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Posts posted by chibi_chibi_tsukino

  1. I was on a diet for 18 months to loose 15-20kg (about 35 pounds). It was very slow but I can now easily maintain my weight =) I wish you good luck with your diet, I'm sure you'll be successful!

  2. I'll keep that in mind, seriously. xD I /do/ think girls are attractive, but I've never had an outright crush on one.

    Maybe if I meet the right gal and it gets to the point where I keep blocking out, my brain might stop doing the freak-out "RUN AWAY" thing it does with guys.

    But I don't do the start-up crush thing I do with guys, not that I've ever noticed.

    So it's quite confusing.

    Maybe I'm an alien.


    How old are you? I was confused, too, when I was younger, but most people eventually grow out of this stage. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with freaking out over guys, I was the same.

  3. I guess mine's really glitching. First of all it says I only participated, but I beat Abi or AAA every day. I went back and double-checked.


    Also, you guys are at least getting the prize screen... mine just has the participation medal (not fair!) and 0 NP on it.


    I have the exact same problem! I really hope I get my silver trophy! *cries*

  4. WHAT THE ?????


    I'm pretty sure I earned a silver trophy but it keeps showing me that stupid medal!?! I played every game, beating AAA once and Abigail all the other times. I didn't participate in the team challenges though ... Will I get the silver trophy now or not??

  5. Thanks everyone :) The mountain is only 2228m and actually very easy to climb (I've done higher and more difficult in the past). It is, however, one of the most famous ones i've done so far. (My most famous mountain is probably Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa).


    wow congratulations! ^_^ and hopefully it was nice weather for you too, i think the weather in Australia.. it doesn't know its supposed to be summer :P


    are you going to make it a goal to climb all 7 summits?


    The weather was FREEEEEEEZY up here, around 0 degrees. It was very foggy, too, so no nice sights etc. It was a pretty awesome experience nonetheless :)


    I'm definitely NOT going to do all 7 summits. The ones in North and South America are brutal (BRUTAL!) climbs, no way. I do want to climb Kilimanjaro in Africa and I hope to climb up to Everest base camp at 5364m but definitely NOT the summit of Everest, that is way beyond my physical capabilities.

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