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Posts posted by Baixinha

  1. If you're a girl where I live, being "popular" is looking like a Barbie doll (blonde hair, blue eyes, tons of makeup etc.) Being light brunette with grey-blue eyes, I find this highly unfair. I mean, how often is it that you happen to be born with the exact combination of appearance to unlock the Super Secret Sacred Chamber of Popularity? the answer is, like, 10% of the population here in Massachusetts. so many girls get plastic or cosmetic surgery. Cutting yourself up to be beautiful? I don't think so. Another important factor is having a load (like over 15) of friends because then their friends will like you because you like them which will keep doubling the amount until the whole school likes you. So that's popularity in my community for you. So I am in the "unpopular" group.



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  2. And I know you're only so defensive about cats and dogs. I'm sure if we were talking about testing mice, you wouldn't care so much. And the thing is, most animal testing is on rats and mice.



    You terrible person! Mice and rats deserve EVERY right you would give a human. You are mean and overly biased towards humans. I love mice and rats! Their lives are worth more than yours will ever be. Also, get the heck off this forum if you don't even play Neopets. JERK! (stalks off)



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  3. I am okay with hunting.

    Just a lot of people don't hunt and use teh meat anymore.

    I know lots of people that just shoot the poor animal and leave it there. :(

    I believe the First Nations got it right by using the animal. It is respectful to the animal.

    Yes I think we should only kill animals if we are going to use every part of it and not just kill it for the sake of killing something


    I am against ALL forms of animal cruelty. Hunting, animal testing and wearing fur products. Did you ever think of wear it comes from? Animals suffer and die horrible, painful deaths every day for things that are often just wasted! Animal lives are just as important as human lives and it hurts to see how often we neglect that! please, treat animals the way you would treat people. Thank you.



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  4. Hi, I was just wondering if someone would be willing to trade me a maraquan, faerie or Baby paint brush? i want one but I can never save up the neopoints. thanks for listening. just ask for what you want in return. 0:)


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  5. Hi! I'm new (just started yesterday) and i was wondering what kind of games (other than Neopets) you guys are playing.


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  6. . I yell at people who hate any animal for any reason

    . I play neopets (well my girl scout troop thought it was weird )

    . I really don't like nimmos, quiggles, tonus and grarrls. :sad01_anim:

    . I sprint up stairs even when i'm not going anywhere

    . I constantly bug anyone who plays club penguin. I hate it.

    . I buy my neopets birthday and christmas presents

    . That's pretty much it.



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  7. I'm really fed up with having my cookies deleted every time I leave the site without actually logging out, OR, staying in one page in Neo for too long. And with the new Facebook login thing, which is stupid as dung, we're all getting logged out on a daily basis. If this stops, I might stay, but if we're going to get logged out like this every day; forget it.


    I just can't take this dung anymore. As much as I care about those little pixels of mine, I'm incredibly sick and tired of what TNT is doing to the site.

    If it's giving you that many problems, than quit. if you are quitting permanently transfer your pets to neofreinds or put them in the pound, sad as it may be. :sad02:

  8. more pet peeves of mine....


    When all we hear about is Cancer awareness. I personally think we should focus on other deadly diseases that aren't as well known. Not give up on Cancer stuff but all I hear is about pink ribbon cancer. I mean, it's ridiculous.


    When people go to artist youtube videos just to say how much they suck and how much they hate each other.


    When people make more money on reality shows than people that work hard almost every day do in a year. I find that ridiculous. I feel the more respected jobs should make more money but our society does not work this way.


    Bullying. It's crap. Why bother? Does it make you feel better about yourself?


    TNT freezing for ridiculous reasons.

    I know. all that Cancer crap i keep hearing about drives me nuts. Why cancer? its not THAT important! my personal pet peeve is when somebody hates a particular type of animal for no reason other than that theyre "gross" or "dumb". And YES. I am an animal rights activist, so dont even think about it

  9. I never got a single rat in my house in my life to be honest. Even if I were to have some, I'd set out the mousetraps or call an exterminator if I have a rat problem.


    Mice for pets? I wouldn't mind having one as a pet, but not at the moment.

    oh my gosh I just LOVE mice and rats! Its so dumb how people are always so squealy and annoying when they see one. :angry: I have a mouse in my apartment right now. he's so cute! and as for pets, ive got a guinea pig and a small green parakeet.


    Mice would be cute as pets; Rats are and will forever be (to me) disgusting. I had one dash in front of me in a public place before and it was raining, so it was wet. It had a LOOONG tail. It was disgusting.


    I wouldn't want a mouse running around my house, either, but as pets, it's a whole different thing. :)

    that's really stupid, you know. mice AND rats are like almost as cute as Kittens! :wub_anim:


    I hated both. I don't mind pet ones but these ones ugh.


    Until I saw the cute little mouse trying to nurse it's self. And it was so adorable and didn't look so threatening.


    The rat is huge though. Very overgrown. XD


    I set out some poison blocks. Only problem is they'll die and make the house smell really bad.

    hey you. NEVER PUT OUT ANY KIND OF POISON. you could end up poisoning a pet and its SO inhumane. i don't care how much you hate them :grrr:


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  10. And I'm so dressing up my ghost pet, Blossom, in it too! Yay for ghost pets! (I knew you'd get this for Frostgleam, she is a lovely Ghost Aisha!)


    This outfit is PERFECT for ghost pets. :)

    yeah I really love this outfit. it makes my beautiful glowing aisha (named after me!) :yes: look like the Corpse Bride. who here has seen that movie? i really liked it.


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  11. I tried it like... last year I think. It was funny to watch the pingouins... And well, I never returned on the webbie. XD

    you know, i used to LOVE club penguin when i was like 10 or so. all my friends played and i saw them a lot. but then i noticed that I could barely do anything since it's all for members. it was so dumb! i quit and gave the account to my annoying 9 year old sister. i suggest you do the same if you're not a member


    Yeah Disney did buy it. It figures, now I heard they are going to have disney stuff for the Penguins to where. :P I bet like mickey ears or something.

    guys club penguin SUCKS! :grrr: i thought we all liked neopets here! well i guess i'm like WAY too old for crap like club penguin and i HATE disney stuff. I just started today. this is my second reply. :laughingsmiley:


    I started CP a long time ago, too. I go on occasionally... just about never. Yeah CP is kinda like Myspace for 7 and 8 year olds. (:P No I don't think 6 year olds are addicted to CP, but we might have a problem if they are) I know alot of younger kids who think they are SOOOO cool because they go on CP. :sad01_anim: Most of them have SafeChat anyways. :P


    Oh well. Yeah it got boring a LONG time ago. I actually went on there recently to see what they were doing, and some of the people were complaining about how they can't type numbers anymore. And yes, they were looking for boyfriends. *rollseyes*

    on club penguin a lot of people were mean to me. i got called some stuff i can't even write here! :( please people quit CP before you wind up like i did


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