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Posts posted by RigelB

  1. I have never seen a fishing gallery before, so the concept is unique, and most haven't seen many of the items you can get anyway (including me!) I do like the header, the colour and font are nice and the techo fishing is fitting. My only nitpick is the colour you have chosen for the active pet and side bar, it doesn't seem to co-ordinate with the rest of the design very well. Perhaps make it the same colour as the font in the header? It's a minor fault though.

  2. I hate that game with a fiery passion.

    "Oh, hey, I'm actually doing well this t-" SPLAT! "Well, I can make up for that..." SLAP! "*cry*" SPLAT!


    That is exactly what happens to me. My highest score is 6,395. :S Not one of my best games.

  3. Huh, I assumed because I hadn't touched Habi in two days, that they'd just died which would've have made sense. Then all my newest (and some more old) P3's started to die, I was left with about... five? And one nester. :( Down from about twenty-eight. Left very tiny gems and I just thought there had been a raid while I was gone. One thing that alerted me was, again, the nesters becoming exhausted so quickly (after one or two eggs, normally I can get about five or six out before they are fully exhausted) and the status bars overlapping and flipping out. The P3s I'd left in the houses overnight had not replenished their health, food or sleep levels at all! Even after refreshing and confirming that they were in houses. Glad to know it's a glitch, I thought my Habi was going down the drain.

  4. Wow, very exotic clothing pieces. Pity the sets are so similar. Still think they are awesome. And I missed getting free training for Darusival, my battle pet yesterday because I was out. ;-;

  5. You have filled up all your accounts, so I see your problem. The Halloween Scorchio is quite a unique pet, haven't seen many of the them around and may possibly get one myself. Is there absolutely no pets your are willing to morph? Or even move to another account? If you don't want any more sides, why don't you ask a friend to look after one of your pets, so you can still keep an eye on it and stay in contact with it?

  6. Habitarium gets laggy for me if I keep it on for a long time.


    That happens with most flash games. I'm guessing Habi has a memory leak, which is where a program takes in more memory the longer it is left running, because it cannot release the memory back into the computer for free use. A quick refresh should fix that, if not reload your browser.


    If anyone else is having Flash player problems, I originally posted a fix to the problem here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/33938-flash-player-crashing/ which gives other possible solutions. You don't need to revert all the way back to version 10, early versions of 11 are pretty stable, but It varies from computer to computer.

  7. I'm going to assume Kreludor free-falls from grace like all former winners, Mystery Island will probably lose STEALTH and some All-Stars who fear freeloaders so they will probably fall. Meridell may gain SOTAC and keep Neo[Removed] (last I checked they were choosing where to go already and staying with MD was an option that was liked, although they did mention maybe Faerieland or Altador). STEALTH could try Kiko Lake fully this time which would make them extremely difficult, an already good at sides team with extra YYB power? Deadly.


    The problem is we don't know what tournament style TNT would do, if they get enough negative reaction they may scrap the brackets entirely or work to fix them. Or they could just say "Darts pick the winners" and you'd only play for prize points.


    Pre-Cup/Pre-Style Known Predictions:

    1. Meridell (with SOTAC/Neo[Removed])

    2. Kiko Lake (with STEALTH)

    3. Maraqua (MI's All-Stars)

    4. Tyrannia (I think the fact that they upset the top 2 teams and their side record will attract players)

    5. Darigan Citadel

    6. Krawk Island

    7. Lost Desert

    8. Roo Island

    9. Kreludor

    10. Virtupets

    11. Mystery Island

    12. Brightvale

    13. Terror Mountain

    14. Shenkuu

    15. Moltara

    16. Haunted Woods

    17. Altador

    18. Faerieland


    Now, if they do brackets, then my predictions are Meridell to win it and be #1 for at least 3 brackets (maybe 4) and the remaining 17 to shuffle tremendously as a strong team gets forced behind Meridell in 2 brackets.


