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teukkie last won the day on December 26 2020

teukkie had the most liked content!

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  1. Anyone else having trouble with changing their pet's outfit with the site's change to the new beta? I'm trying to change the outfit of one of my pets (not the main active pet), but it's just stuck on the loading screen. I've tried refreshing, pausing any ad blockers, making the pet the active pet ... nothing seems to help. I've tried with the others and I can customize my other pets, just not the cybunny. Any ideas? Edit: Also, does anyone know why some items are grey-ed out even though they aren't in use by the other pets? Edit 2: I was able to go back to the classic page and change the outfit there, but still glitchy on the beta page. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if the beta page gets better.
  2. Congrats to the other winners and thanks to those who voted for me! I realized after the voting had started that there was an item (Spellcasters hands) that I could have used to give Azula her iconic blue flames oh well~
  3. Hello Hello~ Quarantine has eventually led me back to neopets and TDN I don't know how long I'll be around again, but at least for now I'm back! I'll be lurking in the Runway's posts, seeing all the fun customizations I missed ~
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