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Posts posted by Cassia

  1. The fitting into airplane seat problem really doesn't, as the OP stated have a good solution. However, I think the best solution would be to make people who take up 2 seats pay for 2 seats. People who take on luggage that is too heavy have to pay extra too, to accomodate for the extra fuel, and taking up two seats when there is someone beside you isn't fair, because why should that person have to suffer because you are obese?

    As for the 2nd story about the family with too many children, I agree with the airline for booting them off. They clearly violated the rules, because last time I checked, a 3 year old is NOT an adult. If they were allowed to board the plane, there would be too many kids running around without a seat.

  2. While I agree that suicide is a horrible thing (especially since once you do it, you can't go back) that affects everyone who knows the person, I don't think that it is right to blame the person committing suicide and calling them selfish. For a person to even consider suicide they would be hurting a lot, and it would be wrong for others to judge that person without fully knowing their story. Furthermore, I think that when treatments for those who attempt suicide should not be to prevent them from trying again, but rather fixing the root cause of their suicidal thoughts.


    Also, with respects to the 6 year old not comprehending death/suicide, when I was younger, I distinctly remember understanding the concept of death and suicide well (though I didn't really understand why someone would want to end their life, when life was such as wonderful thing).

  3. I agree with most of what has been posted, but I just want to add my own story:


    Ever since I was younger, I did ballet, where there is often pressure to be skinny. I naturally inherited a high metabolism from my father, so even though I eat A LOT, I don't really gain weight. The highest my BMI has been (which is now) is 18.2. Before the last couple of years, my BMI mostly fluctuated between 15.5-17. Many people at school teased me about it, calling me, unhealthy, a skeleton, or a stick, and accusing me of having an eating disorder (which I find really disrespectful to those who really ARE struggling with an eating disorder). I regularly had people calling me skinny, and adults telling my parents that they should feed me more, even though I was completely healthy. I hated it, and wanted desperately to gain weight. For a while, I stuffed myself with way more food than would be considered healthy (I once ate 8 large slices of pizza at lunch in an attempt to gain weight), before I realized that by doing so, I was actually making myself more unhealthy.


    Strangely enough, my weight didn't help me fit in with people in ballet class either. While many of them controlled their meal portions meticulously, I ate whatever I wanted. However, that didn’t mean that I had the ideal body type. While the others aspired to be thinner, I wanted more muscle. Even though I worked just as hard as them, I never seemed to be able to gain much muscle. It alienated me from most of my classmates, who instantly assumed that I was a stuck-up snob whenever I made a comment about my body.


    Whenever I told anyone about my insecurities, they would just stare and laugh at me, or accuse me of trying to fish for compliments. What really bothers me is that while calling someone fat is considered a taboo, and politically incorrect, apparently calling someone a stick is perfectly fine, because of the way society glamorizes thinness. Just like being too thin is unhealthy, being too heavy is too. However, it is important to realize that what may be healthy for one person, may be unhealthy for the next. While my BMI of 18.2 may be considered slightly underweight, for me, it is healthy, and the weight where I look and feel the best. While some people may consider a BMI of 25 to be overweight, it may be healthy for others. The importance here is health. I think that we should work to educate everyone about eating healthy, and exercising. If some people choose not to, I don’t think that society should look down at them for it, because it was their own choice. However, I think that when a person is putting their health in jeopardy because of an eating disorder, others SHOULD intervene, but we should remember that just because a person is thin does not mean that they are anorexic or bulimic, just as being overweight does not indicate a binge eating problem.


    My own struggles with my weight are past now, and I hope to see the day when society stops putting so much emphasis on body image correlating with “beauty”.


    Sorry about the huge rant, because this is something that I feel strongly about :P

  4. Haha I love looking at neopets colours too :P

    Well some of my favourite are woodland, royal, maraqua, faerie (especially when I was younger, now I find some of the pets are a bit plain), and transparent...wow that was alot...

  5. Haha I am completely useless at restocking...usually when I try, I end up missing the good items, and buying things that don't actually make money :sad02:

    I was really lucky with the Faboo avatar though, because the first time I went into the shop, I saw an expensive item, and bought it =P

  6. Best Feline

    I have to say Wocky, partially because it was the first pet I ever owned :laughingsmiley:

    Best Dragon

    Hmmmm...I have to say Shoyru...they're so cute! But I really like Draiks too.

    Best Insect

    Well, I don't really love either, but I'll just go with Ruki.

    Best Dinosaur

    I really don't like the expression on Grarrls, so I'll go with Chomby :P

    Best Bird

    I like Pteris...probably because I LOVE UC Faerie Pteris :wub_anim: .

    Best Horse

    Hmmm...tough one...I guess I'll have to go with Peophin, because it looks so elegant to me :P 2nd is Uni

    Best Fish

    Koi I guess...

    Best Dog

    Poogles are so cute!

  7. The deserted tomb and symol avatars are really annoying for me...I visit them everyday, and still no av!

    and also the Game Graveyard one...I refreshed for 10 minutes at a time, before taking a 5 minute break for an hour everyday for a week, before getting too annoyed and scared that my account would be frozen for suspicious activity...

    Still don't have Sloth either...

  8. Weeellll, I kind of have a lot of Dreamies :laughingsmiley:
    Converted Dreamies:
    Maraquan Shoyru
    White/Royal Girl Crosspaint Kacheek
    Faerie Poogle
    Island Kacheek
    Woodland Uni

    Crazy, unachievable UCs:
    UC Royal Girl Cybunny
    UC Plushie Cybunny
    UC Faerie Wocky
    UC Faerie Pteri

    UC Faerie Poogle (yes, I realize these don't exist anymore, but hey, my chances of getting any of the other UCs are about as slim)

  9. Hmmm, some of mine:

    ~I really don't like krawks. Before, I didn't like draiks either, but now I guess they've grown on me...

    ~I don't like RW pets, unless it's something that can actually be used as a name for a pet in real life (for example, Star is okay, but, I really don't get what's so great about having a pet named Blender)

    ~I think that really elaborate pet applications are pointless, because chances are, you won't get the pet anyways.

  10. Hi,

    My name's Crystal, or you can also call me Cassia (long story). I'm new to this forum, but I've been using tdn for a while, and have been playing neopets since I was 7. Most of my friends have quit, so I'm really excited to join a community where everyone loves neopets as much as I do!

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