through the zombies to get to your car?

    I'm a wimp so I would run back inside my house lol.


    3: Your goal? Would you want to try and fortify your house to withstand the zombies, or would you want to try to get to the nearest Walmart to hole up? Perhaps you'd just try to get to your loved ones' house.

    I'd just want to be with my mum. As babyish as that sounds.


    4: Weapon of choice?

    A pistol and a rifle. If possible.


    5: Would you describe yourself as squeamish? Could you handle killing things that look like your neighbors and friends?

    Definitely if they were trying to eat me lol.


    6: How would it end? Would the world be overrun with zombies or would there be a cure we could find? Or perhaps something inbetween?

    Humans are selfish and arrogant. I think we'd deserve to be overrun.


    7: It's a zombiepocalypse, of course you'll be needing some music. Pick your song!

    The South Park zombie song.


    8: Favorite zombie movie/book/game?

    Left 4 Dead is a good zombie game imo, also Zombies on CoD is fun.

  5. I wish I could of earnt more points than I did but I think I did pretty well, I have bought:


    Altador Cup Hot Dog


    Yooyuball Ice Cream


    Altador Cup Pillow - Terror Mountain


    Guide to Collecting Altador Cup Gear x2


    Altador Cup Teams Garland


    Mechanical Winners - A Virtupets Story x2


    Slushie Slinger Background


    Vintage Lost Desert Altador Cup Jersey


    Yooyuball Shoulder Armour


    Scarf Blowing in the Wind


    Altador Cup VII Commemorative Stamp x2

  6. Seriously, just ignore idiots like that. They are probably just trolling because they are bored. People still need to have a life outside of neo, like others on this topic have said they were either just plain rude thinking they are better than everyone else, or just bored and want to get a reaction. It is only a game and some take it way too seriously.


    Don't worry about it :) and if you want to play next year, then do :D!

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