    I think this is pretty accurate. I doubt STEALTH or SOTAC will stick with the same team for another year though, they tend to hop around. Though looking at the Neo[Removed] boards, most are agreeing to stay with Meridell. I'm not sure if Mystery Island will be able to hold up First Tier status if the system changes again. Only time will tell.


    Does anyone have an sort of explanation or reasoning for HW's tremendous fall from grace? I didn't expect them to do well, but I did not expect them to do as bad as this year (based on wins, even though we came 9th.)

  8. Basically, people react like this:


    If anything changes for better or for worse, at least one person will always complain. After a while they usually settle down and realise the changes aren't so bad (unless they really are there's a whole community outcry) or their complaining is futile. Give it time.

  9. Not to be hating on haunted woods( i like the team :) ) but Roo Island should have placed higher in the third and fourth rounds.


    I do agree, I was confused as the rest of you when we held onto our place above RI even though they swept us twice. Bit of an embaressment.

  10. Pretty sure Krawk Island never had All-Star group support, we're too massive, Neo[Removed] even said on their boards that they shouldn't join Krawk Island because they couldn't make much of an influence because of our size.


    Never knew Roo Island had SOTAC. But it would explain their major decline the next year and continual mid-tier status now. Same for Shenkuu, had support, got propped up, now they drop without them.



    That's why I put the warning :)


    I also mentioned Kiko Lake's massive decline in Round 4. The problem is Haunted Woods' 9th place finish was completely absurd for a team that TDN has ranked 16th overall, plus the dual sweep by Roo Island but still keeping their spot in the bracket. I mean no harm to HW itself, it's just the most obvious example of the scoring problem.


    Yeah, I know it was pretty outrageous, it's just I've seen quite a few rants around the Neopets community about this and a lot of them focus on Haunted Woods, makes us seem like the problem at some points, but no offence taken. :)

  11. Dear god, the stamp is on the TP right now for between 350k and 750K!! Oh my gosh, I'm so stupid for putting that in my album. So, so stupid.

    I'm pretty terrible at making money and this would have been a nice boost.




    Mrrrrrrrr... :(

    I'm guessing no-one has a spare? I know it's pretty selfish of me...

  12. Ehhh, guys, can we calm the Haunted Woods hate a little bit? I know we place higher than we "should've", but there's plenty of other teams that placed higher or lower than what was expected. Our play wasn't terrible, just a bit lacklustre and inconsistent. I'm not letting go of that MSN win over DC! Quoting some other teams might make your argument seem fairer too. Overall though I do generally agree with what you guys saying, even if it does seem a bit harsh in some cases.


    If I'm not mistaken, Darigan Citadel is the only team to win the AC without an All star group.


    What about Haunted Woods in ACI?

  13. Heh, I noticed the description for Altador Cup Teams Garland is:


    "Celebrate ALL the teams!"





    I bought the garland, the scarf, the flag, the commerative stamp, both the books, and lots of the cheaper little doodads. Had 5,602 points to spend. I thought the shoulder guards were armour?

  14. Yeah, your hard disk is where all your data is stored. Photos, files, music, everything. If you have had your hard disk replaced, and don't have a backup copy of your files, then you will have lost them all. It seems very strange though that a technician would do that and not back up your files for you, they can usually retrieve files off even corrupted hard disks. You may have to give him a call and see if he still have your old hard disk, he might still be able to retrieve stuff.


    So, you can boot your computer, but can't reach the desktop? Sounds like that guy wiped your computer/added a new hard disk and didn't even reinstall Windows, or just did a bad job of it. Honestly, this whole thing sounds like a very poor tech job, but don't take my word for it.


    So yeah, give him a call and see if he can retrieve anything off your disk. If not a fully-fledged technician myself, but I know a thing or two. Good luck with that, and if you have lost everything, lesson learned, always have a backup or two!

  15. Congratulations to Kreludor! Your performance was out of this world! (hahapuns) And to Mystery Island and Meridell too, some very surprising winners this year. :)


    But, like others have said, how do you know who won? The front page says the cup is over, but they're still tabulating points on my Altador Cup home page.

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