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Posts posted by Baixinha

  1. Hmm, let me think about this... I am allergic to or might be allergic to:

    . Some spider bites.

    . Some cheap perfumes give me a rash.

    . goody two-shoes.

    I know it's not as long a list as some of you guys have. get over it.

  2. Call me a jerk or whatever but, I am of the opinion that girls that have been skinny their entire life are quick to jump judgements on heavier girls like myself.

    Just because you are on the heavy side does not mean you are the "victim" on this debate. I get a load of crap from overweight girls who think that since I weigh like 90 pounds or so I am automatically a snob. Weight has nothing to do with personality! And also, Obesity is just as much a problem as anorexia. I hope you can be less prejudiced in the future.

  3. Actually, I feel that people seem to think there is a problem with being thin. There are many stereotypes about underweight white females with light coloured hair. I am about 10-15 pounds underweight. I get a lot of "ooh, you are sooo thin, have you thought about gaining some weight?" and even some "oh my gosh you are so scary thin you are CREEPING ME OUT. " It's very annoying. Also, I can't really help being super skinny either. I eat a load of chocolate and "junk food", and I don't exercise at all. Some people have told me I would be "healthier" if I would stop being vegetarian. There is no way I will do that just to be "healthy". Do you know where meat comes from? It's beyond disgusting. Discuss that in the Animal Rights topic, though. That's all I've got to say to you right now.

  4. People kill newborns too. They call it stuff like "mercy killing" to make it sound less like "murder". And, you seem to be saying that being vegan is WRONG, and that being vegetarian is WEIRD. I am vegetarian and planning on becoming vegan when I am a teenager and can make that kind of decision. And I don't keep pets. Or go places that treat animals poorly or might. And I am against animal testing. I don't care how "important" the cause is. How can it possibly justify torturing and killing someone who did nothing wrong? Notice that I said SOMEONE instead of SOMETHING. Animals are not things, even though we often treat them that way. Animal testing takes more lives than it saves. And about fur, not only is it cruel and disgusting, it hurts the environment too. It is extremely polluting. And what kind of biased website are you using to get this information? rrgh.

  5. No, but how many people do you personal know who wear animal skin?


    And has it ever occurred to you that in very cold climates, different from your own, wearing animal skin may be a realistic and needed option? Because we wore animal skin, our ancestors survived.


    And I've seen hamsters kill their babies. I've watched cats fight and harm. I've seen chickens claw their young.


    I understand you don't think animals are 'perfect', but you have this conclusion in your head that they are pure when in fact, they are not.


    You point at a few bad people and blame the majority. It's pointless.


    Animals deserve respect, yes. They deserve to live in comfort. But to give them rights - a human application - is foolish! How would we have pets if we gave them "rights"? If they owned themselves, then no one else would be allowed to own them. If we let them freely walk around, things would get dangerous.


    If you wanted to move into a new house in a new area, you wouldn't be able to because guess what? That area probably is home to animals.


    It's just iffy to think about giving them "rights".

    Anyone who wears fur or leather is wearing animal skin. And in a way, they are pure. They just don't have "laws" or "humanity" in an animal community. They just need to live. I've never in my life seen an animal kill for a reason other than to eat it, or as an act of kindness. Cats bring in dead birds because they love you and they are trying to bring you food. It isn't for pleasure. Also, animal rights aren't the same as human rights. I'm not saying that animals should get jobs. they need different things. like space to live. As much as people need space too, people are slowly taking up so much space that animals like jaguars have nowhere to go and they die. We don't need to "control" them, we need to leave them alone! Animals have their own set of rights. They don't need everything we need, and they need some things we don't. Animals are separate, but equal.
  6. Perhaps. But it's all urked me when people use this example then brought up the clear differences between humanity and animals.




    But how are we not better? With all the things we've done to change the world, why can't we claim we are better? In sense, all animals, including humans, are programmed to support their OWN kind. The survival of their species is the most important thing. I value my own species more than any other, this is nothing to be ashamed of. All animals tend to do this. But my humanity allows me to feel for other animals - how is that not better? The only reason you care right now is because of your humanity. You would feel nothing else. We've come to a point now where we can cure illnesses. We can save animals and ourselves. You look so distraught on humanity, but I stand on the opposite end willing to defend my own species and acknowledging that we're not all evil. And animals by far are not perfect.




    Yes, it does make sense. Well, the sentence makes sense but your thought process does not to me




    That is such a horrible statement. Animals kill for pleasure. Animals kill to take other animals terrorities. And also, why are you, as a human doing nothing about it except criticize our species? Why not get out there and help change the world? There are many stories out there which lend faith in humanity, I advise you to look into them.




    I can, because you wanted to point out we are no better. But in nature, there is no 'better' or 'worse'. All species want to survive. There is nothing wrong with this. You put responsibilities on your humans, yet fail to apply them to animals. You make excuses for animals, but not for humans, who clearly can see their errors and who can empathize. My point is, yes, we are animals, and yes, as we are the only species capable of understanding "better" or "worse" we are "better" in that stance.

