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Nicole C

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Posts posted by Nicole C

  1. Gosh it is bad to be stuck on public transport during peak hours, standing next to someone who smells bad..

    But I do love the natural nice smell of my boyfriend, love wearing his hoodie which smells like him to bed :)


    Would you guys tell your friend if he/she smells bad? I would say it in a joking manner so it would not make things awkward haha.

    And also which is worse, getting stuck in a lift with someone who was overly enthusiastic with her perfume or one with bad body odour?

  2. I'm ambidextrous but I write a bit neater with my right. I use my right hand more often for daily activities, but I do switch hands whenever I feel like it! More household tools seem to be better suited for righties as well..

  3. Urgh HATE viruses! My laptops get viruses pretty easily in the past and right now I am so scared to repeat those experiences that I entirely limit my online usage to the same few major sites. Gets boring but I am afraid of killing my laptop.

  4. I feel that physical beauty has to be present for you to be attracted to the other person, but whether the attraction is sustainable and able to develop into something deeper depends on intellectual beauty. It is so tough to carry out a conversation with someone who is lacking in the intellectual beauty department, things get boring quickly and the physical beauty can never make up for it.

  5. Hi! I'm from Singapore and we take Cambridge's A Level to prepare us for university as well.


    I was in a similar situation where my grades were only average and unable to get me into my dream course. I ended up going into another course I never thought I would ever enjoy but I am doing well in it now.


    You mentioned you have a passion in History with most of your job experiences in historical museums. So why not take a course in History? You have to ask yourself what you hope to get out of your career in future. Will it be a high paying job in a large firm or a small firm doing what you have a passion in.


    It is true that even if you graduate from a mediocre university, you might end up doing even better than those who came out from a top tier university. As long as you work hard and plan your path well, you will be able to succeed :)

  6. I know it is tough, but seeing you and your dad stay under the same roof, you will have to bear with it :( my dad's like that too and even my mum gets annoyed by him.. If it gets worse, you can choose to shift out once you are financially stable to do so :)

  7. Awww hugs hugs hugs!!


    So sorry about your mum, but you've got to stay strong and I believe you know what's best for yourself :)

    Any friends you can turn to for help? It is not easy to go through this alone with your BPD..


    Time will heal all wounds sweetie and use this period to find out where you would want your life to be headed to and work on it :) Shifting your focus to something positive can be quite helpful!

  8. My favourite and oldest pet has numbers and an underscore in its name, but I rather it to have a name made up of only alphabets. I don't even remember how I arrived at his name. But if I didn't recall wrongly, it was through a random name generator on neopets.

  9. AdverVideo does not work for me fully as well so I am able to get neopoints without a long wait. However, habitarium is mind numbingly slow... I don't even want to think about Wheel of Monotony, I tried it once and did not even wait for the wheel to stop spinning before closing the window haha! OHHHHH refreshing the game graveyard page to get the avatar has got to be the worst. I have yet to get the avatar til this day and I have been playing for years!

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