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Posts posted by Baixinha

  1. That was sarcastic.


    It's childish to hate pixels. Exactly how will decreasing popularity of JubJubs in any way affect you?

    The decreasing popularity of the JubJub Will mean that they are less likely to beat out Aishas for the Customization Contest. Have you noticed that more than half of the winners are Shoyrus? That's because they are the most popular neopet. If JubJubs were to become less popular, than my Aisha could easily win.
  2. EWW! Gross! it's toes are hollow and it's covered in weird stick things! I can't believe you like those things. And how am I being childish? It's you who's being childish by making a JubJub for the sole purpose of bugging me. May JubJubs become least poopular neopet of all. They make Tonus look good.

  3. I just keep feeling like Neopets was copying Adventure Quest when they designed the JubJub. And even if they weren't, A blue dust ball with feet just doesn't seem as creative to me. And out of all the jubjubs of the planet, Cloud jubjubs are the worst by far. They just look really prissy to me, like they think they're better than other neopets. They even have inch- long eyelashes and blue eyeshadow to match! Sickening.

  4. Welcome one and all to the International Jub Jub Haters Association! Now everyone can vent their innermost feelings about those grimy little hair balls right here on my handy little forum! Just to make it complete, I've made a list of why I hate jub jubs. Here goes!


    .They are mean. They keep beating up my pets in the battledome!!

    . They look like something your cat gagged up in the rug.

    . They are annoying.

    . They keep getting in the way of my Aisha winning Customization.

    . They are 7th most popular neopets. What's not to hate about that??

    . They look too much like Trobbles from AdventureQuest. Ugh!

    . No one seems to feel the same way about them that I do.

    Please tell me if anything is missing. Cause I want all of TDN to see their dark, ugly grossness!






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  5. Wow! All of your art work is gorgeous! I particularly love the first Jubjub picture. (Jubjubs are one of my favorite species.)

    JUB JUBS!?!?! EWWW!! It was a good picture though. Nice Job. I thought I didn't like Grarlls!
  6. So here's what I got for Christmas:

    • new Uggs (they're black sweater boots and they have multicoloured buttons)
    • iTunes cards
    • $500
    • a floral umbrella
    • cheesy flannel pajamas
    • several pairs of tights and underwear
    • rust-orange Converse
    • baking supplies
    • luggage
    • striped pajama pants
    • a North Face hoodie
    • two sweaters (one is teal and the other is black)
    • a puffer jacket
    • coloured pencils
    • stationery with stickers
    • jelly beans (one bag from my friend and another from my parents)
    • a sweater dress (from my friend)



    and later on in the week I'm going shopping so I think I'll buy myself a new tote bag. c:

    With that said, merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're all having a good day and you like whatever you got <3


    Oh god you are so lucky! I got some cool stuff, like a 10$ starbucks card. Nothing expensive or designer. It was simple, but very fun.

  7. Aishas are my favourites, actually. But I have made a list of neopets in order of cuteness. ready?

    . Aishas



    . Eyries and peophins tie.

    . Cybunnies





    . Wockies.

















    AAAAH! well, the grossest neopet is the jub jub, no doubt. But Krawks, Myncis, Quiggles and especially skeiths do come close. Ewww a grundo...

  8. I never eat meat anyways, but the sort of stuff that goes on behind the doors of a slaughterhouse is strikingly similar to the stuff that goes on down in *bleep*. It's absolutely horrific. And the way most people treat "pests" like mice and rats, is almost worse. I think mice and rats are cute! And there's still puppy farms and other things you probably don't even want to hear. End of my rant.

  9. Could you please draw my glowing Aisha for me? please? I can't link, but you can see her pet page If you go to my account. That dress she is wearing is a brand new gold tier prize from the gothic wonderclaw machine. And the mask was an Advent Calendar prize.

  10. I love Aishas!! the new colour is amazing!! And Haduo, If you want a food neopet, try biscuit or jelly! Biscuit paint brushes are cheap (for paint brushes) and can be found on the shop wizard. I hate using the shop wizard, though. jub jubs are gross.

  11. I know... I am truly awful at drawing. I thought neopets should have some other contests, too. It also sucks how they won't let my Aisha win the customization contest. And she's wearing a freaking GOLD - TIER GOTHIC DRESS I WON FROM WONDERCLAW!! *pant* *wheeze* It seems that only jub-jubs and shoyrus win these days. I want to see my pet win for once.

  12. Strong scented antiperspirants kill me. Eww.



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  13. Spanking? Seriously? I would never spank a kid. It doesn't teach them anything but that you solve problems by hitting people, so they should solve problems by hitting people. So pointless.

  14. I weigh 95 pounds. I'm almost 13. I am 5"4 feet high. My doctor is freaking out. But people forget that being thin does not mean you are a stuck up prat, nor does being fat mean that you are kind and misunderstood. I fit into neither of those categories. I am an emo and I stick to myself mostly. I don't need 10 or more "friends" following me around to feel confident. who needs friends? all they do is tell me about how skinny I am and how I should be shopping here and not there and so on. So stupid. I don't care if I'm thin. If I'm not obviously dying I will never try to gain weight.

  15. Thank you guys. I take diabetes very seriously. Remind your diabetic relatives to monitor themselves - one bad fall could cause complications!


    Nahemah, I'm so very sorry that there you have to be exposed to people like that. I hope you know that many of us disagree and frown upon such behaviour! I can see why you'd feel that way.


    I heard vegetarian being mentioned in this topic and I strongly want to point out: if you are truly too skinny and don't feel healthy on a vegetarian diet, chances are, you are doing it incorrectly. It's important to ensure you substitute what you're missing from meat properly. I strongly advise you to study up on your meat alternatives. If you feel you are obtaining everything essential, then check with your doctor because again, your friends aren't doctors. I have a few vegetarian friends who are quite unhealthy; there's more to being vegetarian then simply avoiding meat products! Many nuts can provide some good essentials!


    I've heard over weight people be sarcastic too "overly" skinny people too. This isn't a war. There are cruel people on both sides technically. But realistically, I can see over weight people having more of a backlash then skinnier people.


    As for the question surrounding personal health, it goes full circle. Mental health is influenced by physical health in the same manner physical health is influenced by mental health. Trust me guys, I know about mental health. I suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, specifically harm based. I don't drive because of OCD. I get frustrated easily because little things may bug me more. And most of my mental health problems are actually genetic. I'm pretty sure my tendency to have OCD was carried over by my father, who, although not diagnosed with OCD, displays plenty of physical traits.


    But when it comes to the over weight or the under weight stating say, "I don't care what society thinks of me! I'm going to be skinny/fat because that's who I am regardless of my overall health" I can't agree with it, unless their weight is actually healthy.


    Keep in mind genetics plays a role too. Some people will be over weight/ very skinny for most of their lives and seemingly not experience health problems. But why take that risk?


    If you feel you need to get your mental health issues sorted out firstly, by all means, take that step first. Gaining weight / losing weight takes a lot of time.

    I am not vegetarian for my own health. Actually, I have been vegetarian since birth and will happily keep being vegetarian for the health of our planet and our wonderful friends and equals, animals.

    vegetarianism has very little to do with your health. If you want to be vegetarian, that's great! And if you don't, that's none of my business and I will continue the subject on the Animal Rights topic.

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