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Status Updates posted by Jacky

  1. Welcome back, hun! ^_^ Hope you are feeling a little better...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Saxen


      Crap, was too long! I'll continue XD - and although it looks like it's probably not celiac at this point there's definitely something going on. Grapes, strawberries and spinach make me physically sick, which is apparently a sign of gluten intolerance. I really don't know what's up, stupid body lol. How are you/have you been??

    3. Jacky


      I've been OK. Still having the same problems as before and it's all a big mystery as to what it is. time for more tests I guess... XD Anyway, besides that I've been doing pretty good. :)

    4. Saxen


      I'm sorry the culprit hasn't been discovered yet :( I really hope it's soon *hugs*. Glad that you're doing well otherwise though and that you're still around these parts ^_^ x

  2. ugh, been fighting with my laptop all day... Stupid viruses! BUT...: I got it all off and it's running smooth as ever! I rock. B)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jacky


      Oh, and I run malwarebites twice weekly, and ccleaner whenever I think of it.


    3. Angeló


      I also need a new battery for my HP :)


      I use ESET smart security for everything (AV + malware protection) and it's great ...

    4. Jacky


      I will look into that. Maybe it's a good idea to switch AV's


  3. Hun, check your Neo account. I finaly got my hands on your Christmas gift! Better late than never, right?? ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jacky


      You are very welcome hun. ^^ I wanted a special gift for you, and it looks like I succeeded in that. ;) It looks beautiful on your Peopha! ♥ *hugs*


    3. Angeló


      a friend mentioned that Peopha has an air of romance to her , and after i installed the background i realized she was right ..

    4. Jacky


      She does! Especially with Igneot's fire flower thingy. It suits her perfectly. :D

  4. OMG wow.... 0_o LOL

    1. Mouseykins


      Agreed! Happy Birthday too!! :D

    2. Emily


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~(','~) (~',')~ \\('-'\\) (/'-')/ \\('-'\\) Dance party!!

    3. Jacky


      Thanks gals! ♥ *dances with you*


  5. Yay, I finished NQ II :D

    1. remederp



      I need to work on Evil mode :c


      Also hi I'm Michael I'm new to the forums and was lurking around profiles like a creep :3

    2. Jacky


      Thanks! And welcome! I only finished on normal mode. :P I played for the avatars and figured that I had gotten that far, I might as well play on for the trophy, right? ;) I might pick it up on a higher level later on, but right now I'm pretty much quested-out XD


    3. remederp


      Oh I know right, it's awful. I bet you enjoyed Chapter 3: the lost desert one. Omg that one was so grueling for me. Ps I think I will send you a neomail because I will know when you respond :P Especially since I'm spamming AC games xD

  6. I've been thinking about getting skeletal wings for Phooca, so I figured I'd buy a couple winged caosules. one gave me mechanical wings, which I actually like, 2nd gave me wings of fire, which I already had. So I went back and bought another, and got another wings of fire. Meh. Figured I'd buy one more and if I didn't get it that would be the last one. Got the carnival wings, pretty! And to top it off, I got the Skeletals! *happy*

    1. hrtbrk


      LUCKY! Congrats!!!

      Aren't caps are the worst? They're so addicting but rarely give you want you want :( Phooca looks great!

    2. Jacky


      Yes horrible! I couldn't believe it when I saw I got it on the last one. :D I hardly ever buy capsules, just for that reason. I have gotten lucky before though, back in 2009 i bought 1 shenkuu lantern capsule, and got the paper lantern staff from it. :D


      Thank you! ^_^

    3. hrtbrk


      Whoa! Now THAT is some real cap luck lol There are people who'd trade an organ for a paper lantern staff lol

  7. Having a hard time with this new layout. I feel like an idiot. XD

    1. Angeló


      me too and you have to click on the Status to comment on it ! >_<

    2. khaos


      Clicking on a status to comment bugs me ._.'

