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Posts posted by Kaana

  1. i personally think of my pets as a sentimental value more than what they're "worth" .. one of my oldest pets is my Red Cybunny .. and I have no plans for painting him ... :) for me the color just reflects the personality of the pet :)


    As with I, but try telling the PC that...


    Gah... it's just that I poured my heart and soul into an app for a desert xweetok... and not only did I not get picked, the owner didn't notify me. Which I would be ok with if they didn't specifically state that they would be notifying everyone who applied. According to the petpage, I was the only other applicant for him too... /rant

  2. I read all three books over three days. Everything in spoilers is peppered with spoilers so nyah. Also rant alert. Still processing.




    I feel absolutely drained. I think after the first hundred pages in the first book, I just switched off. I still feel really empty. Not in the "Wow, I really feel that the story's not over. What happens next?" way I felt about Harry Potter. Although that's really an unfair comparison. No, this is like "I really need a hug and to talk to someone about it" because I don't really know what to think. I couldn't make myself gasp in all the right places. Finnick was my favourite character, and I only felt a bit bad for Anne when he died. Only for a second. I feel I should've been more repulsed by the Games, but I was just kind of meh about them from the start. I was sad Thresh died. Rue, I knew would die. I could more or less tell when someone was gone - the ones Katniss liked could not, would not be allowed to die by her hands. The "suspense" around her frustrated me because I knew she wasn't going to die (one of the reasons I really dislike first person) and all that happened was that I got frustrated with her hallucination scenes and the connections that she'd make so far after me.


    Almost from the moment Katniss started thinking about how ridiculous she thought she looked in the dress on T.V. I pegged her as a Sue. No, it was really confirmation. May the odds be ever in your favour. All of the odds were in her favour from the viewpoint of anyone even basically genre savvy. Yes, it was horrible what she had to go through, but I expected more from these books. Maybe I went in with my expectations too high, but I felt let down. I wanted to have my pants scared off me. Instead, I found myself struggling to care. But I got emotionally invested in Gale. Business man in 2? Anything but that. Gale would have gone back to the mines before you could stick him in a suit. I admit, I'm probably hurting more because I sided Katniss/Gale, with Peeta/Delly as a thing I thought might happen. No, of course. But I can't help thinking Peeta's too soft for Katniss, a talker, not a fighter.


    I think it comes down to what Keiwo said about the ending being rushed. It was. I think we found out what happens to everyone within... ugh, I don't even know, and most of that's Peeta and Katniss. I swear the descriptions of the opening festival was longer. Which was another thing that bothered me. I was very surprised when I realised that over half of each of the first two books was lead up to the actual Games. I suppose I can see why the focus was put on the opening festival in the first book, but it was more unnecessary in the second, in my opinion. In fact, the amount of times the author repeated things really bugged me. For almost any series, I find it weird that people pick up the second book before the first (the exceptions being series where the author has written prequel(s)) and expect to know what's going on.




    Ok, that was me an hour ago. Call that the second reaction. I want to wrap this up, so everything else in dot points

    • Everything after Tigris' shop, I couldn't read for more than two minutes at the time. It was the same as the last 3/4 of Breaking Dawn - it's not that it couldn't hold my attention, I was just so impatient for the end to happen.
    • There was so much focus on the love triangle in the 2nd book, it was difficult to focus on war plans in the third.
    • That being said, it did keep me reading. In fact, the all of the books were really good at drawing you in and keeping you there. The imagery is stunning. (I have something positive to say? *gob smacked*)
    • I never go that "oh, stuff just got serious" feeling. I wouldn't usually compare to Harry Potter (again) but my reaction was weird enough that it's ok-ish. In HP, I got the osjgs feeling when Harry was leaving after Snape died. I got through Fred dying, Sirius dying, Dumbledore dying, even. It wasn't even actually Snape's death that got me. It was some stupid bit of description. I never got the osjgs feeling during the Hunger Games. At all. That's weird.




    And as a non-spoiler, it was the first book, or series, that ever made me want to have a stupid conversation. About nothing. I can't remember ever wanting a nothing conversation - I usually shy away from them. So yes, just reactions. Just reactions.

  3. This is what I, personally, have come up with so far. Ideas? Suggestions? Oh, and sorry, the far right where there is a green dot but no name? That is supposed to say cloud negg.



    Yes, I was going to make one of these myself soon. I love these things so much.

  4. Yep, no maraquan, mutant or baby pets can wear normal clothes, as well as all fruit/vegetable chias.


    There is one maraquan compatable dress, two mutant things, nothing for the chias, but there is a bunch of baby stuff, so hopefully they'll release more stuff soon. And yes, it's all NC.


    I also think the masks from Masks of Dread can be worn by maraquans... maybe?

  5. I KNOW right?? I was always so confused when kids in movies didn't like veggies. I've never tried brussel sprouts, another popularly unpopular veggie, but I think I'd like it :P


    Brussel sprouts are delicious.



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  6. Any pet-focused website that has more on its homepage about human avatars than pets loses my interest completely. I like that it is definitely more mature-orientated (bloodred, anyone?), but I don't think I could handle doing neopets and subeta.



    I looked at some of the art and thought "they are going to make fine UC's one day" xD

  7. I remember when I had three cards, over two accounts. I was constantly playing the "where's the box" game. Stuff like "I'll send you 3 caps from my side and the MME and another cap from my main" Good times...not... I don't know, I kind of think gift boxes should be free, or at least very very cheap.

