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Posts posted by chibi_chibi_tsukino

  1. The problem with lending is that no matter how 'well' you know the person, you only know them over the internet. The internet is a place where everyone is pretty anonymous and that lowers the moral barriers we have. Some can easily run away with a 11mil Meowclops and have no consequences in real life. Honestly, I wouldn't even lend someone for free who's lend me for free before. Might sound harsh but we all need to protect our hard earned NPs.


    I hope you'll have better luck in the future.

  2. Oh no! I' so sorry that happened to you! I don't understand why how someone could do that, especially since their going to get iced now anyways!


    Personally I wouldn't lend AT ALL (ok, maybe my sister). It is too risky and I don't care how many avatars/draiks/etc someone has. I actually even worry when I am being lend, that someone will run away with my collat and I would have to find someone buying that item .... I'm actually really impressed by the ALP of TDN - it's working and it seems like the pets don't get stolen (ok, there were some unfortunate events with the FQD).


    Anyways, I wish you some nice REs that gonna help you rebuild quick!

  3. Or, looking at a species change, I could totally imagine her being a Chomby, maybe Plushie or Faerie:


    This would also go well with her Asian name, I mean, wasn't the most famous dino ever, Godzilla, from Japan? :D


    Woodland would be a nice colour, but there is no Woodland specie so far that I like enough.

  4. About coconut shy:

    I keep loosing NP over it so I wouldn't continue playing it after I got the avatar.


    Games I didn't play after the avatar: Advert Attack, Dice Escape, Gourmet Club Bowls,The Castle of Eliv Thade, Snowmuncher


    Games I still enjoy: Kass Basher, Suteks Tomb


    Most of the time I'm glad that I won't have to play a game ever again!

  5. I had a bit of a look around and found a few nice Baby pets:




    Baby Kau looks very cute, but then again my pet's name has a Japanese touch to it that doesn't really go well with a Kau (And unfortunately Baby Kaus don't come with cute paint brush clothing anymore). I think Baby Aisha, Chomby and Xweetok are good options. A Baby Elephante would be kinda cute, too, plus it's the same species.

  6. For a long, long time I've been pretty undecided what to do with my Elephante Baby_Ayu_chan (http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Baby_Ayu_chan). Actually since the introduction of Neopets 2.0 when she turned from super-cute




    into not so cute:


    I've been thinking about painting/morphing her for a long time. I don't like the new look much =/ Plus her name, Baby_Ayu_chan, doesn't suit her anymore. I thought about painting her Baby, or morphing her into another species and then painting her Baby.


    Which specie/colour do you think would suit Baby_Ayu_chan well?

  7. Don't feel pressured to accept the neofriend request. For a long time I didn't accept requests at all unless it was a friend from real life. Just politely say that you don't accept neofriend requests unless you know that person very well. They can still send you neomail etc if they wanna chat with you.

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