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Posts posted by complicatedwishes

  1. Awww your dog is so cute! and oliver the cat is adorable.


    Here are my dogs


    me and my chiwawa posing lol



    and i took this the other day of my chiwawa and jack russell, they are so close they even cuddle together like this where the little one sits on top of the other to keep warm :D

  2. no, it's definitely a valid question. I had to write an essay for my course about avatars and gender on World Of Warcraft.


    If I google for a definition it says:


    An avatar is something that represents you in the virtual (computer) world.


    But there's different "types" I guess? Like on this forum you can choose one that you feel relates to yourself. In my case I chose an actual photo of myself.


    On other games such as WoW it's your character, and what you've customized your character to look like, same goes for virtual chat rooms such as Habbo.


    Hope we've helped!

  3. Ooooh I'm glad I've found this.


    My nieces, both around the age of 10, are OBSESSED with their body image. It's actually scary, even I wasn't like that at such a young age.


    They came to visit and on a few occasions they've run into the bathroom straight away and weigh themselves on our scales. One of them will say "yes! i've lost blahblahblah amount!!" and the other will say "yay i'm still the same weight!" and THEN as they are leaving to go home they run back in, weigh themselves and say similar things again!


    Us adult family members have stepped in and said the usual like "you should love yourself for yourself, you are allowed treats it's just everything in moderation" and other nice things about how they are fine as they are.


    I just think it's absolutely horrifying that girls, as young as 10, aren't enjoying their childhood because they are too busy worrying about how much they weigh. :sad01_anim:

  4. Haha I really did offer to give at least some money but he said he was just glad he'd found someone who'll enjoy the concert as much as he would of! So kind to be honest.

  5. Some of my friends are going to see Blink 182 and they said if I could find a ticket I could go with them.

    So I asked around and one of my friends I've grown up with said he wasn't able to attend any more and if I wanted his ticket I could have it for free! :D


    Sooo, wahey!! I'm going to see Blink 182, for free. So thankful to my friend and SO excited. :)

  6. Don't lock your knees when you fight! What do you mean, JubJubs don't have knees? Ahem. Have you found my item yet, Neopian?


    You are supposed to bring me:


    Caramel Apple Mince Pie


    Thank you in advance :)


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