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Posts posted by Cassia

  1. I still feel really attached to my first pet, a blue wocky named katty#############. My best friend at the time made an identical wocky that was also named katty############# (the numbers were off by 1 I think). TERRIBLY named, but I loved her so much. I was planning on painting her faerie, but then I was too busy hoarding my np, and I went on a hiatus (after which I was birthday-locked out of the account).


    Currently, my favourite pet is Crykes. She's the only one I'm training at the moment. I really wanted a poogle for the longest time but I couldn't afford the 1M price tag, so I was really sad until a girl messaged me saying that she had stuck Crykes in the pound. Luckily, since Crykes gets stuck in the pound, I was able to adopt her :)

  2. I think that after death, consciousness ends. It seems kind of scary for my thoughts and memories to all just disappear into eternal nothingness, but I take solace in the fact that we never physically disappear. The atoms in my body will continue on in the soil, air, water, and other living creatures, just as I am composed of atoms from creatures that lived millions of years ago. In a way, I'll still be here.


    I also think that by making the world better in some small way and living on in the memories of others, in a way, I never truly die because the small marks I made on the world will live on.

  3. I often check back on my old pets to see where they are now :)
    One of them is rotting on an abandoned account, but the other one has a great owner who is taking much better care of him than I could.


    One person actually did contact me after I adopted their pet. It was really cool, and the previous owner ended up sending me a bunch of the pet's old clothes as a gift :)

  4. Honestly, don't worry about it!

    The teachers at my school who are the best liked by students are the ones who are do "fun" stuff instead of always acting "professional" because it makes them easier to relate to. My math teacher actually sometimes plays video games with students and no one minds.

  5. I LOVE reading classic paper books!

    I love the feeling of them in my hands, the way I can physically flip back to pages of interest in the book, the unique smell of the paper on each one, and the resounding way I can slam one shut after I finish it. Reading them always brings me back to my childhood when I would sit in my backyard and read for hours.


    That said, I do understand the greater convenience of e-books. I have several e-textbooks on my tablet, and they are WAY more convenient to carry around that way. I don't particularly like lugging around several hardcover textbooks that have over a thousand pages each.


    So to conclude my rambling message, I think that there are benefits to each kind of book, but I really don't think the appeal of physical books will die anytime soon.

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