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Posts posted by chibi_chibi_tsukino

  1. As in holding down F5, cause I've heard some stories of icing. Especially with Chrome users.


    I think it's more of a problem if you do it for hours. I don't really think that there is another way to get the avatar than pressing F5 down for a while as the likely hood of getting the avatar is very low per refresh (hope this makes any sense at all). I'm not saying that you should press f5 for 3 hours straight. That might indeed look suspicious.

  2. I'm what is probably considered a hardcore backpacker and I was just wondering if anyone enjoys travelling as much as I do? I've seen the 'normal' tourist destinations many people visit at least once in their lifes (like Canada, France, Italy), the more exotic ones (South Africa, Thailand) and the very exotic ones (Cambodia, India, Swasiland). I was surprised to find out that I've been to 28 countries so far (no wonder that I'm BROKE! although I usually travel very low budget). Any more backpackers in here? Any destinations you want to recommend?

  3. Another nice day today! It's been good for a while and it seems like summer is moving out very slowly this year which is great. I hope that the nice weather will last until the end of the month, I can't really hope for much more.

  4. It's not quite as bad here as in the States (at least, around where I live). I find Canadian schools (again, at least around where I'm from) have a lot of programs designed around helping graduates find work, which is awesome.


    That's good! I live in Australia where things are generally good but I am currently unable to find a part-time job =( I used to be a waitress but I am 24 and in Australia most waitresses are only around 18-21. At my age most people have moved on to other things. I hope to find a graduate job once I've finished my studies in June.

  5. When I had attended College, (I graduated it in 2009), I had intended to be a Social Service Worker, as that's the program I attended. Right now, I'm kind of scared to get into the career choice and I've only had a seasonal job where we take photos of tourists. It is NOT my aspiration and I'm not happy there. I don't drive yet and it destroys job opportunities as in the area I need, car travel is very important.


    I'm not recovering from my OCD entirely, but I need to start getting over it and taking a better job.


    I'd love to write, but I'm not big on articles. I'd love to work with other sufferers of OCD but I haven't heard of any positions here like that, aside from counsellor which I was trained to be.


    I may go back to school or obtain a full time job. Seasonal is tough money-wise, and I like to work - not sit at home!


    I'm sorry to hear that but I hope you will find the right job for you soon. Getting work after graduating is hard! I read that you're from Canada, is it as bad as the US at the moment? Hopefully North America and Europe will recover soon, that makes it so much easier to get an entry level position.

    Is there any chance that you can learn to drive and get a car quickly? If that's a major obstacle in finding a job it's probably a good investment.

  6. I'll finish my Master's degree in 3 months (YES! FINALLY!) and I hope to get a job in a charity. I studied Business as an undergraduate and now I'm doing International Relations. I hope I get an ok job!

  7. Unfortunately there is no easy way to get an expensive paint brush. Eventide and Wraith are fairly new and roughly around 15mil each, If you are happy to wait a few years (!) they will most likely deflate. I'm waiting :D

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