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Posts posted by chibi_chibi_tsukino

  1. I have another week. But you're right, I've pretty much made up my mind. My decision is probably not the smartest choice, but then again I'm only 24 and I think it's okay if being with my boyfriend and living/travelling abroad is more important to me than getting the best possible entry level job. I know that one day I will have to focus on my career but for now it's okay to take a risk.

  2. Anyone guesses what happened next? Yesterday I got an awesome job offer from an organisation in Germany. Many because my dad has the right connections. Salary is decent, above average and the job offers a enormous amount of responsibility from an entry level position which I'd love! It would give me a fantastic start into my career. The downside is that the what I would actually do at the job doesn't interest me that much. I would also have to stay there for 3-4 years and that would most likely be the end of my relationship =/ Although the job offer really really tempting I seriously think I will have to turn it down. I don't wanna move back to Germany and I really want to be with my boyfriend. Just hope I can find something close in Australia.

  3. I have to say though that some of the pets on Subeta are really very beautiful. Especially the glade (?) coloured ones, soooo pretty!




    Not many neopets are THAT cute!


    This one is very beautiful, too:



  4. Baby xwees are just adorable. So are baby kaus, but I miss that they don't have their bibs anymore


    Yeah, I miss that too! That used to make Baby Kaus even cuter! I don't understand why they got rid of it, especially with the customization and all.

  5. I've been called a noob and been blocked a few times, too. It's fairly common I guess and people can be snobbish sometimes. Recently I offered like 400k on a Faerie Uni MP (which is the normal price!) and got yelled at since the item had inflated to 1.5 mil and that person obviously thought that that was the normal price (prices have now tanked since then).

  6. This is no longer true. TNT went back on their own rule and changed it. They can back out whenever they like, sadly.


    Really? When and where did they say that?


    I think I over-reacted a little in the first moment of shock, but of course I will stay a bit nervous until I finally got the pet. (Such a cutie!!)

  7. Many thanks to everyone who replied. It was really helpful! I've now decided to stay in Australia and I'm so happy with that decision. (My family back home to so much, but I think they sort of felt it was coming). The last few weeks I started applying for jobs and about 20 applications got me 3 interview invitations. The jobs I can get are not that great but they are ok for now. This all made me realize that I could never ever leave my boyfriend behind, not after all the thing that we've shared <3

  8. Oh thank god, the owner just replied. She's happy to wait a week. I'm still anxious that she'll back out ... maybe I just worry to much, she seemed fairly nice and mature. Plus the royal boy I custom created for her is listed as one of her dreamies on her lookup. I hope it will be all fine and next week I'll have my dreamy =)

  9. AH! I finally found my dreamy, a VWN Robot Cybunny. The owner and I agreed on a Royal custom in exchange for it. So I went and created the pet, painted it royal and now the pound is telling me that I can't transfer the pet within 7 days for creating it! I nearly had a heart attack when I read the error message. I was NOT award of the fact that you can't trade newly created Neopets. I'm really worried now that the owner of the Robot Cybunny is going to back out within that week we have to wait now =( She hasn't responded to my neomails in 30 minutes now, I have no idea what's going on. Did I just get scammed?? :sad02:

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