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Nicole C

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Posts posted by Nicole C

  1. Deep in a cave in Shenkuu lies a mysterious negg. Some say that only by solving the puzzle on the negg can it be opened, and the prize inside revealed...



    Neggbreaker will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!

    No one is exactly sure of his history, but they are all quite sure he is pure evil...

    Something Has Happened!

    nfy14.gif You are now eligible to use 'Beware the Neggbreaker' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


    I have been waiting so long for this day to arrive! :happydance:

  2. My achievement today is painting my first dream pet! Well.. painting my first pet ever actually :)




    I'm super close to getting my second too ~woop

    Awww that's so pretty, congrats! :)


    As for me today, I finally got the Battle Faerie's quest and increased my pet's health, strength and defence. Just what I needed for battles!

  3. Mine has definitely got to be Neopets too! I am already in university and sometimes when I stay late in school, I get the urge to check in on Neopets but nope I can't cause I am afraid of what people will say about me :(

    I read a lot of romance chick fiction too, and I hate it when people ask me what book am I reading and then they judge me for it.

  4. I actually just bought a pint of Phish Food last night! It is an old favorite and I am reminded why every time I eat it. It's perfect :)


    Yes! My first ever fave was Phish Food, the smiling chocolate fishes are sooo adorable! I tried Triple Caramel Chunk on Free Cone Day and it became my fave. Right now, Cherry Garcia has got my vote :)

  5. Haha okay mine is not that *facepalm* as compared to those before mine. I do jobs from the Faerieland Employment Agency to earn neopoints. And sometimes my mathematics fail me and I end up taking jobs which cause me to LOSE neopoints instead of earning them. All of these happen in my eagerness to apply for the job. Only after I get the job then I whip out my calculator to count how much I would make/lose. *facepalm*

  6. I was missing the last 2 pieces for the longest time and went ahead to buy them instead haha! But I bought them a long time ago, before when you could even pick them up from the Money Tree. There goes my neopoints :'(


    There's always nothing of interest to be found for my map :(

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