  8. Actually, I'm not christian. I'm muslim. We have the same bit about the tattoos actually, but its pretty vague, and my aunt has one. I'm actually talking about the clear things. My religion is reallllyy clear about some things that most people (of my religion) choose to ignore in favor of their 'interpretations' of the language ex. this word could be symbolic and not literal so its totally fine for me to go and drink alcohol, or they twist the words or use synonyms etc.


    My sect considers crab to be haram (un-kosher?) but my mom's friend (who is of the same sect) calls it "mother-of-shrimp" and refuses to acknowledge that they are the same creature, so she eats crab.


    A girl with me in high school told me that her mother read the quran and didn't see anything that meant you had to cover your hair, so neither she nor her mother wear hijab. I really don't care if they don't, but I think its...illogical of them. Do they think (the majority of) the rest of the female muslim population like wearing long sleeves etc in the summer? Did someone just read a word wrong and everyone went along with it? The rule is there, whether or not you choose to follow it is up to you, just don't tell me that millions of women around the world are enduring prejudice for no reason because they don't know how to read.


    If someone came to you and started debating about the meaning of the word "adultery" in the bible "thou shalt not commit adultery" and said it actually meant something else and everyone was being faithful in marriages for absolutely no reason. People just can't understand the wording as well as this person could. Its really annoying, but it happens a lot around me.


    Crab is bad because they are known to eat dead human bodies, if I recall correctly. Maybe you want to tell your aunt that xD


    On a more serious note, yes, I know of the hijab thing. I have a muslim friend who doesn't wear hers, and her mother wears only the head bit, not the face covering. Additionally, my friend has convinced her mother to let her wear shorts and tank tops, but the mother is so strict she's not allowed to date non-muslims (which obviously limits dating partners somewhat).


    It's a bit like, now you mention it, adultery in the bible. The general argument is "god created a man and a woman so nuclear families are good". But very early on in the bible we see polygamy, sex slavery and direct incest (two daughters and a father) - but God never said anything about that. Does that make those ok? Flip, Solomon had 400 wives and 600 concubines on top of that. No one ever says "hey, that's weird", cause God didn't say anything about it. It could be interpreted that incest and polygamy and sex slavery is all ok. Our society clearly states at all of these are wrong. And goodness help us if it's ever seen as right again.


    So much context has to be considered with these things - stuff like it being common, even expected, to marry into your family would never be acceptable these days. But it's talked about because that was the way things were at the time; same with women being more object than human. No one could say that treating a human being like an object is acceptable now. But the bible says it's ok, does that mean we should do it? No.


    I don't know a lot about the quran, but I would be interested to know what it says, and what its context is.




    I only like soft cheese and processed cheese - the ones that come in single serves. I don't like hard cheese.

  9. Can I guess this is what the 'Real Negg Faerie' yurble wants to get his hands on? I mean, why would a normal Neopet want to interfere with the affairs of a Faerie without wanting to bring around something beneficial to themself?


    [immediately I thought Xandra there. I wish I had been around for the Faerie's Ruin plot ;^; Xweetoks and Faeries? It's my area!]


    EDIT: There's something off about this Faerie's smile...


    Hmm, evil smile of evilness? Possible. If someone was secretly evil, it would be Zaira. The Yurble Foreman is too beloved. But it would be a bit tight to fit in another mini plot after roo island - it would also be odd to have one similar to TFR.

  10. Found my big negg in the colouring pages - they all seem to be there.


    And the case of the mysterious negg is finally starting. I don't think we have to do anything for it today, but it looks like it's going to be more link-clicking... unless all of the big neggs we are gathering will SUPER TRANSFORM into this mysterious negg? Hmm...

  11. Selling a Lupe Hunter Jacket




    Also looking for advice on price - no one else on the TP had one up. Fair?


    Now selling a "Butter with roll" - gourmet item. Link to lot http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=id&search_string=381057717. Willing to discount heavily to TDN members, just drop me a nm with your TDN username or, even better, PM here.


    There are no users who groom, feed yummy food to, buy clothing, and play with there pets. It's really hard. Or at least that's what it feels like.



    Well it's kinda hard to tell when someone does all this stuff for their pets, aside from customisation of course.


    And you are definitely not a freak! You love your pets just like me, at least, and I wouldn't find it hard to believe that most others here love their pets too. You just express it in a different way.


    (Interweb?) Journal for good times = yes. Interweb journal for bad times = no. I agree with Batman, because that's what works for me. What works for you?

  13. I would say... oh this is tricky! I'm afraid I'm gonna phrase it wrong.


    What I'm seeing is that there's this name you really love, and you want to use it on some pet, and you kinda want a draik, sortakinda, but you're afraid if you don't like her after a while you'll just feel stupid and it'd be weird to morph a draik.


    So, WHY do you think it'd be weird to morph a draik? Just because of the value associated with them? The main point here seems to be you want this name to go perfectly with the pet. So focus on the relationship between the name and the species/colour - if you need to morph her sometime, do it! It's more important that you are happy with the visual representation of this name that you obviously hold dearly, than having a draik.


    If a draik works right now, sure, do it. If at some point a mutant ogrin is more appropriate, do that. Whatever you look at and think "yes, that's her". Your choice.



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