    That Isn't true. Animals can empathize, with each other and with other humans. And with other animals, too! There are loads of adorable stories out there on the internet. Why not search a few? And also, people kill for pleasure too. People kill other people, people kill animals, for fashion. (think leather, fur etc.) I'm not saying animals are perfect, because nothing is, I'm just saying that we are no better. Have you ever seen a lion kill a goat and wear his skin? Have you ever noticed horses "breeding" rats in revolting ways and murdering the "mistakes"? think about that.
  7. I'm sick of Christmas music already. Sorry, but it's true--all the radio stations around here have been playing nothing but Christmas music since Veterans' Day. That is waaaaay too early. And it's the same songs over and over. Jingle Bell Rock, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (which was already a terrible song, but after the eighteenth time...), It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas, and twenty different versions of Sleigh Ride. Every time I get into my car and the radio turns on, I hear one of these. Since Veterans' Day, I have listened to four seconds of each one of these at least ten times. It gets old.

    I only like the really old Christmas carols. Thank you for making me glad I don't have a radio.

  8. The awkward moment when someone reads your story and yells at you for spelling 'colour' wrong.


    Colour can be spelt color or colour. They got very agitated, told me I was a stupid Canadian, and left. O.O

    I ALWAYS spell that word colour. Everyone thinks I'm English. Americans are so stupid sometimes.

  9. I personally hate her songs myself, but her as a person, I don't have a problem with. The poor girl is only 14... Friday was a low budget song produced for her as a birthday present from her parents. Although it may pain every fiber of my soul to listen to, she actually has some pretty good vocals if you hear her sing anything decent. In 60 Minutes

    Exactly. This is the point I was trying to make, April. Thank you.

  10. I think she's famous for being bad. And, well, haters prey on 14 year olds. They always attack the kids.


    Also, seeing as her songs are Internet memes, that's just another reason why everyone hates her. Perhaps when she's older she'll be better. Or not. But to be honest, she's a bit too young to be doing things like that. From what I know, she got estactic about getting a role in a musical play and wanted to become a pop star because of it. Or something like that.


    But pop stars are NOT for kids. Only people over 20 should be allowed to do that, and we have Justin Bieber as proof. So when she's in her 20s, she'll be able to be a pop star and a good one. Maybe. There ARE a lot of bad pop stars out there that are older than 20.

    What's wrong with being a teen pop star? Think of how boring the world would be if all the world's stars were adults.

  11. Being Goth is cool! I am more of an emo myself though... I have never, ever been outside the U.S border, and all my clothes are hand me downs. So think about me next time you hate yourself, because I am seriously SICK of wearing my grandmothers clothes all the time when everyone else gets to choose what they wear. I always look like a pioneer. :(

    Also, my only electronic device ( as in my own) is a calculator. This is my dad's computer I'm using.


    *sends hugs* I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to get your boots dirty. I have a gothic shirt that I absolutely love and won't even wear it because I don't want to damage it. I've worn it a couple times. It was part of my halloween costume one year. I spent a lot of money on it and would be devastated if anything happened to it.


    The organizers for the award could have set things up better and at least told you ahead of time that there will be a picture outside so you could have planned for that by bring an extra pair of boots/shoes.


    Sounds like you really had an off day and hopefully if you talk to your mom she'll understand and an apology couldn't hurt.


    I know what it's like to have parents who are somewhat invisible and don't pay any attention to what you're going through. My mom hardly paid any attention to me. It can be quite frustrating. Maybe you could talk to your school councillor and find out ways to communicate better with your parents so they'll actually listen to you. It could be that they don't understand you, and the goth side of you and could be taking it as you worshiping Satan.


    I hope you can sort everything out and feel better about what happened and have a better day tomorrow. *sends more hugs*


    A character from NCIS, Abby is goth and I absolutely love her style! Goth attire is such a bold statement.

    you are lucky you get to spend money on clothes!! I never get any new clothing. All mine were made in the 1970s.


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  12. I have a lot of respect for Rebecca Black.


    Friday is a terrible song. But she didn't write it, and you have to admit, it IS hilarious. I couldn't help but listen to it over and over again, because it made me laugh. At the same time, she sounded terrible in it--but really, that was because they autotuned too much. I listened to the unplugged version, and she sounded WAY better.


    Here's something that no one has brought up, and it REALLY makes me respect her: she donated the profits from Friday to tsunami victims in Japan. After all the abuse she has been getting over the song, I would say she deserves to keep some money--she'll need some for therapy and protection, because people have actually been threatening her with murder and rape. That is NOT okay--it should never happen to anyone, and definitely not to a thirteen-year-old.


    And one last thing: for a now fourteen-year-old, she actually sounds pretty good. If she had waited a few years to mature, maybe take some pop voice lessons, she could have become a huge, successful star who was actually LOVED. You can't tell in Friday with all the autotune, and My Moment kind of sounded flat. (Not flat in tune, but boring flat.) But listen to

    . She sounds good. Better than most pop singers these days, really. Don't listen to the people who have a version "without autotune" because those are all fake. This one has very limited autotune--the autotune is reserved for echoes.