    3. Jacky


      And I didn't even see I had responses until I went to my profile..... DX


  8. Just saw "The curious case of Benjamin Button". Very impressive. I love how it is so gloomy and Burtonesque. ♥

    1. Angeló


      one of my favorite movies ever :)

    2. Jacky


      And it gets even scarier... LOL


      I guess you either love or hate movies like this. I know a lot of people that didn't like it. I am a total Tim Burton addict and this reminded me so much of the atmosphere in Edward Scissorhands and Sweeney Todd that I just fell in love with it. ^^, I think it is very much like Big Fish, too, by the way. Another one of those movies you either love or hate.

    3. Angeló


      I have an active imagination and i could totally relate to movies like that - I thoroughly enjoyed Big Fish as well .. :)

  9. I JUST GOT LENT BGC!!!!!! *bouncy*

    1. hrtbrk


      JELLY! Congrats on the lend :D

    2. Jacky


      Thank you! ^^

  10. *does a victory dance* :P

    1. remederp
    2. Jacky


      Why did I not get a notification for this? :/ *shakes fist at TDN* ANYWAAAYYYYY..... *Does another victory dance* :P

  11. I hope you didnt buy your quest item yet. check the faerie quest topic, there's a link to a shop that has it for 10k

    1. Bodhi


      Oh, nooooo! I gave up the quest. :(

    2. Jacky


      awwww I'm sorry :( But even the 100k would have been worth it really... seeing a baby pb is already 600 and for something like wraith the pbs run in the millions....


      Maybe you will get another one. If you do, keep it and send me a nm on wabla666. I have the super shop wiz so I automatically get the lowest price there is. :)

  12. OMG! got a PDE at the shore today :D

    1. Finn the Human

      Finn the Human

      Congratulations. Sorry *late*

    2. Jacky


      haha, no problem! Thank you! ^_^


    1. Angeló


      *sigh* stop reminding me :(

    2. Jacky


      *pouts* :(

  14. YAY! Leve; 50, finally!!! That purple meter looks so awesomely good! LOL

    1. Saxen


      Congrats! :D

    2. Angeló


      bravaaaaa *applauds*

  15. Jacky

    Here's the link to my trades for the obsidian daggers. good luck getting the avvie! ^_^

  16. wow, just noticed I'm not a newbie anymore! :D LOL

  17. I just read the book "The Hidden Tower" to Gunnslinger. I thought you'd enjoy that :D

    1. Angeló


      heheh omg !!! I wasn't aware of it :) I'll definitely read it :)

    2. Angeló


      V00D00 says 'Im getting smarter!'


      It didn't disappear !!!! :D

  18. hey hun! ^_^ I think you will find a couple nice gifts when you log on to darkobsession. ;) One from me and one from a willing charter who was nice enough to send you something when I asked her ;) Hoe you like them!

    1. Jacky
    2. Jacky


      I did some more sweet talking for you. LOL


      Halfway there! I wish I could see your face when you log back in :D

  19. So..... When would you call a pet a BD pet? Is there a minimum in stats that it needs to be BD? and what is "semi-BD"? *ponders*

    1. chibi_chibi_tsukino


      I think it starts around HSD 400-450. Semi is like HSD 200. Maybe XD

  20. *waves* ^_^

    1. Angeló


      hello sai Jackie :)

  21. AAARGH!!! Working on the NQ1 avatar, and I was fighting Archie Roo, and got him down to 20 and I was 50. Darn thing drained all my life and now I need to get all my healing potions back AND fight him all over again..... *sigh*

    1. Jacky


      and got the avvie :D


  22. wow, your hair looks pretty cool like that! :D I had it purple and blue when I was about 20 or so. :)

    1. Saxen


      Thanks hun :D I bet that looked awesome on you! I used to have it pink and blue a couple of years ago :)

  23. *pokes* Check the newest addition to my neo account. :D

  24. *does a little dance on your lookup*

    Whatsup? :)

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