    Hey you know what? i almost liked Person Of Interest!! It was sort of tuneless and didn't make a heck of a lot of sense, but it was less autotuned and she sounded pretty good. thanks for the link!! And thanks to Rebecca for putting that song up!! Oh and April, by saying so there I had no intent to force you to think my opinion was right, and my opinion is just as valid as yours. Think about that for a while.

  13. I think everyone is being harsh to her.


    She wrote my moment to tell people that no matter how much they hated her, she was still going to have her moment. It wasn't to 'show off.'


    She doesn't really pretend she's a super star. So, Friday wasn't great does that make her deserve all the death threats she gets? Or people telling her she's fat, ugly and not deserving?


    She, herself, seems like a really sweet girl. I may not like her songs but I do not believe it means she deserves to be bullied. If you hate her songs, fine, criticize the songs but don't criticize her.


    Despite all the hatred she received she still came back with another song. I know if I was 14, I'd be too afraid. And gradually the hate is getting less. I don't see the point in people saying mean things to her or about her. I think they forget she's still a child. What young teen wouldn't want to have the chance to be famous?


    So no. I do not think 'My Moment' was mean. I think it was justified. All those people telling her to go kill herself are mean, cruel and just nasty. Why go to her music videos just to say hate comments about her? Like I said, she seems like a nice girl. I don't like Friday, I think My Moment is on the verge of being okay. It's simple. You don't like her music. Don't listen to it. Don't go to her pages, or her videos just to say hateful comments. Simple as that. Let the girl live her life and you live yours.


    And people may say "Oh, she's famous obviously little comments don't bother her" or "she should have expected this"


    First of, as much as anyone says something doesn't bother them, it does. I'm 18 and do you know how much it hurts when people say mean things to me? I pretend it doesn't bother me, but it does. Just because someone's famous doesn't mean they stop feeling.


    And secondly. She was 13 when this started. Obviously she expected it to be fine. She never expected Friday to get as many views as it did. It was just for fun. I really don't think at 13 she should have expected the hateful comments. That's her parents job. They should have thought that through.

    Hey. I never said anything about she herself being bad, just those stupid songs. and My Moment is almost as horrible as Friday, so there. And I still think the message of My Moment is pointless. As good a girl as she is, she is not a star. And WHO CARES if I was 1 year off on her age??


    Eh, I am not a Rebecca Black fan by any means. I tend to find her music quite aggravating actually.


    I mean, has anyone actually watched the Friday video? Why is a thirteen year old girl worrying about partying, and why are thirteen year old children driving cars? I was watching it and thinking, okay you lost me here.


    I personally believe some talent should be included when actually becoming a *star*. I believe Rebecca Black is famous for being horrible actually. They have said her song & video for Friday were the most hated on the internet before. It's being famously terrible, which makes absolutely no sense to me.


    My main problem with her is she truly doesn't really seem to try to be any better than what she has been labeled as, she is young (way too young) and is riding this "famous for being annoying" train, instead of maybe taking some of the publicity she has gotten to do a bit better.


    I have nothing against the girl personally as I do not know her personally, but for the sake of my ears & what is left of my sanity, she shouldn't be on the airwaves.... Ever! :)

    too true. Nothing is wrong with her as a person, but she is not famous for what she wants to be famous for



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  14. I myself am sort of neutral. I liked neither Friday( It was just awful, seriously) nor My Moment ( Isn't it sort of mean to write a song to tell people to shove off?) But as for her as a person I have nothing against her. She didn't write Friday, so it's just wrong to hate her for it. She's only 14 or something. Although, in my honest opinion, she has got to stop pretending she's a superstar. So what do you think??

  15. I love to gift to lots of random people on Neopets. I lurk the boards and do it. Not so much anymore as real life has downplayed my neopets time and I got into roleplaying in my guild.


    And NC is always lovely. But if I had a choice I'd pick picnik premium because i'm lame and do those lame edits. Haha.



    Ooh can you get me a poogle morphing potion?? purple is the best color but I'll take any. thank you!!

  16. That's awesome! good for you!! I've never cooked a thing in my entire life


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  17. .Neocash

    . A Faerie poogle morphing potion ( pleeeaaase?)

    . black clothing ( the kind that makes old people mutter about "the old days" )

    . a laptop computer.

    . more neocash.

    .actually, any poogle morphing potion will do. Please give me one!!

    . a cell phone ( my friends can't BELIEVE I don't have one)

    . Neopets plush, like aishas.


    If anyone can give me one of those poogle potions i talked about, please please PLEASE do. my username is Tenori_5.






  18. And they SHOULD think you're a tramp. Video games are SUCH a provocative activity! Does your mother know that you've been handling controllers? Tsk tsk!


    ...I just need to say, when I read that I started laughing. I mean, video games are one step away from Dungeons and Dragons. They're not exactly...you know...tramp activities. I'm not laughing at the fact that you got bullied; I'm laughing derisively at that person's idiocy.

    What the heck is WRONG with Dungeons and Dragons?? I play all the time.

  19. I know you guys guys may disagree, but beauty does matter, a lot. I mean, being beautiful significantly changes your social life. You probably don't think about this, but would you really want to date someone with, I don't know, acne all over their face even if they were really nice? Didn't think so. <_<

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